Hermanus region... location, overall quality?


we would like to buy a house in the western cape. We looked around everywhere and found and liked the hermanus region.

Is there anybody who can help us with more info about the Hemel&Aarde valley? Is this a good location to live? (crime, overall quality)

We don't want to be too far from cape town and the airport, but we like nature and a not too buzy place to live

Thx for the help!


Hermanus is a beautiful area the Southern Right Whales calf there each year. Please speak to your Estate Agent regarding crime in the area but as far as I know it is a safe, beautiful and has everything you are looking for.

Kind regards

thanks for the reply pat!

Won't You regret You leave africa?


No I will not regret leaving even though I love Africa most of my family live in the States and some have moved down under either to New Zealand or Australia. We will be living in Niagara falls area close to the border so I will be able to see my family more often. All countries have there fair share of problems but less problems are experienced in Canada!
Kind regards
and all the best

We bought a house in the area between Hermanus and Cape Town several years ago.The area is called Betty's Bay and we bought in the quiet section called Jock's Bay near Klienmond.
Our house is right at the entrance to The Harold Porter Botanical Garden.
It is a (to us) the most heavenly place...with mountain hikes and waterfalls 10 minutes away and the beach 5 minutes in the other direction.
We are living in Texas and miss our house and the place a lot.Please check this area out if you are looking for peace and paradise......
Our house stands vacant for many months of year and if you are interested you can contact me.
Happu house hunting.

Looking to locate Bob and Janine.
Driving through Austin on Monday 16th.
Would like to say hello.

Hi Julian - welcome on board and please note that this thread here is a bit old :)

I can see your post is fairly old but we are looking at the Hermanus/Kleinmond area with a view to moving. We are currently looking at guest houses in the area to buy. Janineb, do you still have your house there and would you consider a short term let when we return there?

Dear Julie,
I have a 3 bed home in Betty's Bay, a block from the ocean.I will consider letting it.
Take care,

Yes, I would consider letting my home.Let me know.

Hi Julian, we may be coming out in October and will be in touch. Can you email me some details on your home? I am familiar with Betty's Bay as we took our children to the penguin colony a couple of weeks ago. My email is julieclarejones@hotmail.com