Would you recommend kindergartens for English speaking Arabs ?

My daughter is 2.5 and she speaks English as her first language and a little Arabic. I want to find a few good nurseries or kgs for her in Casablanca and decide which one to choose. Would you post the websites of your recommendation or a phone number please?

Hi Ranno! For your information, there's a kindergarten in Casablanca with Nursery English School named Le Petit Train. Check on the website lepetittrain.ma or ask for more information by email : crechepetittrain@gmail.com or phone: 05 22 94 49 97.
It's a very pleasant place, with efficient and specialized people. The teacher for the N.E.S. is american so the class will be done in English.

Hi, I would be moving to Fes Morocco In Jan 2012 and have 2 young daughters aged 1 and 4. I would like to get to know other young parents. Thanks!!
From Singapore