Belgium Nationality 2024

@ARMaliq Yes I called them several times and sent emails as well. They just say I need to wait haha! but Im not sure if according to law they are allowed to take more than 6 months. Molenbeek commune! the worst commune for paperwork lol


Thanks, I applied in Antwerp 3 weeks ago, so far didn't get any letter or police visit

I went today to the city hall and asked them what the response is. They initially said that they havent received anything, but then they went to check further and apparently they received the letter and the woman said I am belgian since 30th of April!!!! but strangely I havent received any response and she said its positive but its the task of Bevloking/Population service to do the rest of the work. I think there is bad management in the city hall so they haven't been communicating with each other which I dont understand. anyhow, she said I need to wait 2/3 more weeks to be able to apply for the Belgian ID card.

Dat of application: 16 november 2023

Date of approval: 30 April 2024


Did you have police verification? If yes how soon they came?



Hi @here

its been 4 months and a few days , so according to the paragraph in the there's no more time

for a negative answer form the parquet , right?

i sadly lost my current ID and tomorrow im

going to the commune hoping they can allow me to apply for the new ID and not current one.

schaerbeek somehow says 5 months which i dont understand why


Which commune are you in? have you had a police visit?

@vaibrasil You cannot apply for new ID unless there is a positive feedback or it has been 4 months from the moment the file has been transferred and commune agrees to register you as new citizen. May be one extra month from commune is for administrative work.

Hi, I recently gotten my B card and i would like to know with B card, can i already apply for Belgian nationality or should i go throught the L card and so forth.

Note: I am working and living in Vlaanderen right now.

thank you all.

@jesswcp With B card, you are eligible to apply for nationality given that you fulfill other conditions.

Dear expats, I would like to know if its possible to apply for the Belgium card and passport at the same time once nationality is approved? And also can you request in advance once the nationality certificate can be downloaded?

@Blinxx For your first question, Yes you can.

Second question: Only if commune agrees.


Many thanks for your response. Do I need to do it at the same counter for the appointment or different appointments on the same day?

For those who scheduled an appointment with the police - how did you do it?

I talked now with the commune in Antwerp and he said it's not possible and also that if the police will come when I'm not there, they won't leave a note, because they want to come in surprise.

Also, he said there are many nationality requests at the moment and that they come randomly and might not come at all. Is that true? Has anyone in Antwerp had a case where the police didn't come at all and you still got nationality approval?

@ARMaliq how do you know your application has been transffered? where to check ?


I did get approval without a police verificaition in Antwerp

@Anjali4455 Normally, you should receive a letter from the commune after a few days. But sometimes, you get the confirmation of the transfer of a file on the spot if the commune has already checked it.

@vsarchu congrats. How did you get informed? It seems quite fast for you. Did they send you an email or did you receive a letter from the commune? Or if you saw your approval in terms of nationality certificate on mijndossier website?

    @ARMaliq how do you know your application has been transffered? where to check ?        -@Anjali4455

check on mondossier. You  will see your nationality certificate tab uploaded. Once uploaded you will recieve the letter in few days