
One Way Flights


Has anyone ever booked one way over from the states and waited to book back from RD?

I am thinking that immigration might want proof that you are heading back in a timely manner?

You know me. Always looking for the cheaper travel angle. 😎

See also

Driving in the Dominican RepublicOUCH!! I flunked the DR's "practical" Driving Test!!!Drivers licenseUS airlines and checked luggageBUYING A VEHICLE IN DR

Booked one way to get here, and booked a one way to go back  a number of times. Have had a couple of times where I had to show a return ticket at the airport.


You have to be careful on this.  Legally if you are not a resident you must show proof of return ticket. The airlines are legally required to check and can refuse your boarding without one.

Often the airlines do not check. Risk is yours to take or not. Many buy a changeable or cancel able return ticket.


I have always flown one way.  Never had a problem until last November, coming out of Burbank on Jet Blue.  NEVER AGAIN!  Jet Blue gate agent a real b...h.  I have never been asked to show return when landing in DR, over 20 years!  But the JB harridan would not let me, board.  Had to buy $500 one way to Miami returnable to get on my flight. As I said, DR people never a problem.  LA the worst.  Will never fly JB again.  Delta and American never a peep.


and that can change at any time. ALL airlines are required to check.  But some don't.

the tinker40

I fly handicapped. Curbside check-in never asked for anything. They just push the wheelchair through. Never ask for proof of handicap, I'm just about totally blind. I have never bought round trip tickets.  Never intended to return anyway. They should concentrate on the illegals who just sail in or walk across the border.


What they should or should not do sadly is not up to us!  Each country has the right to make their laws and enforce (or not) as they see fit.  Sad but true.