Obtaining Belgian driver's licence

Hello friends,

I have a Turkish driver's licence that I can use in Belgium for 6 months.

My question is, can I hand my driver's licence to the commune before 6 months time is up and fasten the process of obtaining a Belgian driver's licence?

Thanks for your help.

If your drivers license is listed here:

https://mobilit.belgium.be/fr/circulati … es_hors_de

Then yes you can exchange. It does not really matter to have 6 months or more. All it matters is having a valid resident permit. Please note that authorities do not issue temporary permit while they take your permit and sent to police to have it validated and contact the authorities in your country.

@handeu Turkish driver's licence is allowed

I m in the same situation but I have been told, I can't change before the 6 months. You are only allowed to apply for change when the 6 months expires


I know this question might be a bit repetitive, but can anyone suggest me what is the procedure to obtain a belgium driving license?

I am currently having an Indian driving license and will get an International Driving permit before coming to belgium. I will be residing in Flanders region.

Thanks in advance,


@gafarvictoir Yes, when I looked into the mobilit belgium website it says like this;

"After registering in Belgium, you must wait 185 days before you can apply for a Belgian driving licence. During this period of 185 days, you may continue to drive with a recognised non-European driving licence in Belgium.

The exchange procedure can be started during the first 185 days of registration, but the Belgian driving licence may only be issued after these 185 days have elapsed."