
Moving To Netherlands


Hello all,

I am new to the site and am looking for advice,tips and any kind of help really on what I can do/expect as I am planning to move to the Netherlands this year around Oct./Nov. 

A bit about myself I am a single 27 year old british/american citizen currently living in the Washington DC metropolitan area.  I hold both a british and an american passport, so that will definitley make the move a bit easier.  I have been to Holland several times the past couple of years and have fallen in love with it.  The culture, the people, the history and so much more immediately grabbed my attention and opened my horizons to the point where I told myself that I want to live here.  I want a change and considering the fact that I am single have no kids or any kind of obligations that would hold me back I figured why not give it a shot go out there for a year or two or more and see what happens.

So that is what has brought me to this website.  Although my target date is to be out there by the end of this year I do not want to rush any step of this move at all.  After talking to friends,family and looking at various websites all of which recommended that having a job before going out there would be the smartest thing to do.  My experience is in various trades but mainly in stone work (building walkways,patios,retaining walls etc.) and landscaping (design,maintenance etc.).  I graduated high school in 2002 and went to college for 2 years (never graduated) however I do not know how this will translate in the dutch society.

I dont want to ramble on but basically I am a British/American citizen who wants to live and work in Holland.  Is it hard finding work there like it is hard finding work in America?   I need to learn more Dutch how would I go about registering for classes once out there?  Living is a bit pricey but I am not looking for a house just a cozy flat or a shared apartment where are the best areas to look?  Any places have a high concentration of British or American citizens living there which whom I could network with(Hague?)

Any information, help, networking would be greatly appreciated cause I am finding somethings a bit confusing but I know it will all be worth it ....Dankuwel:)

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Hi Rhys (very Welsh name?My Grandma is from Miskin Mountain Ash in Wales!)

my name is Claire and I have live here in Holland for the past 7 mths with my hubby Jacco and 1yr old child Fabien. I am a vet and an Aussie and we moved here after living together in England for 6yrs, I lived there in total for 9. Anyway its super difficult to get work no matter what job you do unless you speak the language! I live in the North where the people are quite closed and keep themselves to themselves however everyone still knows EVERYONE and whats going on with them. Thats life in the countryside here but if you went to Amsterdam that would be best for a young fella like yourself no? Dutch people in Amsterdam are very cosmopolitan, with it and happening. Not so much elsewhere I've noticed!

You also need to get a permit to stay no matter what passport you hold. Its caled a blijf to stay or something or rather, I can give you precise details if you want them. This gives you access to health insurance, registering for work etc etc. You should sail through if you hold an American/British passport. I did with my Aussie one but if we were Turks it would be another matter! Unfortunately the Dutch are still quite racist and are suffering a bit with immigration due to past conquests a little bit like the British with ex colonials etc. If you are black its harder to get in to be frank! Personally I have struggled with the culture and especially the language although I have to say its gettting better and better. You will do fine as you are male, young and don't have a baby to look after of course!

Well, veel success and tot of je wil documentereen then let me know! See - you can glue English and Dutch together a little bit! Think German/English and your some way there!

Tot ziens x


Hey, thanks for the reply....

Yes any details you could give on a blijf would be greatly appreciated.  Perhaps it would be easier to just search for a job once out there rather than looking for one before getting there since I wouldnt have any proper paperwork.... I am planning on visiting the dutch embassy here in DC to see if I can get started on any of the paperwork so that possibly I could be registered to work before I get there....  How are apartment pricings in Amsterdam much more expensive than outside the city?


OK its called a Verblijfsdocument (literally stay document or green card if you like!)

A Zorgpas is necessary for any medical insurance etc.

Hope this helps?

Good luck! Learn the taal!