Looking for a job

Hello guys and girls,

I am Candy from South Korea. I am looking for a job in Morocco.
I worked in international development field such NGOs and CBOs for 4 years. Now, I am studying in international development at master level.
Is there anyone who work for NGOs in Morocco? It would be great to talk and share information each other, and know specific websites for a job vacancy? I would appreciate your comments.


Hi am looking for a job in moroccan

Hi everyone,

Please drop an advert in the dedicated section of the website if you are looking for a job : Jobs in Morocco

You will also be able to create your cv.

All the best

Hi Candy,

Nice to meet you :) I think I am looking for the very same job vacancies that you are interested, I have a Master's in International Relations. Please could I ask you to suggest any forums or employment agencies that you might know of that I could try while we wait for people to reply to this thread! Chat soon.

Hey candy, Nice to know you, I think I might help you if you contact me, I am only 17 but I have a lot of information about working here in Morocco.
I also will be a good help for you in anything you want (: