
Looking for US speaking voice over for a Filmproject !

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Dear people,

I am a belgium film director and am looking for native US speaking citizens for doing voice over in my film. If anyone would be interested please do contact me. Do not worry about the challenge its pretty simple really.

Kind regards,
Guy Bleyaert

See also

Job offers in BelgiumWorking in AntwerpWorking in LiègeWorking in CharleroiFinding work in Brussels

Hi. I'm interested. Could you please give me details about location, time, date, etc.




This sounds like a lot of fun.  Back when I used to live in the US, I worked in radio and loved it.  If you haven't found someone yet, please feel free to contact me.

Best wishes,



Hello Guy Bleyaert,

Welcome to! :)

You should also post this advert in the job in Belgium section.

Thank you,
Best of luck,


Hi again,
It's me, Tammy again. I wanted to let you know I have a female friend who would also be great at this.  Looking forward to hearing from you and Happy New Year.



Thank you all for the reply, I am in the final run for the postproduction. I do have to mention that tis is a low budget feature action film alldough it looks like a budget film. So there is only paiment for travel expences and some extra. We do have of coffee and snack included to :) you have to see this as a trail and adventure. Still interested? thx,


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