
Amazon purchases downside

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Just a word of warning to those of us who purchase from Amazon. Its fine if the goods work, but if there is something wrong with item, then frankly you're screwed as I found out before.

Well I use CPS for shipping, which are very good and reliable at reasonable cost.
Unfortunately same cant be said if one has to send same item back to Amazon,, cost is astronomical !

Well last time item was not worth that much and as it was worth less than the crazy shipping cost,  just wrote it off.
Should have learned my lesson then, but there you go :-(

This time took a chance and bought one of these mini PCs which look useful for travel. Well received OK , cost 400 peso shipping.
All was fine, then the bloody thing packed up after 2 days!
So wrote to Amazon they said they will refund. Contacted CPS re return and yep... the usual shock- 4000 Peso return shipping, so 10 times as much as receiving !!
Amazon wont help, although if in US would be no problem and free return I think, but once item has left US thats it you're screwed, they dont want to know.

So whatever happens even if I get refund thats over $80 lost in return shipping for an item which lasted 2 days.
One is not a happy bunny!!

So my advice is think twice before buying expensive items which may go wrong, like electronics etc

Well just seems crazy paying 10 times as much for sending than receiving, been trying to find alternatives some service which may be less expensive but no luck so far.

A guy in England suggested EMS which apparently does international shipping did some searching and they do have office here it seems, but in Santo D.
Wrote to them but as I found out before, Dominican companies are totally useless at answering mails, they hardly ever do.
So stuffed at the moment .Anyone know a more reasonable service in Sosua/ PP area?

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideWhat you can and can't buy in the DRAmazon orderingSirena Puerto Plata ChristmasUsed furniture

My advice - understand all of what you are getting into before doing anything.

We know that shipping out of here is a big expense!  This is not Amazon"s fault or.problem. 

You can try BM cargo. Their rates in are better than CPS but i do not know their ship out rates.

I understand your frustration, lesson learned.


Well yeah I knew the risks as I been stung before and Yes its not really Amazons fault, Usually they are fair with refunds.
Still seems a bit weird though one has to pay 10 times more for sending stuff back. Thats a hell of a difference from 400 to 4000 !!
One would have thought some company might get into the act and offer cheaper service which could be a business opportunity...but then maybe there just aint the demand.

Anyway no more purchases from Amazon for me, with items that can go wrong electronics, computers, etc off the old shopping list!


I agree. Big difference in price. I dont understand it at all!!!

I am careful with amazon ebay and all stores what i buy and ship in!

Bob K

You might see if someone is going back to the US in the near future and can then mail the item back from there.

Bob K


Yeah thanks Bob, that did in fact occur to me and would of course pay any  expenses they may have as in driving to UPS office etc if necessary
Guess time to hit social media :-)


Further to this actually had a message on Facebook where someone suggested it might be worth sending parcel with local Dominican Post office which would be a lot cheaper

Well never considered that having seen the shambolic so called postal system in Sosua office.
But this person said they had no problems sending parcels although takes about 3 weeks to arrive. They even offer tracking although this sometimes dont work.
>They do offer tracking. Doesnt always work. Not sure about a guarantee but i havent >had any issues in the last 6 months
Mmmh is it worth the risk, I dont know?


Never ever ever!!!!!


Definitely connect with other Expats who travel between DR and mainland more often...our neighbors aren't shy about ordering things on Amazon and having them shipped to us...when they are small...and we bring things back to mail for them all the time. As for CPS, we've had like 6 big shipments with Amazon and one from Wayfair with CPS...gotten lucky...we flew in with all our electronics; TV, Playstation, DVD player, etc.  Also shipped generator, pressure washer, etc...pricey, but everything arrived unharmed. Been lucky so far, I guess.

Caribbean wantabe

Q.  Would it cost that much to mail the same package to a friend or family member in the states,  or is it because it's a return to Amazon?

If it's the latter then can you send to someone in U.S.  who can handle the return for you? Otherwise, Bob's suggestion might be the way to go until an alternative solution can be worked out.   

If an alternative solution is not an option, then maybe you should investigate that business opportunity for yourself.

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