Job at Mount sinai hospital -[CONFIRMED SCAM- Beware!]

hi Friends

I am from india and looking for a Physical Therapist job in USA. I used to apply for vacancies which are advertised on web.Recently I got a mail from Mount Sinai Hospital NEW YORK for the position of Physical Therapist offering 9500 US dollar per month

Email  is career-mountsinaihospital@surgical. net

address is given as:-

One Gustave L. Levy Place
New York, NY 10029-6574

phone: +16463960611 Fax is also same: +16463960611

HR manager Name is written as Philip Morgan.

I rung this number and who pick up the phone introduced himself as Dr.Philp Morgan. He told me to fill up the application form and an online questionnaire and revert him back. I did the same as he insisted me to do.

Yesterday, I got a mail from same ID mentioning it as my agreement letter.

can anyone explain me is this genuine offer or scam.

Below is the content of both emails:-


One Gustave L. Levy Place
New York, NY 10029-6574

Dear Applicant,

Our office got Your resume CV relating to the direct employment going on in our company for consideration.

To proceed further in this recruitment program, you are to provide the following details;
1. Fill the attach Application form sign with date
2. Answers to the interview questions
3. Genuine and Valid Educational qualifications Certificates scan copies
4. Scan Copies of your International passport.
2. Two colored photo seize

You are requested to send a scan copy of your certificates as proof of educational qualification. Alongside with Attached in this mail is application form, which you have to print out, fill the personal information needed on it with pen and return it to us as attach file by email. This form will be attended officially in the office by the Hospital employment officials.

Your qualification and work experience can be considered in line with a number of vacant positions which currently needs qualified applicants to fill up.
Our HR senior officials shall review all the filled Application, Interview response provided by all applicants and their educational qualification certificates.

JOB STATUS: Full-Time and Half Time.
SALARY INDICATION: 9500 USD Dollars (Nine Thousand Five Hundred United States Dollars) and above pending on work experience and field of specialization.

However, kindly return your answer script together with filled application form within 72 hours of receipt.

Due to you are our employee outside USA, we have also decided to interview you by email. There is an attached Letter of Interview to this mail, which you have to read carefully and answer as expected. You are expected to prudently answer the questions attached to this mail for a successful interview and answer as it requires that will enable our HR office to give you call for better conversion regarding your employment.

NOTE: That you are eligible to submit this application form for this employment if and only your international passport is at hand and you are ready to relocate to work in USA or our offices in other locations. We are anticipating a quick response to this form before we go on entering an agreement and employment with you.

Proper self introduction interview will be conducted here in our office in (USA) if selected to enable the company management know you better.

Best of luck!!!

Human Resource Manager
Philip Morgan
Tel: +16463960611
Fax: +16463960611


One Gustave L. Levy Place
New York, NY 10029-6574

Dear Ajith Kundukulam,

I'm in receipt of your mail with the attached filled application form that was sent to you. We appreciate your interest and willingness to work in our Hospital. We have gone through your profile and your qualifications with your age of experience, this have made us to consider to offer you the position of "PHYSIOTHERAPIST" this is because of your lengthy work experience but this position becomes official when the management have concluded, which will be coming up after you agree with the terms and condition of this Hospital by signing this contract with us.

However, attached to this mail is Contract Agreement Letter, which you are to print, sign and return to us immediately for other official protocols if you accept the conditions. You must know that we have few weeks of enrollment in our Hospital with all the legal formalities being completed including the Visa and Ticket processing period. Our Hospital has provided a free accommodation that befits family size not exceeding 5 occupants in its housing estate for its employee. This means that you are not providing any accommodation for yourself throughout the period you are working with us.

Our Hospital shall provide air ticket for you to come here from your country after you must have scanned your Visa to us. This will enable the Hospital Transportation Department to process your ticket to come for your career with us. Moreover, you are expected to follow the Hospital's traveling policy. So for this reason you should take care of the Visa Fee. Our Hospital will not initially take responsibility for your Visa processing fees as we do not want to waste Hospital money on applicants that are not actually prepared to travel abroad even after the Visa has been approved to them (Hospital Policy) Your readiness with the Visa will enable the USA Attaché and USA Visa Officials to facilitate the immediate processing of your visa application forms and other traveling documents without any delay.
Finally, Our Hospital shall open an international account for you on the account that you migrated from there to here on WORK VISA and your salary is payable at regular payroll period by cheque.

If you agree with this employment schedules, and ready to relocate and to work with us, print out this contract agreement and sign it after reading and send it back to us for office use. Nevertheless, having read and accepted the norms and ethics of this Hospital/Contract Agreement, you are requested to send a scan copy of your certificates as proof of educational qualification, if only you haven't send to us before. Your certificates will help us to prepare the documents that will be sent to the Embassy in your Country for your visa application forms to be processed.

Best regards,

Human Resource Manager
Philip Morgan
Tel: +16463960611
Fax: +16463960611

Please help me to know this offer is true or fake,
Thanks in advance.

Hello Ajith

Did you try any google search to get more information on the employer? It seems to be a scam!

Always call the main office after counter verifying their contact infos on the web to be sure! There are a lot of scams going on the internet.

Did they ask for any money?


Hello Kenjee,
Thanks for reply. As if you told the offer seems genuine, a lot of questions arising in my mind.
1) I dont have a current Newyork license to practice physiotherapy.
2) I have not passed NPTE Exam which is a mandatory for licensing neither TOEFL .
3) I have not done my credential evaluation.
4) For my profession they should be providing me a H1B visa. As far as I know,  the employer must have filed petition for that.

They didnt mentioned anything of these in their mail. Its  that what makes me concern.

Thanks & Regards,

They mention they would apply for visa for you but surprisingly low level of concern from their end...
So before to get there, really search the employer
I did a quick check and Mount Sinai careers address is this one
quickly searching for physiotherapist job opening gives 0 hit, not good either...

generally big instituitons DO NOT use private email for their staff but communicate with you via their career portal
so I would be suspicious about an email address especially ending by net

I think you re right to worry

Dear Pris,
First of all ,  thanks for your valuable time   took  to read my post and for searching and sharing me the link. I went to the web address you shared me that of Mount Sinai Health System.I hardly found any when I looked for a physiotherapist career. Instead of that, when I typed physical therapist, it displayed two -three results. I tried to rung  the HR section of the Mount Sinai hospital, but they didnt picked up.

Ajith Thomas,

Call Mount Sinai Hospital through their main switchboard numbers 212-241-6500 or 212-590-3300 and ask for Human Resources.

I'm convinced you are dealing with a scam because of the e-mail address which should be from the hospital's domain name and is not. I also find the fact that not one of the various numbers related to the hospital are from the 646 area code, but mostly 212. Sounds like a scam to me.

You should however contact the hospital directly and confirm this.

James Experts Team

Hello James,
I dialed Mount sinai hospital's  main switchboard and asked for connection to HR section. They immediately transfered my call  but from HR line they only insisted me to send a voice message and I done the same. To confirm,  once again I called Mount sinai and asked for a direct contact number of HR . The number they gave me was   +1 646 605 4600 . I called this number but the same story repeated. The area code is same as that of the contact given in mail which making me more confused.

I am 100% sure that this is a scam.  The English in the emails is terrible.  No Americans would write like that with words capitalized that shouldn't be capitalized, strange phrasing and very bad grammar.  Also, no doctor would be an HR manager. Doctors are doctors!  I would block his email and have nothing further to do with him. He's  probably trying to get your information to steal your identity.

hi friend,
                 am also got same mail and attachments, i think its 100% fake

Hello Ajith. Please be very careful with these fake "HR". Real International recruiters with these big hospital system are usually very approachable (based on my experiences) and can be reached quickly through their direct line or email. They also use email address using  hospital domain and never their personal one. The hospital usually pays for the visa, lawyers fee and maybe help with relocation by giving you some dollar amount but never gives long term free housing unless you are in the highest/executive position (I was given 1 week free hotel accommodation with Marriott😁 then I have to find my own rental apartment). Block these scammers and good luck.

It's a scam. The English is definitely not from a native American speaker. The pay level they are quoting is WAY above the national average of 67,000 USD and that is for a starting position! Like mentioned the phone numbers don't match up. The other thing is that before hiring any foreigner they would want to at least have an extensive interview via Skype or a similar method. Also, they guy on the phone claimed to be a doctor. If so he would ALWAYS show this on the letters as Dr. or MD. No hospital is going to supply their employees with accommodation - no way.

Also I found a website givng a warning about exactly this scam: … pital.html

Just wanted to add that I am running across other incidents of people posting on this site that are victims of similar scams.

Some scammers are getting clever. Most people getting the typical "you won the lottery" or "a dead relative has left you millions" scams recognize them.

But now scammers are targeting their victims with more subtle offerings. People advertise online that they are looking for a job. They might live in India or Dubai or where ever. The scammers then send a letter or email claiming they are taking applications for jobs in say America or Germany. They often use the names of actual well know businesses. The victims naively believe that it is reasonable that there is no fact to face interview because, of course, they are half way around the world.

The reason they use the names of well-known businesses is that one will trust them. A serious offer would mean an interview with a local recruiter or at least one over Skype, which could also be a fake actually - but the lack of an interview can only mean it is a scam.

The better scammers have realized it is more effective to make things sound plausible rather than offering millions. More people are honestly looking for a job than gullible and greedy enough to fall for the quick riches approach.

In then end thy mostly work the same. There will be unless excuses for why the promised job or winnings are not delivered and a request for fees for visa processing, accommodation deposits or whatever. Any offer asking for fees for such a thing are a scam.

When in doubt look at Google. There are various sites that list the scams going around. Also, find the business in the internet and contact them directly. Do not rely on the person answering the phone  number given by the scammers. It will never match the actual businesses' number. And any company big enough to be dealing with taking international job applications will surely have a website showing how to contact them.

Here are 2 sites that list specific scams, give tips on how to identify, or the possibility to report, scams:

Hi Ajith,

It does sounds like a scam, but couple tips:
You can search for the NPI of the above MD on the NPPES npi registry to confirm MD affiliation with Sinai, If indeed an MD.
You can also confirm affiliation at  212-241 tel # since this is the main campus at Sinai.
The 646-605 is the main number for human resources and they do send you to voicemail due to their high volume.

Hope that helps.

Take care and be well.


Old thread, even older scam.

The hospital is very real and there are no indications of any issues with that real company but the scammers are, as is common, using a respected name to con people.
That bunch of thieves have been using the same scam since 2 Dec 1996, a long time, so they're probably earning (Read, 'stealing') a lot of money from hopeful but ill prepared victims.