
Volunteering in Belize

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While living abroad, some expats wish to get involved in the local community life.

What organizations expats can turn to if they want to volunteer in Belize?

How to join a charitable institution, what are the steps?

Which causes have the greatest need for volunteers in Belize?

Thank you in advance for sharing your experience and advice,


See also

Living in Belize: the expat guidePlanning on visiting for possible permanent livungMy pension letters.Cell Phones in BelizeExtracurricular Activities

I've been thinking of Belize for several years.  I've completed water project courses and received certification in well drilling, pump installation and repair through Equip International Ministries in North Carolina.  It was there that Belize was mentioned as a possible missions base.

In the mean time, I've been involved in missions work Sierra Leone West Africa for ten years  What is need concerning Christian mission work in Belize?


Hello, I did a lot of volunteering while in the States, and found it difficult to find an organization that I could volunteer for and enjoy the experience.  I finally volunteered with the Belize Tourism Industry Association, and I am loving it.  I meet so many people of various destinations, and have the opportunity to follow the progress of Belize.  Tourism effects all business owners in Belize, so you meet a variety of people, businesses, organizations and friends.  If interested in joining, please get in touch. We need volunteers with enthusiasm, energy and interest in learning more about Belize.  If interested, please contact me at ++++

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : pls avoid sharing personal details on a public forum + send in private for safety reasons

Hi, My name is Richard A. Williams, Jr. I am extremely interested in any volunteering opportunities in Belize. I have extensive knowledge and experience in ALL areas of anything to do with the building of, rehabilitation of and infrastructure projects from the ground up. I'm an email exceptional multi-tasker and get along with virtually everyone. I know all there is to know about electrical, carpentry, plumbing, masonry, roofing etc. I could and have built numerous homes using my skills alone and would be extraordinarily excited, willing and wanting to make a long term commitment to the Belize community. Feel free to contact me ++++

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : pls avoid sharing personal details on a public forum + send in private for safety reasons

For ex-pats moving to Belize, they need not worry about not finding a suitable organisation with which to do volunteer work. There are different organisations in every town and city doing great things to help the poor and the under-priveleged.

Because of its size (1.2 million worldwide) Rotary International is able to carry out projects on a much larger scale than the other organisations. There are currently nine Rotary Clubs throughout Belize so there will always be one close by, wherever you end up living, although there is not currently one on the cayes.

Because of its worldwide network, Rotary is able to utilise funds from other countries for local projects. These projects include: sanitation, medical clinics, education, the elderly, potable water; sending children to the US for life-saving treatment; and many, many more.

Generally speaking, ex-pats make good Rotarians because they have the time to devote to the organisation. It is also very satisfying socially and it enables one to meat many more like-minded people throughout the country, and in Guatemala and Honduras, where conferences are held annually.

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : pls avoid sharing personal details on a public forum + send in private for safety reasons

The Rotary does offer possibilities if you wish to provide useful services.   Belizeans do want gringo money.   Belzeans do not want gringo advice or experience.    Period. 

Volunteers are required to have a work permit.    Recently, most applicants have been refused work permits because the Belizeans do not want more missionaries.    Your best chance would be to come under the umbrella of an existing organization that already has credibility.

This country of 350,000 has accumulated several BILLION $ of debt in 34 years of independence and has marginal infrastructure    What conclusion do you draw regarding needs of the people, from this information?    What Do you think they need?   

Belizeans and gringos alike do not need more religion, as they have had more than enough for 300 years.

If you want to provide a free service and free materials, they will accept it and ignore your proselytizing.


Just as a quick reply to kristinanadreau , of course you do not need a work permit to do volunteer work in Belize.


What's the best way to find legit volunteer work there? I have been in contact with a few that sound very enthusiastic when first approached but the emails for information go unanswered for days. I have time and I have ability. What's up with finding a place to help out?


Jacot   the realtor....   check your sources.    the LAW says you must have a work permit to do paid or unpaid work here in Belize.


Hi Doglady, I too am from Kansas City. I volunteer with the Cayo BTIA which is involved in all aspects of tourism and growth for the Cayo area.  We would love to have you. 667 2740


If you are carrying out missionary, teaching or likewise work as a more-or-less full time job, then a work permit will be needed. Most volunteer work is just a few hours a week in one of the many organisations that exist to help out on a humanitarian basis. I am not aware of anybody in this category who has found it necessary to apply for a work permit.


I just called a foundation in Cayo directly and asked if I could volunteer there when I get there and they said sure! I'm a speech pathologist. No prob. Just make a call


How about respecting the people and their beliefs and simply helping out --- well --- just because the people need help.


For me, I have a particular expertise in the field of speech language therapy. I want to be a part of a foundation providing social and health services. I found non profit who provides services to the belizeans and they need someone with my skills. So it's s win win for all. If you are talking about a "ministry", I'm in agreement. Helping people out in hopes of converting them to a particular religion disgusts me.


I am happy and proud to know there are people like you.    Good luck and keep smiling.


Well, from what I understand Belizeans don't value email.  Make a call. Talk to a human. It's more personal.


I have always wanted to volunteer in Belize for more than ten years. I needed a skill that I could really help and so with limited money I went to school to become a medical assistant with a degree/AAS. Well most organizations want people to have bachelor's  degree and I have been turned down volunteer services. I would live to have a chance to volunteer in any area needed. Please let me know. My email is ***********

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : Do not post your personal contact details on a public forum for your own security

Kerro, you went to school to gain a skill you can volunteer with? Then find out you didn't get an advanced enough degree to volunteer with? What? Anyway, there are always opportunities for volunteer work. Do a search on the web and make some calls. I doubt there will be people scouring  Expat forums  for volunteers. This is an expat forum not a classified listing. Just sayin


Of course Belizeans value email.

Of course, many of them cannot afford a computer, something that people in many countries take for granted.


I'm talking about the companies that have computers because they have n email that people are responding to. From what I understand is that Belizean on the company's preferred to speak on the phone.


I've seen again and again on these forums and elsewhere that Belizeans prefer to speak on the phone and that they find email impersonal. Value may have been a poor choice of words


Yes, I believe that it is always more personal to use a phone, whenever possible.


thee are rules for vol visa in belize- check before u come
most are church based groups


What I have recognized about people who want to move to Belize, is that once they are there they want the comforts of "home". Belizeans have been surviving long before any of us " discovered " their home. Just my opinion, I'm going to Belize to escape the US not drag 8t there with me. Sure, I plan to help. But I'm not looking to westernise. Someone mentioned living in this country, and are enjoying where they are. I'm hoping to adapt to the their lifestyle. Not have them change to what I am accustomed to.


Belize Red Cross San Pedro Branch is always looking for volunteers.

Our current most active areas are first aid and blood drives and we also host volunteer vacation groups and have them help do needed community projects such as re-cataloging school libraries and helping to needed repairs.

If you would like more information please email us at

You can also show support by liking our Facebook page Belize Red Cross – San Pedro


Hi! Saw you're from  KC I'm from Jeff City Missouri.  have you moved to Belize yet or when are you moving we need to talk. Lol


You are not correct.   Check the laws.    Clear and specific.    The. Established groups such as certain church sponsered efforts and red cross and rotary will not requie a permit.


Belizeans do not rpoutinely use email.     Phone conversations are often difficult because USA english sounds different than Belizean english.  I do face to face for most things.     Texting may work for some people if they can read english.   Literacy remains an issue for many


Belize does not use this skill routinely.    The Bethesda medical center in Patchican might be willing to allow you to help.     The hospitals would not use your skills and the physicians offices do not use these skills.    If you are in Corozal,  I think there is a place that might accept your services.


For medical or dental related type help permits are needed no  matter which group you volunteer under. This can be obtained from the ministry of Health. They also want to see credentials.


Im currently in Caye Caulker volunteering at the Pet Park. Its a dog rescue and we currently have between 10-12 dogs. Basically feeding, helping tourist/setting dogs up to be walked, giving lots of love and attention to the dogs when you are there. Depending on your length of stay, there are accommodations (cheap or free) on the grounds and off. The park has a cool tree house that can be rented as well. Contact Caye Caulker Pet Park or message me for more information. MUST LOVE DOGS!

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