General information about Zurich

Get an overview of in Zurich with general information to discover the country

Discovering Zurich

Moving to a new city in a foreign country is a big and important decision in your life. When you get that opportunity to leave ...

Developing your professional network in Zurich

If you want an exciting life in your new city, start by building your social network. If you want a thriving career, develop your ...

Developing your social circle in Zurich

Moving to a foreign country can be daunting, as it implies a lot of changes in ones personal and professional life. First of all ...

Adjusting to the local culture in Zurich

Depending on your country of origin and cultural experience so far, different people will find different levels of difficulty to ...

Zurich's networking etiquette

Now that you have identified the different networking opportunities in Zurich, you may want to prepare yourself. Of course ...

Share your Expat Experience in the Guide

As an member you can share your own experience about your expatriation by writing some articles in the Expat Guide.
Formalities, Visas, Work, Bank. Share your tips or your knowledges about the new country where you chose to live, or about your own country.