
Wow I am living here!

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Wanted to know if anyone can share on how they felt when they realized " this is home now! "

Once you came to terms that you are not a tourist anymore . Thoughts.. feelings.. realization...? Can anyone share on how that felt please? Any apprehensions at first? fears? Please share!

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Wow, so for me that was a long time ago.  The first two years were both an adventure and a struggle while I  sorted out how things work here.  As I was actually working, almost from the start, that really helped me feel it was home.  I did not know any Spanish either, so I had to immerse myself in the community and forced myself to learn.

I think it was about  a year and a half in, when  doing something felt natural and I  knew how to do it without thinking it all through!  I also spent more time with Dominicans than I did with other expats.  I didn't need the sense of security anymore.   Thats when I knew it was home.


@planner So it takes a little while then! Two years!


Everyone is different for sure.

On the  2 year note,  from what I  experienced and have seen,  expats who move here take a good couple years  of health hits too. You will tend to pick up  viruses etc that your body  has little immune experience with.  Depending where you live there will be the  viruses here plus any viruses brought by tourists from other  countries. 

In Punta Cana tourist arrive from USA, Canada, Europe, South America etc. They all have  their flu, colds,  etc etc and bring those germs here.  Then they spread!  Add in the viruses here already and  expats are not used to all of these bombarding them. 

The first 2 years expect to get sick. Expect to get more colds, flus etc than you normally do!


I would say 6 months was enjoying all the lower costs less stress and other benefits to living here. Sometime after that started missing the food, friends & family back home doubting if I made right decision. Closer to the two year mark I felt like I'm getting more used to it, In fact, when I go back to visit USA I long for returning here. The interesting thing to ask yourself is when your friends & family realize this is your new home. Mine thought this would last only a few months , years later it's sinking in no plans to return to live back where i'm from. This is my new home and I'm loving it.


@expatcapitalist I think that would be the real turning point when your not there and long to be!  Very good feedback! I am pretty positive about the move and do expect to come back during the hottest summer months just to get a reprieve from the crazy heat in June July August!


Interesting comments.  I've been living in Puerto Plata for two whole weeks.  I think the only way I would return to USA, is if my kids who are in international school here, can't make the adjustment. 


2 whole weeks - you have not even begun to get started.  Iove your enthusiasm. You are in the honeymoon phase! 

Come back in 6 months and update us!  I am serious we would love regular updates on your progress


I will planner...thanks


@planner I find the part of getting sick most interesting Planner and also a little scary! LOL will have to stay on top of my vitamins!


Yes the better your immune system the less sick you will get.  It's actually pretty normal. Young kids get lost of viruses and build up immunity!

And get health insurance asap!


@planner on the topic of health insurance...I understand you are connected to that industry and I'd like to talk to you about acquiring it.


Happy to help honey. I will message you privately


@Roryzion Mind if I ask what points made you chose Puerto Plata in DR? Just trying to see the different aspects people like in the different regions to reach their selections?


@planner are you talking about Dominican health insurance? Or international health insurance?  I’m too old for DR insurance. And plan on spending a month in US twice a year for doctors etc? Thoughts?


I am referring to DR health insurance honey.  There is a plan for  over  age 65 but it isn't a very good one and I do not work with that company. 


@polo1club, Thx it is a jolt to realize the place you have called home all of your life has now changed. I visited this beautiful country 5 years ago and fell in love with the people and the place. My "wow" moment occurred well before I moved here. It happened when I decided to make this place home, and began to think about what all that entails. New places, customs, foods, and a new language to learn. It is a lot, but for me, it was the right choice. No place or person  is perfect, but this is as close as it gets. Find your passion, find your person, and find your place. Welcome to Paradise  !!!!


@WayneColeman Glad you are in your paradise! Really looking forward to the day that I am also working on those changes! ( installing electricity, figuring out favorite stores and towns etc etc)


polo1club, I realized I was "home" in the DR when I arrived back in September of 2003.  This was after buying a house here over a year before and waiting for my residency to be approved and then selling everything I was not putting in the container that I brought with me.

I no longer had any other home, so it was not a difficult thing to understand.  It probably took 3 or 4 years to realize most of the differences between where I was and where I am now. I call it the land where the easy is sometimes impossible and the difficult is sometimes simple. 


Where do you live? Am glad you were able to make the move

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