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How can an Indian get a job visa to move to Ireland?I am a BPO  process Trainer, would I be eligible to get a job there?

See also

Professional visas in IrelandPermitted family visa optionSouth African Partner joining EU national in IrelandMoving from South Africa to Ireland with EU partner.Marriage - Non-EU and EU National - Visa query - Covid 19 Pandemic

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

I have no idea what a BPO process trainer is and your information doesn't say much to help me clarify it.  So, to answer your question, the Irish have a highly skilled occupation list; if your profession fits into that profile then you should be eligible to get a job there.  The downside of this is that even if you are on the list, you'll be competing with other BPO process trainers, so no guarantees, but it will put you near the front of the eligible queue.  This link takes you to the current copy of the list.

The other side of work-based visas is that you need to understand at the outset that these are temporary, there is no guarantee at the end of your visa that it will be extended and you may have to go back home.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


Thanks so much! Appreciate that

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