Obtaining driving license from Latvia without resident permit ?

Dear expats,

I find my self in a bit of a sticky situation with regards to obtaining my driving license.

I have lived in Riga for 5 years while studying for my bachelors, with a valid resident permit for studies. I decided that before i left Riga i would obtain a driving license and so in the last of year of my studies i completed a driving school theory course and passed the theory exam with the CSDD and and even took some lessons and attempted the driving exam. However, i was unsuccessful and gave up and left Riga to go back to my home country (UK) after my studies finished (and consequently my permit expired).

I recently decided to come back to Riga to retake the practical exam before my theory exam expired and luckily i passed. However, when i went to collect my driving license from the CSDD they said that i cannot do so because i am not a resident and i would need to be for a minimum of 183 days.

Does anyone know what options are available for me to get the license from the CSDD? Or what kind of permit i should look into considering i only want my license?

You have no option open to you. You must apply for a residents permit .To buy one is around 26 euro for three years. You must have had 3 months living here and an address. If you tell them you are leaving to go back to EU then no you will not be able to have a license here. Contact British Embassy in Elizabeth street Riga ask if being a student and having passed a driving test here allows you to protest over refusal to obtain that said license. Embassy is your only hope. Good luck , but what i find hard is why you came here to study when our education back home in UK is far better and higher graded than any place outside.I took degree in uni but here nothing like it exists. I am but a resident house owner here but I have all that any Latvian has including voting. Medical costing same as they pay but thank God no need of any of it as yet. I passed my driving test in London 1978 and when I came here changed it to Latvian license when old own expired on retirement. No problems as they carry over all driving levels on back of license you have. No speeding points though. I can drive all over the world just the same as British License. I f I go home simply change back to British. You may not be able to now as did not have British license before and now the idiots are out of our club rules. You may well have to pass that test again in UK. Ask our Embassy I think they are just great here all young and willing to be of help to me when I came here. Some 700 came to the Christmas party on invite from Embassy met lots of nice easy people there.Why do you want to go back to UK,is it for better pay, then yes I fully agree.Embassy direct 3*** ask for Miss s Harper. Tell her what you have asked on ex pats.

Thank you for your reply, Naesby. I came to Latvia to study Dentistry and at that time the tuition fee was far cheaper in Latvia than in the UK and also more economical living out here. That combined with the fact my wife also got a study place in Latvia (the only place we were both accepted) were my reasons for coming here  :)

I'll definitely give the embassy a ring to see if something can be done about my situation though i'm doubtful as the CSDD told me that it is very strict with any form of appeals since the issuing of licences is due to EU rules and regulations.

At the moment, my wife is finishing of her final year of studies and i'm looking into if i can get a residence permit via her, for example as a spouse, or perhaps as a job seeker (not sure if that's even possible).


i live in swede,how can  i take driving licence in Latvia

@Tiger_5 Once your settled give me s shout I live around the village of Liepupe Salacgrivas novads .I know most English people who now live over here. Maybe useful to you

Hello Naesby,

Thank you for trying to help Tiger_5 but unfortunately, it's been years since Tiger_5 was last active.


Expat.com team

It came up as new in my text message Yahoo. No matter many thanks for telling me I can forget it now .One less thing of concern


i need i formation for drivind licence C .i live in sweden. if i move in latvia it easy driving licence?

@Naesby What do you mean by "To buy one is around 26 euro for three years."? Are you talking about residence permit?

@chudnOary25  No as it must be where you live to be address linked

@chudary25 If you have a driving license already yes you can exchange it if you come to Latvia but only when registered as resident


I am a Spanish citizen of the EU and would like to reside in Latvia for a month. Can I take the driving exam within a month of living in Latvia?


You must register address 6 month in latvia then you do that


Who are you talking to?


how did your driving license goes?

I am also swedish citizen wants to get C license

I'm Moroccan citizen and I got All types of forklift driving license