Any way to report strange messages?

I got a private message with a business proposal (selling coffee???) and I would like to report this. I think it is a missuse of the platform to send messages like that. (spam) It would be good to build it a "Report" button or something like that.


Hello mimie,

You can report any messages/user by clicking on the report link (found below of the post) or by clicking the contact us link!

Can I have the name of the user/spammer! We will take appropriate measures instantly.


Yes I saw that, but that felt a bit unpractical, wanted to forward the message directly. But Thank you, will send you the information..

Also, there is no appropiate subject to choose, maybe you could add "Reporting message/user" or something :)


is this user tsegayefanta ?

our anti spam detected him -> account deleted

Thanks for your message

Oui, exactament :) merci beaucoup!

have a nice day!

Just started a new 'topic' SPAM before I read this message.  This site really has to get more advanced (serious)about its privacy protection.  I've been bugged before and it was a total disaster when years of saved data, friends and acquaintances was stolen and then bugged in return.  Had to give up an old e-mail address. Not selling our addresses are you? 

That'll get them hopping!

auntyskitchen wrote:

This site really has to get more advanced (serious)about its privacy protection.

It's not a privacy protection issue, as explained here … 380#259527 you posted your email address on a public forum !

We are doing our best to moderate the forum, but we just can't delete all the emails posted on the forums

I like the emmergency at which you handle peoples complaints.Thumbs up 4 u

I am new user and i sent some msgs and now i have problem,the anti-spam systems says I need to post a few times on the forum, in order to be able to sent private messages. what i have to do?

Hello demetres,

Everything is explained here:


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