Hey Linda, hope all is well with you guys! After talking to a few people down here that have had some issues shipping anything, especially cars, I highly recommend just driving your car to Honduras if you can. If its new enough, that´s their big thing here...no older than 10 years old. Its cheaper than shipping and flying, and makes for a great adventure! My dad and I made the drive 4 months ago from Abilene and had a decent enough time and no real problems the whole way... 4x4´s here are anywhere from 4k to 10k for a decent one, and like 40k for a new Toyata Hilux which is a popular choice around here.
Since I´ve been here I´ve met many local contractors and don´t think it will be an issue to get someone over there to start working on clearing and backfilling the property before yall arrive in Dec. Right now we have a private contractor working on an additional carport/balcony. They are about a week into it and currently have the support structure framed and almost ready to pour. If your interested, I can send some pictures of the construction so you can see if his work might be something yall are interested in.
When it comes to banks...phew...fun times. Depending on where you go it could be difficult setting up new accounts. Banco Lafise seems to be the easiest. Some other expats Ive talked to use HSBC, Banco Occidente, or Banco Atlantida. Once you get one of those set up, simply do a wire transfer from your account in the US to your account here, but watch out for fees. Some of the other expats here on the blog could advise you more specifically on fees. The other option is using an ATM to draw money off your account in TX, which is what my dad does right now.
Let me know if you would like to see some construction pics
Take care of yourselves and we look forward to seeing yall out here soon!