
Flight ticket

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I am not in retirement age yet (45) .
I am looking to buy a retirement property in the north coast but I will need to fly often to supervise the business.  Only problem Is the flight ticket to those airports on the north coast are really higher that the ones to santo domingo are least from miami fl.
Any suggestion will be appreciated.
Thanks guys.

See also

Driving in the Dominican RepublicUS airlines and checked luggageBUYING A VEHICLE IN DRWhat is the motorcycle culture in the DR ?Shipping a car to the DR

Yes because the north coast is a tourism destination and not a business center.  Flights to Santiago and Santo Domingo are much less expensive as there is a lot of "other" travel and many more scheduled flights.


Thank you planner. Do you know the cheapest way to go from santo domingo to sosua.. just trying to figured out a way to go from miami to sosua for cheap. Maybe buying a motorcycle?

the tinker40

That would be a 250 mile bike ride, plus a place to store it at the airport. I belonged  to a biker club & trust me, you don't want to do it. Taking the bus is the most economical way. Takes time,but cheap.


JetBlu from FLL to STI is less than $400 round trip. Taxi from STI to Sosua is $80 to $100. Spirit from FLL to STI is a bit cheaper but it's middle of the night.


Okay from Santo Domingo to Sosua is about a 4.5 hour bus ride! And taxi from  SD airport to Bus,  SD Bus to Sosua - US $10.  Inexpensive but long.

You may be much better to  fly into Santiago.  From santiago airport is taxi to bus station,  then  about a 2.5  hour bus ride to Sosua. Cost is like US 6 I think. 

And of course you do it in reverse when leaving. It will eat into your cost savings and can add 2 days to your trip depending on timing.


And remember each trip  you will likely be bringing things with you,  factor that into your transportation plans. Motorcycle is out I think......LOL


LOL why I am so cheap 😩  Anyways guys thank you so much you are being very helpful. 
Then taxis from SD to sosua are $80 to $100? That sound like a great opción. The flights  I have found to north coast are like $800


Sorry guys now I realize STI means santiago airport not SD.

Bob K

We live on the north coast between Sosua and Cabarete and often will fly from STI rather than POP because of the huge price difference.  Even with the  $100 cab ride we are still far ahead of the game.
Bob K


Thanks. Yes that look like the best opción. A better one will be buying a motorcicle and keeping it on a friend house close to the airport (LOL)💰


Noooooooo  you dont want to ride that road from Santiago to Sosua honey!

the tinker40

Especially in the middle of the night.  I've been a biker since 1956, raced Scrambles (early moto-cross), rode up to a year ago or so. Failing vision got me off my V-Star. I'm 78 & still would ride if I could see.   BUT, at any age , I would not make that trip at night. Not even in the day light with the road conditions the way that they are.  Rubber Down is always best. I know people who can inspect your construction in between your visits.   Road rash hurts, if lucky, that is the least of the damage.  Keep your balls on you, not smeared all over the road.  You will solve the problem.


The mountain route is terrible. Thinking of using RD 5 to RD 1 next time. Any updates on the construction project?



I am not making a new construction. I am trying to buy an small hotel or an oceanfront villa.
Realtor's please do not use this post to try to sell me overpriced buildings.  I am a Caribbean born an a great negotiator cash payer.


Thanks Alex! I was asking about the construction on RD 5. Look forward to meeting.


Sorry Jgolack. I misunderstood you. Sure we will meet 👍


Jet Blue flies from FLL to STI direct and cheap. And you get a carry on and a personal item included. Part of the yea the flights are at night. But even that is better than $$$ to POP. Santo Domingo is too far away. If you plan to make regular trips, you can probably make arrangements with a driver and save some money on the cab ride. Don't Moto at night!

A benefit of flying into STI is  being able to stock up or get things in bigger stores than available in Sosua. IKEA is in Santiago. Jumbo is in Puerto Plata. And there is a place by the fire station in Puerto Plata that has awesome quipe and empanadas.

A second cruise ship port is going in at Amber Cove in Puerto Plata. We are hoping that might eventually bring prices down. Unfortunately Punta Cana is the government's favorite. 😕

Check out the Everything Sosua/Cabarete Facebook page. There is some transportation info there.


Good post. However a 2nd cruise ship port won't bring down prices in a tourist area. Don't wait for prices to come down honey.


Not waiting, hoping. 😎 We already have October and January trips ticketed.

A report I read yesterday said the latest cruise ship totally bypassed Puerto Plata/Amber Cove and headed straight to New York. 6,000 people.

The smoke from the landfill fire is so bad, people can't breathe. IMHO, that better get fixed ASAP or the port won't last long.


That garbage dump was there long before  Carnival chose their location.   Carnaval has always known about this issue. The fire is new.... but it has happened before.

I imagine that the smoke is toxic and this needs to be resolved!  Imagine the people living near there?!Imagine the ground water after the rains!

Yes I understand hope honey. I know that more cruise passengers = more tourists = more return visitors!  That is where the real benefit comes.  The statistics from a few years ago in the industry showed that for all the people who get off the ship and visit or do an excursion,  20% will return for a vacation in the next  2 - 3 years. That is the huge benefit to cruise ships!

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