
meeting up

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My name is jens

I was born in belgium but lived many years abroad.

I recently moved back but feel like being a foreigner.

If you want to meet up for a drink then please let me know.

See also

Living in Antwerp: the expat guideSingle moms in Antwerp areaCoffee meet in AntwerpYellowpages for Antwerpenlooking for friends in Antwerp- Belgium

Hi Jens!

Welcome to!



Hello, My name is Maria. I am spanish Chemical Engineer. I was living 3 years in The Netherlands. Currently I live in Ghent and workmin Ternuzen (dutch border). I am planning to move to Mechelen/Antwerpen beginnign of july. I would like to meet new people and plan activites during weekends. Moreover do you know someone renting or moving out form an appartment in Mechelen/Antwerpen? so far i am looking in but i am not very succesful


Hi Maria,

I've read your post about moving to Antwerp and the difficulties you have finding an appartment.

I would like to help you.

What's the budget you want to spend on rent? And where do you want to live? in the center or in the outskirts of Antwerp?

If you want I can have a look for you on different websites and send you through te links.

You can add me on facebook (jens jorgensen living in antwerp) or on

I'm really happy helping you as I know it's not easy to find things on te internet whenever you don t speak the language. (I had the same problem in Barcelona)

Antonio Alves

Hola Maria,
Que tal  si algun dia quieres quedamos , me gustaria charlar un poco. Echo de menos España. Yo vivia en Galicia, Santiago de Compostela...
Aqui bueno, soy Engeniero Civil/estructural en una multinacional Americana en Antwerp.
Si tal podemos un dia ir tomar una Estrella GAlicia, conosco algunos bares Españoles podriamos explorarlos y ver si pillamos algo de España... :)
Un saludo,

Hasta pronto,



Hello Anton,

Could you please write in English as it's the English version of the Antwerp forum?
You can also have a look at the Spanish version of the forum ;)

Thank you for your comprehension.


Antonio Alves

It will not happen again...
I promise...

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