
Looking for a supplement not found in Mauritius (Sedistress)

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Hello :)

I was wondering if anyone is coming to Mauritius from the following countries soon? France, Belgium or Luxembourg?

I am looking for Sedistress 200mg which cannot be found on the island.

Thank you !

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I'm sorry I've just come from England last week so I cannot help you. I think that you might have to order online using their shipping facility. This is all I can suggest. I hope that you are having a pleasant stay on the island๐Ÿ™‚.

Best wishes



@savanvida Thank you for your reply!

Unfortunately pharmacies or parapharmacies won't ship out medication or supplements from Europe, they don't do that :(

It's okay, I hope someone else coming from those countries will see the post :)

Thank you though it is very nice of you.

Have a great evening ahead!


Hi Yasmine,

It's an odd thing indeed as it's not really a medication.ย  I hope that someone else can bring it over to you, otherwise you might have to find an alternative in the pharmacies over here is my other suggestion?

Thank you and my pleasure ๐Ÿ™‚


@savanvida I did ask in pharmacies here for at least something with the same composition. But they always have Passiflora along with Valerian, Melatonin and other stuff.

Sedistress only contains Passiflora incarnata and they do not have that here unfortunately.



That's a real pity, it must be frustrating for you indeed!

I've found that in Mauritius it is sometimes hard to find equally matched products that I'd ordinarily find in the UK so what I tend to do when I'm coming on trips is to bulk buy that way I don't run out whilst in Mauritius. However, I do understand that this is not always practical and if my stay was for longer than I'd find myself in a similar situation to yourself ๐Ÿ™‚

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