ORFI divorce in Egypt

Hello everyone. I have recently faced a problem connected with ORFI marriage in Egypt. I traveled to Egypt almost a year ago and intended to marry someone with an ORFI contract. But then due to some circumstances we broke up.

There were 3 copies of this paper, two of them were destroyed (mine and that guy's copy), but the third one is kept at the lawyer's office. A year ago I asked the guy to go to the office and take the paper back, and according to him the lawyer denied, he said if we did it together, we could only "divorce" together. So I let it be, but now I am planning on a legal marriage in Egypt with another person.

When my ex got to know about that, said that he would go to the court and register our marriage. But he already burned his copy!!! And my documents (ID card etc) are different now, I have recently updated them.

Someone told me though that if you have enough money and the right connections in Egypt, you can do anything. I doubt though that my ex has those. So, I will be so grateful if you assist me a bit with information on this issue. First of all, is it really possible for him to somehow get that copy from the lawyer and register it in the court without me??? I would really love to get some help from lawyers if there are any available on this site!

Thanks a lot!