
want to move to Sweden


Is it easy to move to Sweden and get a job there ?and what's about the best way to immigrate there (working visa or others ) please if anyone knows the qualifications or the rules related to the law , don't hesitate to write a comment
thanks for all

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for SwedenPermanent residency and citizenship in SwedenGeneral visa requirements for SwedenWorking and EU travel on a Swedish work-permit based residence a Job Offer to migrate to Sweden but I don't have a degree

Hi Ahmedsleem,

It depends. If you are specialist in your field of work, I think you could easily find a job. However if you just want to move to Sweden and looking for a job onsite, I think it will be more difficult.

You can visit the Swedish Employment Agency (Arbetsförmedlingen) on
the information is available in English as well ;)



Thank you so much , dani , I wish I can success , am already specialist in my job's field and I will try ur link , thank u again .                                                                Ahmed


No problem. Wish you all the best.

Good luck!


Hi Dani,

Excuse me for hijacking this thread  :) but as the other poster received a reply from you, I'm hoping you'll take the time to drop me a quick reply. Actually I have a few questions *gulp*. i'm planning on moving to Sweden to study next year, what is the cost of living like in Stockholm?


Haha that is no problem ;) I can try to help you at least.

First of all, Stockholm is a pretty expensive city to live in. Especially close to the city center. Where it also is very hard to find an apartment or room to live in. I would suggest trying to find something in the suburbs nearby your university. At what university are you planning to study?

The universities also offer student housing, but they could also be hard to get. And they are cheaper then renting a sublet apartment, but still quite expensive for a student (at least in my opinion :p )

Also, in my opinion, Stockholm isn't the best city for students. Take a look on Uppsala University (if you still want to be close to Stockholm). Uppsala is smaller than stockholm, but it is a "real" student-city. Uppsala has around 150 000 citizens, and there are about 25 000 students enrolled at the university (2013).

I don't know if this helps you. Kinda got off-topic at the end there :p



[Moderated: no copy/paste on the forum pls]


Actually this post helps me too although I would be moving to Gothenburg.

Thank you Timottet