
No properties with MTA license?

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I have been in touch with one estate agent and sent him a list of requirements for our flat.

A) I asked him for a flat that would be MTA licensed. He said virtually no flats are MTA licensed and it would mean 7% increase in rent. Is this true? Are you flats MTA licensed? Any increase in rent?

B) To be put on the bills. He said the landlords "will certainly not consider registering the ARM’s meters in your name simply because doing so would mean that it would become procedure every 6 months – 1 year". That one is quite straightforward - I know it is not true.

Should I stop dealing with this agent?


See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in MaltaBuying a property in MaltaAccommodation in GozoAccommodation in Saint Julian's

i am registered with MTA.

please send me email on



Hi Victoria,

MTA properties are short-term tourist rentals. If you are a resident it is not relevant for you.

As to B. It will depend on what you are prepared to commit yourself too ! It is quite straight forward - landlords have no interest in signing over their ARMs bills if you don't sign on a long-term contract

I'm sorry to say it is true !

I doubt if you will find a better option for a short term ( 6 - 12 months) arrangement as to accept the domestic rates unless your landlord gives you his cheaper residential rates.

All the 'hardballing' on this issue will not help you that much !



if the landlords dont allow you to go on the bills as a registered consumer then walk away...find one that will - they do exist - your mission is to find them...if you dont, then be prepared to pay hefty utility bills.


Thank you all for your imput.

Ricky, sorry I did not express myself clearly. I was talking about being put down as a registered consumer as I think this could be easier to find a landlord to accept this on a 6 months contract.

I am on a mission to find such landlords:) And I will.


You will some across many many who will not do as you ask for their own reasons....however THE ONES THAT WILL - THEY ARE out there - believe me, we are in our fourth property and we have never succumbed to this type of landlord. STICK TO YOUR GUNS AND FIND THEM  - good luck

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