New Zealander wanting to Move to Germany for Study (or Ausbildung)

Hi All!!
I'd like to start off by saying thank you for taking the time to read this :)
I was an Au-pair in Germany for 9 months and learnt a fair bit of German while I was there (I officialy did A1/1 course but taught myself a lot more).
I really want to come back this year to study, I already have a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and would like to look into Vet (Tierarzt) or doing my Masters and/or PhD in agriculture.
I have had a look at  few places and can do more study at Goettingen in English (Masters & PhD) but other places will require German.
I have a German family who said I can live with them not far from Hannover if I want to.
Would just like some advice on studying, ausbildungs (are they hard to get if you are an Auslander), german language courses and Scholarships. I have had a look for some on DAAD and just wondering if there is any other place I should be looking.
If studying didn't work out I would be happy to work, I just really love Germany and want to come back.

Kia Ora

Heheheh!! I am a kiwi (Maori) living and working as a Post doc in Germany (Live in Rostock  and work at the Leibniz institute in Dummerstorf).

It is lucky that you are doing agriculture because I work in the field - in fact thats what the Leibniz Institut in Dummerstorf does ( - check it out.

I can let you know that you can do an Agricultural degree at the University of Rostock and work / practice at the Institute here in Dummerstorf on small projects. Even though the courses are all taught in English you must have some proficiency in German (which it sounds like you do), and there are courses (tested) at the University for students who want to improve their German (which I suggest you do since you are tested and you get a certificate that you can use to prove your proficiency).

If you think coming up this way (Northern Germany) - I can certainly help with the University, possible work at the Institute I work and various other junk like accommodation, getting around, registration (etc etc).

Hows that?
BTW - where did you do your Bachelors?

:D What luck you read this!! Haha has definitely made my day after a busy day at work!!
I had been looking at Hanover and Goettingen because my German family live just outside of Hanover.
My degree is from Massey, graduated in 2013.
Was looking at masters etc at the time but decided I wanted to go overseas.
I have worked on every type of farm you can think of except goat. Even milked sheep at some massey trials and done karaka prep.
I'm teaching myself a bit more German at the moment and going to try and do a test at Goethe institute before I come and was looking at doing a course over German summer at the university summer school.
If ya want when I come over can bring you some kiwi stuff.
How long have you been in germany for? Where abouts in NZ are you from?

Good old Massey, where I did my BSc, MSc and now PhD just defended my PhD last year - so a Post doc me is now!
You must have been in IVABS probably worked with or around Hugh Blair (my PhD supervisor), Catriona Jenkins and Sam Petersen..... maybe

To be honest if you have you A.1.1 levels you will be fine for most instances and pick it up as you go along. My German is absolute rubbish because everyone wants to practice their English on me :-) But es alles gute!! I try to kiwify my German all the time, but Hallo, mate and Alles klarr bro just get me laughs or blank looks... knowing Maori has helped (NOT!!!) vowels are the same but not everything else (as you probably well know).

Look if you find yourself short of options feel free to contact me at the institute in Dummerstorf or through this blog and I can get some options around University and work here Dummerstorf and Rostock.

MINTIES!!!! GINGERNUTSS!!!!! Goddamn I love and miss the - but it cool thanks for the offer.
Germany - Christ been back for 14 days, but officially arrived in Sept 2013, left in Feb 2013 and came back in Jan 2015..  confused, long story
Ich komme aus Palmerston Nord!!! - Hence why I went to Massey, actually did my PhD in conjunction with AgResearch and Massey cause I was working as a research associate at AgResearch when I got the silly notion to do a PhD?

When are you looking to come back?
Education over here should be easy if your sponsor family are willing to help you through the loopholes - one of the perks of being a kiwi, we can go almost anywhere without a visa and study almost anywhere so long as we have local contacts...... sweet as eh!!!

Oh and Tip top ice cream (rum and raisin), trifle, pavlova, ohhhh the favourites boxes of chocolates, fruit bursts, COOKIE TIME COOKIES!!! ah man you made me hungry..


Haha yes I know good old Sam Peterson, he was one of my lecturers and did sheep trials with him. Pretty sure It was his place I went to with a bunch of sheep milkers at the end of the trial for a dinner haha. Know Hugh Blair as well, think he may have guest lecturered in some of my courses....
I would love to know some more options!! I was looking at doing vet but to be honest I don't know exactly if that is what I really want to do.
I don't know if it'll help but I am currently working for OSPRI (previously Animal Health Board) which runs NAIT and TBfree NZ. So got some industry experience with pest management in NZ. But really interested in animal science, genetics and plants.
I am always on duolingo now working on my german and doing some online courses too, I can understand most things said in german (well northern german, need a translator for Munich haha) and I can most of the time get my point across in german but yea when I was there I had the same problem where everyone wanted to practice their english and I was like noooo speak to me in german and make me talk german to you haha.
To be honest I want to be back yesterday but need to save a bit more moolah and have a more solid plan before I come (my german family want me organised lol). But i want to be back in germany by July and definitely for Oktoberfest at the latest cos I arrived in germany late september 2013 and left june 2014 so only just missed it.

I like the alles klar bro. Would definitely rock that out..