Advice for Americans moving to Turkiye, please :)

Hi Everyone,

So, I've been starting to think about all of the practical stuff involved in moving to insurance, what forms I will need to fill out, etc.  Can anybody recommend any websites or posts to read, regarding that sort of thing?  I've done a little research on my own, but it would be helpful to hear the experiences of others.  I'm also trying to figure out what to pack, how much I can affordably ship over there, blah, blah, blah.  Also, anything that you've thought, "oh, I wish I had thought to bring X with me because you can't buy it here..."

Any information would be great.

Caroline :)

Hi Caroline,

I just moved to Istanbul from Washington DC. This is a late reply, but let me know , if you are still planning to move to Istanbul or if you are in Istanbul and if you need any help? Good luck and have fun in Istanbul...:)