
Moving to Cairo

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Me and my husband are planning to move to Cairo in August 2013,I would like some informations on the living cost, basic rental in Mohandeseen and if anyone has an idea expected salary for interior architecture.
Anyone know where to look for jobs?
thanks for your help guys.

See also

Living in Cairo: the expat guideAbandoned in EgyptEgyptian and Malaysian getting married - what to do? Please guide me.Friendship and communityAny foreigners near Rehab City

hi sherebanu
wish you safe arrival

about your questions for the cost of life in egypt , its average cost or cheap for the primary needs based on the average of salaries in egypt  and compared to other countries its more cheaper

but the other needs like accommodation and owning or renting a vehicle may be you find it little expensive , but un all cases it depends and vary from a place or area to another , and in egypt there is a lot of variety in cost . but the rule  is more cost- more advantage .

in mohndseen accommodation in a flat  , renting cost starts from 4000 L.E per month thats is the minimum cost , u may find lower price but as i said it depend you on location ,furniture,the size but it the basic starting prices for a suitable flat there

about the expected salary for interior architecture  it depend on  the career experience ,so u have to inf. this

looking for jobs , i have to tell that online search will not help a lot unless you  already stay in egypt or know some one who can provide one for you , so you can start  heavy search when u aleady move .



I think that a job search for anyone with these sorts of qualifications will not be very easy at all.
At the University here there are MANY many graduates of high calibre every year and they are all looking for a job.
Not everyone of them gets a good job I hasten to add because there are not so many around.

My Brother in law has his own Interiors business - and he employs staff, he also the head of a committee at the Uni. that has this faculty and I have asked him.
There is a lack of jobs for all of the people who are qualified, also if you don't speak fluent Arabic how can you converse with the workmen and the people who want the work done.

Also it is not just this - the ministry won't issue work visas for a job that can be done by an Egyptian - which is only fair and right. And they are getting tougher with this.

Also why would anyone wish to employ someone from outside Egypt with the same qualifications as someone inside Egypt - pay them more and also have the hassle of giving and paying for the work permit??  In just doesn't make sense.

To come to stay in Egypt without a job is pure folly.  You are then not an expatriate and any job that may arise will be offered with Egyptian rates - which will be very low, with no expatriate additions to the contract.
The potential employer knows you are backed into a corner and will accept just about anything!.

And to work without the work permit here nowadays (as no doubt some will suggest) is not the way to go.
If you have any trouble what will you do if you are here illegally.
If you have children - how will you place them in a school - without a valid work permit the school won't take them.
If you are being paid Egyptian rates - how will you pay for the school (and trust me the level of the 'local' schools is by far not good enough.

There was a report recently - one of many - of a Filipine maid catching a taxi and the driver decided to call her bluff.
locked the doors, and told her he would drive her to the local police station and report her.
SO basically she had to pay him alot of money (and lucky it was only money) to actually get him to let her go.

* Don't come unless you have a job.
* Don't put yourself in the situation of living illegally.
* Be realistic - the economy is not good - the situation with the dollar is making business very very tough.
* Think things through properly - such as what level you are expecting, schooling if you have children.

Again you will get someone who will comment next - and they will tell you I am talking rubbish!
But it is sensible and realistic talking - not to lead you on.


biffy wrote:


Also why would anyone wish to employ someone from outside Egypt with the same qualifications as someone inside Egypt - pay them more and also have the hassle of giving and paying for the work permit??  In just doesn't make sense.

there is a reason when the job related to language skills , or translation companies in egypt , some companies need to employ native ( not fluent ) speakers , am with you for sure not be in egypt in illegal way .

and no one can comment on your biffy say its rubbish , your post is realistic , but when i replied i take into account every case
as it self , a case if the person who will move to cairo  is alone ,or if they are a family ,
kinda selective when replying , u see if a husband already have a job here in cairo and the wife asking for a job for her , so it will not be too much risky , but the case one come  alone without any preparations am  agree with you.


Even language skills

My Husbands cousin works for Vodaphone in the call centre for abroad - she is Egyptian - but with good skills in English - so she works for english speaking countries.
So even in this scenario - employ and EGyptian - pay Egyptian wages - no hassle of work permits / visas.


  when we use examples , we don't generalize , so i have an example , i had been working in egyptian tourism company they employed with  a priority .

my sister worked in a tele-sale company , they employed foreigner with  priority also to serve other  country campaigns

my friend work in translation company , they looking for native speakers to a department and every month they depend on good no. of  native experiences with there wide range activity

and i have a lot of examples ...although this i agree with you in the main idea , dont come to egypt unless you already arranged a job deal.

but if we generalize this concept, so no one from expat will have a chance to work in egypt, what i said that everyone has a special circumstance , as i said they may be a family , an expat may move alone with no help

so we have all scenarios.. and for this fact we must not forget the main rule :

searching a job while the one live in  the country itself , has better chance and than searching online while am living in another country , as i only depend on contacting few no. of  companies as in egypt there is a lot of unregistered job inquires and depend on search engines only and neglect the locals helping factor.


if we gonna copying scenarios  , so no one will get a real thing , we are all different .


Can i tell you that in the main those expats with the better jobs come to Egypt already with a job - because this is the way to get a better package - the only way - unless you are poached by another company when you are here.

The situation with the visas now is such that unless you are a true specialist in your field - it is nigh on impossible to get a work permit nowadays.

And yes - you may get expats in some other positions 0 but in my experience and after reading all the forums alot of them get jobs illegally (especially in the field of tourism) or their packages / salaries are not to be compared with anything you would get as an expat coming in from outside.

It is just that in the field asked about above - Egypt has great training - great facilities and a great number of graduates already looking for a job - and more coming on to the job market every year.
So the Ministries will protect the jobs in relation to these fields - which is only right.

ANd really unless you are an expat - and know what your expectations are - then it is difficult to comment.
What is a decent salary in local terms - is not a salary I would get out of bed for!!  And certainly wouldnt be working outside my country for.


biffy wrote:


It is just that in the field asked about above - Egypt has great training - great facilities and a great number of graduates already looking for a job - and more coming on to the job market every year.
So the Ministries will protect the jobs in relation to these fields - which is only right.

i Agree with you , with most of discuss especially the illegal jobs and visa , but about this part there is something only locals know about it , and i cant say it, or i can give a shortcut about this :
( jobs fields in Egypt are very very very greedy for professional and experienced persons )


don't come unless you're an expat with a job ready for you. Life is extremely difficult here so I would visit first before you make a final decision. Things are also extremely expensive in relation to what they were a year ago. Good Luck!


that's look pessimistic .... assume available good chances for semi-qualified persons to have jobs in Egypt,

about me ,am pro-striving for joining a career,with legal visa and a helpful friends contact ..

sorry for being optimistic.


It's not pessimistic, it's realistic. there's a huge difference.
I wish Egyptians would stop misleading people into thinking that there are opportunities in this country.Let's try to be honest here rather than painting a facade for people thinking of moving here.  It is what it is.


and there is a difference between  realistic and

what realistic sounds when someone say you will not able to find a job in a country ??? is that sounds logic ??  realistic when someone say you are not gonna find a job in the desert.

hey, its a country ..big significant one , huge no. of factories , companies , huge projects in all fields,intermediate private business activity , even small projects have its own requirement of employers,international investigation contract with a lot of countries ,and all of that cover all commercial,industrial and social activities ...and i hear a words about not finding a job?

so which part is not realistic ???

no offence ...wanna be realistic ... ask for a job in Egypt and be qualified for it ... and i will get you a more than an   good offer in 3 days ... and am talking seriously :)  , wanna do it ??? because that's sounds realistic for me ,

as a local citizen , i find many who doesn't join any career always have Justifications , complicated circumstances,country status and companies requirement and etc.

and am i know exactly what am talking about - with all respect - getting a job in Egypt ,its about (how and what) , and most of scenarios your are talking about we involved with it, so being realistic is not about generalizing an experience ..



with all due respect - if it was sooo easy to find a job unskilled / semi-skilled / professional - then why are there millions of people unemployed here in EGypt.

Yes there are many factories etc. - but they don't solve the enemployment do they?

And to eb honest it is now just a case of finding a job - it is a case of getting a work permit for a foriegn national for the position - not so easy any more. Why? becuas they are trying to ensure that more of these skilled jobs go to EGyptian nationals - as is only right and proper.

And again - yes you can maybe find a job - at the right salary and package that an expat would want - definitely not!! The expectations of what is good salary are vastly different.

My advice remains the same, and I agree with Meems.
Don't come unless you have a job. DOn't relocate until you have sussed out all the necessary costs - housing, schools if nec., food, etc.
Why would anyhone relocate to a country outside their own and make a local salary - espeically in this reguion - you just wouldn't do it.

ANd if I am being totally honest - why EGypt right now?  Unstable. poor economy, goes up and down from week to week.
I moved here for a whole truck load full of other reasons, mostly to do with my husband being EGyptian - but even still I found myself a job BEFORE I came - not after!

It is different to give advice from a locals point of view to an expat - the experiences / expectations are very different.  Everyone has some degree of rose tinted glasses on when it comes to thier own countries - and I find that is especially true of Egyptians.


biffy wrote:


I moved here for a whole truck load full of other reasons, mostly to do with my husband being EGyptian - but even still I found myself a job BEFORE I came - not after!

BY The way that's what i tell also from the beginning of the topic ,having a job in Egypt before you come its the basic important rule.

and i said the situation varies , i don't know why you don't get this point with all respect -but Biffy even you applied this rule by yourself when you come to Egypt with your husband , and you get a job  after you came

that's what am talking about everyone has own circumstances, so moving to egypt mostly is not for getting a job.

in the other hand , you what i commented on your opinion ,is killing any chance to get a job in Cairo for expat,so what s not sounds realistic for me .

and agree with you not to put all risk when the moving related to a family or  just one person , with no contacts here in Egypt or not being qualified , but what i always mean there is a chance for this case , with striving .. thats all

expat here get more salaries by the way ..


all thanks for the blog team for removing insulting posts , as no one will take an advice from insulting nervous persons - all respect for removing delusional information , as we do our best to help expat and show respecting to them , so we wait the same too.



I ddidn't get the job after I came - I got a job BEFORE I came!!
It's the only way to get the full expat package.


biffy wrote:


I ddidn't get the job after I came - I got a job BEFORE I came!!
It's the only way to get the full expat package.

that's what i try to tell you biffy(( you got a job in Egypt ))

and through all your posts , you tell Egypt is a country with low or near zero chance to find a job while you live here ...

then why you got a job here ?


because in some fields you can - and you have to be a specialist and it has to be in a field where there are no egyptian graduates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

also i got my job before the revolution - so easier - ministry giving slightly more work permits - economy was better.


Hello everyone!

Wow that is a lot of reading and many different point of views.

I agree with everyone, it is not easy to find a job, but that is not just for Egypt, I am from Paris and my husband from Pakistan, after we got married I lived in Pakistan for a year, I never thought I would find a job there but I did, as a french teacher, but okay this doesnt count I was working like a local, then after a year my hubsand got his admission in Malaysia for his bachelor degree in Interior Architecture, mean while I went back to Paris and I looked for smthg to do and luckily find a job in french teaching again, but here also doesn't count I was back in my home town.
Then after a year and a half we decided that I'd join my husband in Malaysa and believe me I was so scared because in order for me to stay in Malaysia I needed a work permit, but I came here I searched ALOT and in a month I found a job, of course the visa didn't come instantly but we found a solution.

Basically I am not saying that it will be the same in Cairo, but we are mentally prepared that we will have to strive. We are not even expecting an expats salary! we know that we have to be outstanding for that. But who knows something might work out. I just wanted yalls opinion about the situation there. I agree with everyone. why hire foreigners when locals are cheaper, but on the other hand there are many expats everywhere how did they manage to get a job ? means it is possible; it won't be easy but without trying we will never know.
So guys I just need one more favor, if you come accross any good opportunity which might me be interesting for me keep me posted :)

thanks all!


No there are not expats everywhere here in EGypt working

Because the basic salary is so very low.
This is a country of many millions of people and if you won't work for the money someone else will.

ANd very sorry - what works in other countries does not work here

and if you have worked hard for a bachelors degree like your husband why would you settle for a locals salary.

But also you speak french - no doubt your husband speaks malalam / pakistani - not arabic.

But sorry i cannot paint a rose coloured sky - just to make you feel better and give you false hope of finding a job here.

whatever rules apply in the rest of the world - don't apply here.


Why are you so negative?
I never asked you to " paint a rose coloured sky " for me and for your kind information we both have Bachelors of art in arabic literature degree. We speak literature arabic, means the language of Quran not slang language.

I never said its the same EVERYWHERE you better re-read my message. We are ready to strive, I told you we are not expecting an expat salary. If this is difficult for you to understand why then don't try. I am just putting my points here now if this is to tell me again and again the same thing thanks I got it. I simply replied to say thanks to all for yalls opinions.

What is malalam? I think you meant malay.

I have been to Cairo a lot of time, stayed there months and I have many cousins and friends there all expats.

Before you replying saying that Egypt is different, I am telling you I know! But I am willing to try.


Also why attack me - I am not being negative - just relalistic!!
Just becuase it isn't what you want to hear - doesn't make is incorrect!!
ANd I think you have also been another of the local forums and got the same kind of answers.

And FYI - it doesn't reaaly matter what your degrees are in - just that if there is no demand for it - then you will have trouble.

I know that the situation is difficult right now - I work here and know people who have lost their jobs and can't find another, arabic speakers.

It seems that you have decided and are not really looking for advice - just for someone to say - come it is very easy.

NP here we go - come you will find a job quickly. The country is both socially and economically stable - with no problems whatsoever. It is easy to get a work permit.

Also I am just putting my points.
And you asked the question.

I have been here over 2 years and the country has changed so much.

Previously I had also been for months visiting etc, but that is very different from living here. But hey who am I to comment.

Welcome to EGypt and enjoy.
But please before you come do find yourself a job at the very least - then at least you won't waste any money and will stay here legally.

don moe

biffy wrote:

I know that the situation is difficult right now - I work here and know people who have lost their jobs and can't find another, arabic speakers.

I have been here over 2 years and the country has changed so much.

But please before you come do find yourself a job at the very least - then at least you won't waste any money and will stay here legally.

Totally agree with you concerning those 3 points.

@ Sherebanu , maybe you could first search for a work as a teacher in any school around mohandseen begining new school year which will be in september 2013.


@Don moe: Yes this is exactly what I am doing :) I got few positive approval, they requested to speak to my current and previous superiors I will get this done this week hopefully.

NP here we go - come you will find a job quickly. The country is both socially and economically stable - with no problems whatsoever. It is easy to get a work permit.


okay thanks Biffy for your advices I really appreciate, I think I will not come to Cairo anymore you are right.

You have been very attacking and offensive since your very first messages. I agreed with everything you said,but sorry if you dont like me to say that I will come and try. I asked for advices not for someone to tell me COME or NOT COME. If I still wish to come its my pb right ? or you gonna wait for me at the airpot and not let me enter ? cuz it really seems like it.
Please I am just requesting you to not post here anymore, don't tell me it's free to post and all I know, it's jsut a request. Or I will simply delete this thread. Thank you for your comprehension I hope you understand.


good luck anyway , and don't forget that always you have a chance by striving ,

nothing happens is a rejection it just a redirection

we all hope you a good steps ,inshallah

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