
Coming To Bahrain Without A Job?

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Hi Everyone,

I'm Angie from Eastern Saudi Arabia. I sure hope you guys can help me out.

My Saudi/American daughter is married to an American guy and they have 1 child (my 1st grandchild) They are currently living in Texas in the USA. As most of you know Saudi Arabia forbids it's female citizens to marry outside the kingdom and will never recognize the marriage or the children of these marriages. My daughter is absolutely miserable in the states and my son-in-law constantly lives in fear of being laid off. They have decided to move to Bahrain to live and work and to be closer to us. They will both be coming to Bahrain without jobs. My Saudi husband and I are going to help them get set up in an apartment, provide them with a car and temporary financial support, but I honestly don't know where to begin looking for work and a sponsor for my son-in-law so that he and the baby can stay in Bahrain with her. I believe we can extend his and the baby's visas for up to 3 months, but I'm worried this will not be enough time for him to find a sponsor and a secure a job. I have lived in Saudi Arabia for 22 years and one thing I am sure of is everything is done here by "Wasta" unfortunately, we do not know anyone in Bahrain that knows anyone.

Would someone mind telling me what would be the best way to start once they get there? I believe my daughter may have an easier time finding work, but that will not keep him and the baby in Bahrain. I have applied for hundreds of jobs online for the past 2 years at nearly every Gulf Employment website there is and no one has ever replied, so that is not a option. What would you guys suggest?

Thanks kindly,


See also

Job offers in BahrainStarting a business in BahrainWorking in BahrainWorking in ManamaDoing Business in the GCC. A Simple Guide to the Westerner.

Hi Angie, What I believe your Saudi husband can arrange a work permit visa for your son-in-low and he can bring his family in KSA on his visa. In this case they will be in KSA very close you.



I believe you didn't read ajcable's message thoroughly!

ajcable wrote:

Hi Everyone,
My Saudi/American daughter is married to an American guy.....
As most of you know Saudi Arabia forbids it's female citizens to marry outside the kingdom and will never recognize the marriage or the children of these marriages.....

That's why they want to settle in Bahrain!






funky bh

hi ajcale

is u husband a saudi citizen ?


Yes he is and so am I.





You don't say what sort of work your son in law is looking for. The GDN has lots of classified job ads everyday (you can see them on their website ( Perhaps it would be best if he came for a few months to see what he can get - if he is willing to work and not to fussed what that work is I'm sure that someone would be happy to employ him. The only issue may be a work permit.


funky bh

I really understand what you mean about “wasta” that is also in Bahrain for your info only, but if you and your husband are Saudis then you can open and establishment in Bahrain and apply for lappers you know what I mean, that mean that you can apply your daughters husband a visa, that he is working in your establishment or company, that is an easy way to live there without applying for a job, any how finding a job he can take his time, I don’t think it will take a lot of money to open an establishment in Bahrain any how there is a lot of details in this issue

Also there is another way I think it can maybe work with you and if it does that will be great, I think your daughter is a Saudi citizen, ok that mean of she writes a message to department of passports and residence she could get a Bahraini passport which will make things very easy for her and her husband to live there and also to find a job for her side maybe, by the way there is a lot of people from Saudi Arabia applied for that and they got it, maybe it was more easier before 10 years but she still can get it

You just take your time thinking about it, and  ask more about it, I think you will find a solution


Thanks Funky,

I wish we could afford to open a business. We are strained now by airline tickets and housing for them. The second option seems great, but I doubt she will get a Bahraini passport. Perhaps she can get residency? Is that what you meant?



funky bh

Hi ajcable again,

About the establishment you don’t need it active , the important thing about it is to get a commercial registration so you get entry work visa to Bahrain for expats , that’s the point , what I mean is your daughter husband and his kids, any for your daughter she doesn’t need s residency because she is Saudi she could live in Bahrain or UAE or Qatar without it, the point to get the passport is to be Bahraini citizen and invite her husband officially to live in Bahrain that’s what I mean

Good luck

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