
Required personal secretary

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Required personal secretary of the Office of engineering consultancy and real estate marketing at Nasr City.cairo - English language proficiency - computer software - good-looking. Kindly send CV + photo modern to deviate appointment interview at the company headquarters

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What a joke! Good looking? Why would a secretary have to be good looking? And send a photo, why? To prove she's good looking? I wonder how good looking you are that you use your work to find girls. I've seen countless of advertisements in Egypt looking for female employees that are good looking for jobs that looks are not in the job description. Aren't there any discrimination laws in egyp or is that only for the veil and other Islamic attire?


And look at the English. I know we all type fast and make many mistakes posting on forums but if youre posting for an employee with what you call English language proficiency andd your English sucks..... Well you get my point


Dear ExpatEnglishTeacher:     i need Good looking for Art galleries and receive customer not for bad thinks in u sick mind and i apologized for my sucks english , but the basic language in Egypt is Arabic that why I need someone very good in english, but also don t forget with my bad language  I have opportunities to run people like you >>>>>>>>> Well you get my point:P


But --- even --- to work in an art gallery you don't have to be good looking --- just efficient, and smartly dressed!!



To run people like me? Lol! No comment or reply needed


May I ask please,what is the meaning of,,to run people''?:rolleyes:


arch_tamer75 wrote:

...that why I need someone very good in english, but also don t forget with my bad language  I have opportunities to run people like you >>>>>>>>> Well you get my point:P

1. If your English is bad, how could you find out that the applicant has got very good English? You cannot do the difference!
2. You can run a company(... should you?:D ) but never people!
3. It s very nice you have a job for expats, but the way you introduced it to us is very personal!
PS. Please, provide the applicants an official email address as soon as you are " a company" with good intentions. Never a CV is sent in a yahoo/ hotmail....

don moe

valibilic wrote:
arch_tamer75 wrote:

...that why I need someone very good in english, but also don t forget with my bad language  I have opportunities to run people like you >>>>>>>>> Well you get my point:P

1. If your English is bad, how could you find out that the applicant has got very good English? You cannot do the difference!
2. You can run a company(... should you?:D ) but never people!
3. It s very nice you have a job for expats, but the way you introduced it to us is very personal!
PS. Please, provide the applicants an official email address as soon as you are " a company" with good intentions. Never a CV is sent in a yahoo/ hotmail....

Well said valibilic :top:

and i guess this thread should be closed.


I love hte fancy business men who have yahoo and hotmail accounts. Now we know how they make their money-they don't waste money paying for a proper address


Good morning everyone :) I am interesting in the work and i will send my CV, because i think what all here are adults,serious and respectable persons looking by friendship, information and opportunities of work.

Good day and thanks :)


arch_tamer75, thanks for posting your vacancy, but please post in the JOBS section

-thread closed-


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