Ticket exemption for health services

Good day,
I am an italian citizen and I have returned to Italy after a lenghty stay in South Africa (30yrs +).
I am found myself in the situation that I cannot apply for the ticket exemption for services rendered by the health department because the requirements are that a person has to have been previously employed in Italy.
I have never worked in Italy and I have been unable to find employment as yet and I find it difficult to pay for specialists visits and for the ticket on pharmacy dispensed medications.
Is there anyone who have a suggestion or a similar experience?
Much appreciated

I guess you might have to look into private insurance? Have the doctors suggested anything, might worth asking with them as well?

Well, thanks but private insurance's costs are very high. I want to try and apply for an exemption on the grounds of low income but apparently one of the requirements is to have been previusly employed in Italy.
Thanks anyway for your suggestion.

Hello, well I never heard that, about previous employment.  If you look at 

http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/esenzi … nzioni.jsp

you'll see it's for low income, particular health problems, invalidity or pregnancy.  You should look at Esenzioni per reddito.

Good luck Olivia

Thank Olivia, I really appreciate it.
Bye now

This is what I was referring to:

5. Cosa si intende per disoccupato?
Ai fini del riconoscimento del diritto all'esenzione, si considera disoccupato il cittadino che abbia cessato per qualunque motivo (licenziamento, dimissioni, cessazione di un rapporto a tempo determinato) un'attività di lavoro dipendente e sia iscritto al Centro per l'impiego in attesa di nuova occupazione. Non può considerarsi disoccupato il soggetto che non ha mai svolto attività lavorativa, né il soggetto che abbia cessato un'attività di lavoro autonoma, né chi è in cassa integrazione guadagni, sia essa ordinaria che straordinaria. Sono, invece, equiparati ai disoccupati i lavoratori in mobilità.