
Aus and Kiwi

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So, what's it like living in Australia and New Zealand?

I mean, do you like it there?  Do you feel strange?  Is the accent hard to understand?

I have Australia next on my list of Places To Move To When I Get Bored, so I'm quite curious.

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I thought I'd write a quick reply, since no one else has. Australia is a lot more different from Canada than I expected, but I think maybe I expected too much! I'd write a bit more on why, but I'm pretty busy preparing for my trip to Papua New Guinea. And I think you've probably seen some of my postings on my blog about this. If you're interested, they're here: … _australia and here: … ngs_i_miss. The first post basically comes from something I posted on this forum here:

I don't find the accent too hard to understand at all. Despite being a linguist, I'm typically really bad at understanding thick accents. The most difficult part of understanding Aussies is the vocabulary. That being said, I think Aussies are more difficult to imitate than most others - I've yet to hear a good Aussie accent from a non-Australian. I find the Kiwis a little more difficult to understand - but that might be because I live in Australia and not New Zealand! But I do love listening to both accents! I don't think either are as difficult as many of the different accents in Great Britain. I'm sure it's much easier than many of the accents you hear where you are now!

Anyways, I think you've seen my thoughts of Australia before - maybe someone else who lives here (or New Zealand) can add a new perspective. Anyone?


... during my exchange year in Canada (english spoken part), I met australian and british people

... so I could say that :
- the american prononciation is like when you have a chewing gum in your mouth ... like cool guy you know
- the british prononciation is more polite, kind of superior ...
- australian people mix both accent ... it is very strange, they are speaking like british people with a chewing gum in their mouth :lol:

But it is awesome !! I like australian people ... I want to go in Australia ........................


loloieg wrote:

- the british prononciation is more polite, kind of superior ...

Sorry, I just had to quote that one. Needed to massage my superior British Intellect :top::thanks::joking::lol::lol::lol:

.... talking of accents. I used to find telling the difference between Aussie and NZ... but after three months there, and seeing New Zealand news (they show some of Sky News Australia), and starting to pick it up better.

You comments in general were interesting. My wife is Japanese, and she finds certain accents easier to understand.
She finds 'generic' American sort of OK (because it's all over the TV and media here. People speak 'American', not English).
She finds 'generic' British much easier. She finds my soft Welsh accent very easy. (along with others with similar accents to me). She finds my mums stronger accent more difficult (and it's a similar situation to other 'strong' regional variations, like Scottish or heavy Cockney).
She finds Aussie accents quite difficult, same with NZ. I was quite suprised by this.

Me, the accent is not a problem in Australia. The vocab throws me a bit. They introduce some new words, which I work out because of where the word is derived from and the context it's used it. But for a non-native English speaker, I suspect it would be more difficult.

Space Kadette

Can someone tell me the good spots to hang out in Paris to meet mates from oz or nz???


Hi everybody
I spent 7 months in australia and yes the accent is a bit hard to understand  especially when you go in the countryside but aussie's are so nice...
Space Kadettes you can try the Oz bar in paris (I don't know the exact location) there is one in my city (lille) and, at least, the waiter is australian ;-)

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