
Final Exit With Credit Card

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Can i go Final Exit with outstanding credit card in Saudi Arabia?

See also

Opening a bank account in Saudi ArabiaBanking in KSADataflow payment pendingFinal exit and credit cardBank Accounts - Revolut and UK Spending / Foreign Transactions

You can try and could even succeed but you may need to come back to Saudi in future and this event could cause you problems.


i will come back to another company after 1 month only, i dont have intentions to escape


akuinilsi wrote:

i will come back to another company after 1 month only, i dont have intentions to escape

In which case i suggest you clear your outstanding dues before you leave. Because the credit card company could actually black list you and you may not get a visa for Saudi again. Be sure to keep your final exit print out with you. Sometimes the Saudi embassy can ask for you it when applying for visa again.


Before you leave you have to clear all dues. No matter you come again or not, you are going on a EXIT, so have to follow procedures. If in case the bank find you with dues and EXIT they might blacklist you. So plz check everything before you leave. Good luck.


I know that it is a responsibility to pay my dues but this is emergency exit and i cannot pay all my dues amounting to huge amount, im paying my bills without delay in minimum amount, and now that im EXIT i am afraid that they will hold me in Airport and put me in jail..I want to know if i can go out from Saudi and get and get an EXIT..


akuinilsi wrote:

I know that it is a responsibility to pay my dues but this is emergency exit and i cannot pay all my dues amounting to huge amount, i'm paying my bills without delay in minimum amount, and now that im EXIT i am afraid that they will hold me in Airport and put me in jail..I want to know if i can go out from Saudi and get and get an EXIT..

Many people could get final exit visas while they had dues on credit cards and personal loans. Do try. No one will send you to jail for trying to go with non-zero balance.


Last time i heard from one colleague, you cannot leave the country ith EXIT visa with Dues, please check this else you would be stopped and will be forced to pay in airport. It happened earlier, so they keep all the tracks of your accounts and belongings under your IQAMA number. So please check.


TheLegendLeads wrote:

Many people could get final exit visas while they had dues on credit cards and personal loans. Do try. No one will send you to jail for trying to go with non-zero balance.

If he is going on Exit re Entry they dont care how much dues or loans he has. But he is going on Final Exit, so when he handover his IQAMA they will check his dues under his ID and will stop him for sure, this happened to one of my colleague who failed to pay his car speed violation of 1800 SAR, was stopped and asked to pay. Also few cases where they been stopped for bank dues. So why to have unnecessary problems?  Just better pay and leave. Incase if his EXIT VISA date is the last day, then? what would be his situation?


I am Final Exit with Credit Card Balance that I cannot pay the whole amount, because this is emergency Exit. I know that if I have Car or Traffic Violations i cannot go exit until i settle it, but this time it is Credit Card Only.
My question is, If i can leave KSA Airport without problem?


as your above information for Credit card due i think not make a problem while final exit but last month my friend was went exit with credit card due but bank approach to home country for payment.


I am just worried that i will be hold in Airport and ask to pay the whole amount which i cannot pay as of the moment...


dear in airport didn't check bank and mobile data


thank you so much and i am relax now, because i'm afraid that they will hold me in i can go exit already...


dear i have 04 credit card and almost i used credit (RS 60000/ and while exit entry  they didn't asked about it.
may i know which is bank you have credit card and due amount? if you like.


i have total due of 12k SR due to SABB and NCB and SAMBA.


as same like me and while exit from airport  try to use busy counter.


dear, when did you go for an exit? what date?


not exit last month  only vacations


oh no, i am final exit, i know that re-entry/vacation is no problem if you have dues because you will come back....but i am final exit...


don't worried dear


because Final Exit will check everything it means i will not come back....


boss they did not check


Because i know that Re-Entry means vacation, but if Final Exit it means not coming back so they will check the details of my dues...but i am not sure on this that i might get a problem in immigration, any source or strong evidence that i will not be hold in Airport or Immigration because of my dues...because my friend advice me that one of his friend was hold because he has balance in his credit card and he need to settle it and takes him 3 days before he left Saudi Arabia until he paid all his dues in Airport Immigration...


msq2220 wrote:

boss they did not check

Have you been final Exit and entered with new work visa? here the topic is this person is leaving with final EXIT visa. So the immigration people dosent care he will come back or not. for exit reentry visa they dont care about anything, coz its linked with your company permission. So if ever you have any answer for final EXIT issues plz help him. He is going on final ***EXIT***


Thank you, i hope you can help me with this...


I need an answer from those who go for FINAL EXIT from Saudi Arabia with Unpaid Credit Card, the question is if I will not have problem in Airport or Immigration before leaving KSA?


dear what i told you above my friend was go exit with due amount.


I thought you said vacation only?


We've got the same case akuinilsi. I'm planning to resign next month as I got an offer in different company here in Riyadh, I have unpaid credit cards SABB/Riyadh Bank and Alrajhi amounting to more than 12,000SAR. I'm worried also at the Airport during immigration check. I'm not running away to escape my liabilities as soon as I return in Riyadh I would continue paying my credit cards. I hope someone can help me especially who had experienced the same scenario. Thanks.


we have the same situation. so what happen? did you go exit from KSA with that credit card balance? pls advice.


Hi pink please message me to this email I'll discuss something. Thanks


I have a colleague who went final exit last year. he have an outstanding balance of 13K SAR on his SABB credit card and didn't had any problem at the airport and now he is in libya. so worry no more bro.


can i join on the topic?...i have balance also on my bank but the thing if i already pay all of my balance..should i need to surrender my Card?..or what if i go exit with some few balance?..there`s should be a prob or not?... pls help me regarding on this matter..thank you!


How about a car lease? I mean i have car which i took for installment from ANB. The bank is asking me to pay 20 thou riyals judt to return the car and i dont have them money for this. Will i be stopped at the airport? I dont have any traffic violation.


Hi Uakine > you should please avoid duplicate post. You already got a thread on same topic here Thank you

oscar Richard

Hello Admin,

i have personal loan in saudi and i planned to go with final exit on next year without paying my loan , shall i face any problems in airport ?


Hello everybody,

A new computerized system is enforce at all the Saudi Airports since June 15th 2014.

Every expat who has fallen behind the installments of the credit card or the car installment will find his name in the ECL ( exit control list) as soon as 'Exit Only' visa is stamped on his passport. Secondly, one requires 'Police Clearance Certificate' for which you will be required to take the clearance of all your utility  bills and the owner/manager of the compound where you were residing in addition to your CC and Car lease.

A request to all the Expacts, we as  'law abiding community' and believers of 'justice and fairness' must not promote and encourage means that defraud banks and organisation nor look for loopholes to extricate  our moral and legal responsibility!  :dumbom:


thank you for your information Mr Riazcdki.... well do you mean that i cant get an EXIT VISA? if ever i didnt paid my FULL Card?...what if my Company Give me an exit visa with my Passport?..and if i on the airport, this will be a Big Problem? it mybe i can go on the JAIL?...


Hello dear
For peace of mind in future I advice must be pay before going money is nathing but country value is must grateful

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