How to transfer sponsor without iqama after 90 days visa expires

It is pretty simple. If your kafeel has not made your Iqama. If you stayed 90 days in kingdom. If you still didn't had Iqama. What you need to do is just find a company and give Interview if they select you. Tell them following procedure

1: Visit labor office with Demand letter by mentioning they want to hire you. Labor office will make your transfer. Don't forget to give xerox documents to your kafeel.

Note: original documents will give you advantage.

2. Next step is to make one more demand letter to Jawazat. They will generate your temporary work permit.

3. Tell your new company or sponser that submit a letter to your country embassy that they hired you under their sponsership. They will make your new passport.

Note: Above point apply only and only if your old kafeel demands big amount or he is not giving you passport. Don't worry transfer will be done.

inshallah your transfer will be done. Thank you.

Hello adnan_889.

Thank you for sharing. :)


adnan_889 wrote:

It is pretty simple. If your kafeel has not made your Iqama. If you stayed 90 days in kingdom. If you still didn't had Iqama. What you need to do is just find a company and give Interview if they select you. Tell them following procedure

1: Visit labor office with Demand letter by mentioning they want to hire you. Labor office will make your transfer. Don't forget to give xerox documents to your kafeel.

Note: original documents will give you advantage.

2. Next step is to make one more demand letter to Jawazat. They will generate your temporary work permit.

3. Tell your new company or sponser that submit a letter to your country embassy that they hired you under their sponsership. They will make your new passport.

Note: Above point apply only and only if your old kafeel demands big amount or he is not giving you passport. Don't worry transfer will be done.

inshallah your transfer will be done. Thank you.

Thank you for your informative post, Adnan.

I, unfortunately, am currently faced with one such situation myself. However, I wish to go home and my kafeel still hasn't returned my passport with an exit as I requested (it's been a month since I asked for an exit). What do I do? I'm hoping the Pakistani consulate will help me go back home. Do you have any information on this? Please advise. I really have to go back home.

Kind regards.

trono wrote:
adnan_889 wrote:

It is pretty simple. If your kafeel has not made your Iqama. If you stayed 90 days in kingdom. If you still didn't had Iqama. What you need to do is just find a company and give Interview if they select you. Tell them following procedure

1: Visit labor office with Demand letter by mentioning they want to hire you. Labor office will make your transfer. Don't forget to give xerox documents to your kafeel.

Note: original documents will give you advantage.

2. Next step is to make one more demand letter to Jawazat. They will generate your temporary work permit.

3. Tell your new company or sponser that submit a letter to your country embassy that they hired you under their sponsership. They will make your new passport.

Note: Above point apply only and only if your old kafeel demands big amount or he is not giving you passport. Don't worry transfer will be done.

inshallah your transfer will be done. Thank you.

Thank you for your informative post, Adnan.

I, unfortunately, am currently faced with one such situation myself. However, I wish to go home and my kafeel still hasn't returned my passport with an exit as I requested (it's been a month since I asked for an exit). What do I do? I'm hoping the Pakistani consulate will help me go back home. Do you have any information on this? Please advise. I really have to go back home.

Kind regards.

Dear Just go to the Embassy they will make passport as well as provide you with exit only pass if your company is in red, otherwise fill in the complaint form at jawazat office and they will talk to your sponsor and will give you your passport and final exit. do it quickly once the amnesty is over you will be considered  illegal and the process is quiet long.

Thanks a lot, Adnan.

For everyone else, this is should further confirm what Adnan's posted in his original post: … 0818177310

All the best and God bless!

Best regards.

dear above all (Mr.Imran, Adnan) Thanks for all your suggestion, but age turns out to be a block at this hour, because in most of the estt. above 40 is turning out to be a deciding factor irrespective of whether applicant is talented enough or not. And above all Sponsors are asking whether U have esst. or any thing of that sort by which they can think of looking into our case.Its a very very tricky affair and if at all if we take risk, what future holds only time will say, but now we have only few days left. Consequences of the complacency seems to be long lasting.

adnan_889 wrote:

It is pretty simple. If your kafeel has not made your Iqama. If you stayed 90 days in kingdom. If you still didn't had Iqama. What you need to do is just find a company and give Interview if they select you. Tell them following procedure

1: Visit labor office with Demand letter by mentioning they want to hire you. Labor office will make your transfer. Don't forget to give xerox documents to your kafeel.

Note: original documents will give you advantage.

2. Next step is to make one more demand letter to Jawazat. They will generate your temporary work permit.

3. Tell your new company or sponser that submit a letter to your country embassy that they hired you under their sponsership. They will make your new passport.

Note: Above point apply only and only if your old kafeel demands big amount or he is not giving you passport. Don't worry transfer will be done.

inshallah your transfer will be done. Thank you.

One more thing while we're still on topic:

Is it also possible for those currently in Green Low category to transfer to Green High or Premium category this way? That is if they still haven't been issued an iqama despite the 90 days period having elapsed already?

Best regards

trono wrote:

One more thing while we're still on topic:

Is it also possible for those currently in Green Low category to transfer to Green High or Premium category this way? That is if they still haven't been issued an iqama despite the 90 days period having elapsed already?

Best regards

Being in a green company means you are working for someone who is in good books in regards to saudization and other legal matters. So the term 'correction' won't apply on you and thus you have nothing to do with the 'correction period'. Normal transfer rules will apply on you i.e.,

- To move to a green company, you'll have to wait for 2 yrs of service completion.
- You can move to any platinum company instantly with permission from your employer. That's the special privilege given to the platinum companies.

On a side note, the correction period extension will expire on 03-Nov-2013.

TheLegendLeads wrote:
trono wrote:

One more thing while we're still on topic:

Is it also possible for those currently in Green Low category to transfer to Green High or Premium category this way? That is if they still haven't been issued an iqama despite the 90 days period having elapsed already?

Best regards

Being in a green company means you are working for someone who is in good books in regards to saudization and other legal matters. So the term 'correction' won't apply on you and thus you have nothing to do with the 'correction period'. Normal transfer rules will apply on you i.e.,

- To move to a green company, you'll have to wait for 2 yrs of service completion.
- You can move to any platinum company instantly with permission from your employer. That's the special privilege given to the platinum companies.

On a side note, the correction period extension will expire on 03-Nov-2013.

Thank you for the reply.

So you're pretty much helpless even if you've been cheated/defrauded/abandoned by your current employer by having not only not gotten you an iqama, but violating practically every other term of the contract as well i.e no work and salary etc? Kind of sucks to be illegal despite having done nothing wrong, no?

My interpretation of the "exceptions", as outlined on the MOL website, was that you're allowed to transfer without the need of your current employer's approval if you're deemed illegal for any reason, like expired work permit (90 days) and non-possession of a valid residence permit (iqama) in this case; both being violations of the iqama regulations subject to penalties. Gutted..

Best regards

I could be wrong, but from what I make of this, the nitaqat category of the present employer is irrelevant in the cases highlighted here: … 0825178119

He said the approval of an employer is not necessary for transfer of sponsorship during the rectification campaign in three cases – if there is a report on the worker's absence, expiry of the work permit and residence permit (Iqama), and non-issuance of a work permit and Iqama to the worker 90 days after arrival in the Kingdom.

Best regards

I overlooked & thought you were in a green company willing to change to another.

Obviously if you have anything that stands you illegal, you can approach MoL ASAP. The 'correction' term WILL apply on you.

From arabnews today:

TheLegendLeads wrote:

I overlooked & thought you were in a green company willing to change to another.

Obviously if you have anything that stands you illegal, you can approach MoL ASAP. The 'correction' term WILL apply on you.

From arabnews today:

Cheers! :)

Best regards

my son came form india one month ago, after formalities kafeel not issue iqama but he given iqama number,when we check online it is showing white and we got one of company demand letter. still that company asking iqama. kafeel is given back passport to us as well as tanazul letter.please help me and advice about process.

We have a problem. my iqama expired already . i got a new job . they are willing to take my sponsorship. kafeel asking five thousand as release paper money. we are from India . what are the process and procedures to follow ? who can help me /?

pay to him.

hogo12 wrote:

pay to him.

Do you work for his sponsor @hogo12?

No Sudheer Khumar, DON'T pay him even a penny. Just ask the new employer to let you have the demand letter and head to the labor court.

should pay NOC letter
because this issues according to sponsor mode and personality

Agreed with TLL. Do not pay a penny. Questions to clarify your case are :

Are you in red / yellow category or Green
Is the new company in Green or above Category

You can approach labor office now along with people from your new / proposed sponsor and under the amnesty period they will assist you to correct your situation.

i dont know exactly where and which colour he belongs even then one thing i know earlier it was yellow now ? i dont know ? [Moderated: do not post personal information on the forum for security purposes] is my iqama no and if you can help me please give exact informative guide lines what i have to do ?

Sudheer Kumar wrote:

i dont know exactly where and which colour he belongs even then one thing i know earlier it was yellow now ? i dont know ? [Moderated: do not post personal information on the forum for security purposes] is my iqama no and if you can help me please give exact informative guide lines what i have to do ?

You can enter your iqama no in the below link to know your status and if you are in yellow or red , you can move to a new company without the need of your release from the current sponsor. … quiry.aspx

Question: What is the procedure of getting exit visa without an iqama? how long it takes? this is the problem we are facing right now. my husband went to saudi since november 28 2013 and his 90days visa expires on feb. His company trying to get him an iqama but infortunately saudi council rejected his application twice. he is an enginneer. Since they always rejected his application he decided to exit. Since may 3,2014 they file an application for exit visa without an iqama and already paid almost 5,050sar. (1,150 for fine 2500 for working visa 400 for medical insurance and 1000 for prove that there is no commitment to the company and issuance of exit visa) despite of all of this still the exit visa is not yet release, i dont know what to do. and we dont know if it is the real procedure on how to get an iqama without an exit.please help!

maemon wrote:

Question: What is the procedure of getting exit visa without an iqama? how long it takes? this is the problem we are facing right now. my husband went to saudi since november 28 2013 and his 90days visa expires on feb. His company trying to get him an iqama but infortunately saudi council rejected his application twice. he is an enginneer. Since they always rejected his application he decided to exit. Since may 3,2014 they file an application for exit visa without an iqama and already paid almost 5,050sar. (1,150 for fine 2500 for working visa 400 for medical insurance and 1000 for prove that there is no commitment to the company and issuance of exit visa) despite of all of this still the exit visa is not yet release, i dont know what to do. and we dont know if it is the real procedure on how to get an iqama without an exit.please help!

I am assuming your husband's company is trying for exit, if they are not then your husband can directly approach the labor office / jawazat offices and ask for final exit. They will coordinate with the sponsor if he is cooperative to get the final exit.

[Moderated: We don't give illegal advices] wrote:

I want to go back to pakistan.i dont have passport and even I dont want to let my kafeel know about this .plz tell me the way.either leagel or illegal

Doing illegal things will land you in trouble and I would not advise you to follow this path. The best way is to speak to your embassy first and get a passport issued. In the mean time approach labor office and inform them that you need final exit and do not wish to be in KSA. All process will be completed legally and you will be given exit so that one day if you wish to be back you can be.

hi, i want to know that i am here in Riyadh since last 6months and my iqama is not applied yet from my kafeel & his computer is also blocked. i asked him for tanazal but he was not agree but now he said that he will give tanazal but first let me "demant letter" from company in which i want to work. so i want to know that what is demand letter and what are the requirments of getting demand letter from new company?

usmanjamil586 wrote:

hi, i want to know that i am here in Riyadh since last 6months and my iqama is not applied yet from my kafeel & his computer is also blocked. i asked him for tanazal but he was not agree but now he said that he will give tanazal but first let me "demant letter" from company in which i want to work. so i want to know that what is demand letter and what are the requirments of getting demand letter from new company?

Get a job in any company and they will give you the demand letter to your sponsor asking for release. All what they need is a copy of your iqama to issue this letter.

@HRGuru but i dont have iqama, not applied from my kafeel yet? so what should i do now?

usmanjamil586 wrote:

@HRGuru but i dont have iqama, not applied from my kafeel yet? so what should i do now?

New company can get you iqama as well as secure your release from the current sponsor. In this case find a job and instead of issuing the demand letter the new employers people will need to speak to you current sponsor since I assume he does / wouldn't be able to give online transfer since all his ID's are expired / blocked.

Can I changey iqma profession by abshir service?

Please if any body knows so tell me by email .can I change my iqama profession through ABSHIR SERVICE? I M WORKING IN BIN LAFIN GROUP..0552585349

salman amjad wrote:

Please if any body knows so tell me by email .can I change my iqama profession through ABSHIR SERVICE? I M WORKING IN BIN LAFIN GROUP..0552585349

You cannot change the profession yourself through Abshir service. Your employer need to update muqeem system after payment and at the same time submit all relevant docs to labor office in original for profession change.

Hai without iqama after 90 days and without 2 months salary what I do place help me

Without iqama after 90 days and 2 months salary what I do please help me

Sir how many days to transfer

still confused about Saudi local labor law.....
is there any rights they reserved ?? because once i got bad experience from labor office they are not loyal to listen my problems ...
while i have been working last years one company still on.but there is no career growth hence i was trying to move some others company i got good offer with good package ..but my employer not giving me release..they said you ask again passport you have to go exit .we will make you final exit.....
then i approached labor office ...but the way they are talking we are expert nothing ...what company would like to do they can ....but for us no choice
still i am working here as a victim  my life  hanging with............
praying to Allah if good time comes ...............other wise we cannot do anything!!!

I am 10 months here but i don't have Iqama,

Just go the Pakistan embassy and take a temporary passport with exit and go back to home without any issue ......
If you won't to come again into Saudi Arabia your always welcome with no issue ....

I have the same problem my kafeel didnt make my aqama now its 6 month over i find new one who want me to take please guide me what process will i do and my old kafeel is in green low

THank you

Hello Boss

I'm Ranjeet Kumar. I don't have iqama because my kafeel did not make. I'm staying here in Saudi Arabia more than 90days after the expired visa. Then I want transfer sponsorship. Can be possible

Please give me right information
And next
Information give me important for kafeel approval for transfer sponsorship.

Because my kafeel did not response any

I had the same problem and now its solve