
My husband got in trouble with Haya police man


Hey, my husband got in trouble with the religious police. He is kept in detention for 5 days as haya are claiming that he hit a member of them and he is in the hospital. Does anyone know what would happen?

See also

Living in Jeddah: the expat guideSeparating the IQAMA (MUQHEEM) of Son/Daughter after 18 years of ageHomeopathic Doctor in jeddahFamily compound in Jeddah 2025Simah Default process


Need more details please, why did he hit the member ?


He was on a harley davidson on tahlia street with a girl so they followed him, he got rid of the girl and went to the next street to find them on the other road. They have tried to put him in their car but he was fighting against them. So the main case now is hitting the haya.


ouch. what my fear was.

The good thing is he wasn't caught in any "act" so that's good, but hitting a member of POVPOV is not good.

Contact your embassy for assistance! If he hadn't resisted the arrest they would have let him go after some through questioning.

Also why would he take a girl on a bike?


His stupidity of course. Everyone knows the law of this contry, he thought that he is in Las Vegas... Contacted the embassy but they would deal with the welfare side only.


Unfortunate. I reckon they will take this to the court for trials. Get a legal counsel involved ASAP.


If they cannot prove that he was with a girl then he has a strong case, just tell him to beg them to leave him and what not. He can tell them it was probably someone else.

Now I know a gang of Harley riders in Jeddah who took women with them for a ride but that was very well planned, not sure if he thought it will work in Rio.


I am sure he planned it well as he took her for 1000 km ride outside riyadh and they were spotted only inside Riyadh. She looks like a boy anyways. They have got a copy of her iqama from the bike and she will be called shortly for some lashes hopefully


both of them need lashes. :) #justiceforeveryone


Sofiamanaoui wrote:

IThey have got a copy of her iqama from the bike and she will be called shortly for some lashes hopefully

After that, I'm unsure you deserve much help.

Much as the country's law is theirs to decide upon, I wouldn't wish that on any girl just for being with a man.
Imagine the rest of her life with likely extensive scaring, then consider if your wish is reasonable.


live.ali wrote:

Unfortunate. I reckon they will take this to the court for trials. Get a legal counsel involved ASAP.

damn garfy...r u fo'real ? that's some serious business


Sofiamanaoui wrote:

I am sure he planned it well as he took her for 1000 km ride outside riyadh and they were spotted only inside Riyadh. She looks like a boy anyways. They have got a copy of her iqama from the bike and she will be called shortly for some lashes hopefully

He should have taken you...then all this wouldn't have happened.

sorry not my business but just an opinion.


Not sure why a married man would do that (unless it's a relative). You want the girl to be punished but worried for what will happen to him. I don't quite understand. The blame seems misdirected.


Oops that's scary. Knowing the rules of the land what made him take such a step ??


Best way only contact to your embassy and submit this case, tell them exactly what happen, even they caught him, it's ok bcuz of rule in this country. unless there is no evidence they are not allow to punish, maximum few days in jail or pay some cash to release him....


my God, people.  this land, for the gazillionth time, implements shariah( to an extent) ... sharia is the law from the Quran .... so non-mahram men are not ALLOWED to be alone, much less touching, or in this case riding with a non-mahram women. This is not the land rules, this is the deen of Allaah. so firstly, and foremostly, we should consider it a transgression against the religion. 

Mariem88 wrote:

Oops that's scary. Knowing the rules of the land what made him take such a step ??


rareshine wrote:

my God, people.  this land, for the gazillionth time, implements shariah( to an extent) ... sharia is the law from the Quran .... so non-mahram men are not ALLOWED to be alone, much less touching, or in this case riding with a non-mahram women. This is not the land rules, this is the deen of Allaah. so firstly, and foremostly, we should consider it a transgression against the religion. 

Mariem88 wrote:

Oops that's scary. Knowing the rules of the land what made him take such a step ??

Yes, he shouldn't be doing it, but while he gets away with it elsewhere because it's not in their laws, he won't in Saudi. I suppose that's her point. Why do it in Saudi when you will get punished for it.


complain in the human rights in ksa


she will be called shortly for some lashes hopefully

So you want the girl to get lashed and for your husband to walk away without punishment? How do you know that she isn't his 2nd wife?


The case is he needs a help to get him out of the islamic jail, i assume you are not looking to separate him with his wife


Well it's very simple case as per Saudi Laws here, they should have to do medical test for both, if they find out any sexuality relationship, both will be punished, if no relation then still it's against the law to meet girl and guy without married, then they will put them in jail for some time.

Sofiamanaoui wrote:

I am sure he planned it well as he took her for 1000 km ride outside riyadh and they were spotted only inside Riyadh. She looks like a boy anyways. They have got a copy of her iqama from the bike and she will be called shortly for some lashes hopefully

Dr. Suliman

I see it now. You are asking to make sure that he gets it, while everybody is thinking the oppossite.
WOMEN! :shy


Is your husband a Saudi or an expat? If he's a Saudi then he has absolutely no excuse for not knowing the laws that govern the strict gender separation in the KSA. If he's and expat, did he think he was back home, or that the laws didn't apply to him because he was an expat??? Either way, a very dumb move on his part.

What I really can't understand is your position on the whole matter, you want the girl to get the lash and hubby to take a walk.... really? Doesn't he have an equal share of the blame? What's he doing jonting around the countryside on a Harley with a woman that isn't his wife? How on earth can you be OK with this? In your shoes most women would want him shot.

Sounds like he's in for a very rough ride yet, they've got the woman identified and she's been called in to explain what was going on; he resisted arrest and assaulted a police officer. That's pretty serious stuff, don't hold your breath thinking he's going to walk away from this without some serious punishment.

James   Expat-blog Experts Team


The whole thing sounds like a song and dance to me - couldn't stop chuckling at the comments.


Sofiamanaoui wrote:

He was on a harley davidson on tahlia street with a girl so they followed him, he got rid of the girl and went to the next street to find them on the other road. They have tried to put him in their car but he was fighting against them. So the main case now is hitting the haya.

Quite the convoluted account, to say the very least!

Hubby out galavanting around on his Harley with another woman, tries to outrun the police, dumps the girl and takes off. Finally when the cops catch him on another street he resists arrest, lays a beating on a cop bad enough to put him in the hospital, and a wife that's completely OK with all of this. Certainly all the actions described in the posting aren't the actions of someone who is as innocent as a new born lamb, by any stretch of the imagination.

And I thought Brazilian soap operas were hard to understand! Lady, it sound like either you aren't being given the whole story here, or you're not giving us the whole story, and it's impossible to figure out which.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team


James i assume that you know the difference between POLICE and RELIGIOUS POLICE?


Akprince wrote:

Well it's very simple case as per Saudi Laws here, they should have to do medical test for both, if they find out any sexuality relationship, both will be punished, if no relation then still it's against the law to meet girl and guy without married, then they will put them in jail for some time.


seriously dude!


Let justice to prevail so others can live in peace and harmony.
there is nothing wrong if anyone rewarded as per law of the state anywhere in world.
we yet pray for speedy trail with minimum reward and maximum concession if existed, in sha Allah.


What a laugh- there is no sexuality test that can determine if they were in a sexual relationship unless they just got out of the bedroom.


Social values and regional ethics must be respected at all cost


Knadeem, get out of Jubail for a while and you will see that the Social values and regional ethics are slowing being changed by the younger generations, they are highly educated and don't want to live the same way as their forefathers. This evolvement happens in every country and now its time for these changes in Saudi, admittedly it might take them another generation, but they are changing.


Lol sexuality text? Where does this guy come up with this stuff


is that the reason, some people still believe evolution theory.

khobar biker

I am a harley biker and every friday we ride with our fellow expats and their wife's behind them...... Never been stoped by any one
As long you are clean in this country no one will trouble you as the police will see your id and your relative
By the way my nephew is a saudi and he took his wife many times behind him


You clearly missed the whole point, the girl he took with him wasn't his wife


Sofiamanaoui wrote:

Hey, my husband got in trouble with the religious police. He is kept in detention for 5 days as haya are claiming that he hit a member of them and he is in the hospital. Does anyone know what would happen?

5 days are over.. So what happened to him?


Hai'a are supposed to turn anyone they detain over to the police. He is probably in jail while police investigate.


This is not about personal desires! This is the Law of Allah. If the youths don't like, then they should move to the West where they can be animals!


jalaljudi wrote:

complain in the human rights in ksa

Human rights ?
And in Saudi ?

Wake up  :sleep


Sorry & Excuse me but I think it is a fake story!