Hand to Hand Combat -12 month study Visa

Hi - anyone have experience with above?
Heard of 1x School in Chiang Mai.
Although I have read some mixed feedback, like some waiting 3-months for the Visa.

Anyone have a List of Approved Training Establishments for this 'study' visa?

I'm not against the idea of Thai Language Study Visa, although worried I may struggle with it (and be a total waste of time attending study).

Thanks in advance.

to wait for 3 months is going to be too much...for sure

Twodogs100 wrote:

Hi - anyone have experience with above?
Heard of 1x School in Chiang Mai.
Although I have read some mixed feedback, like some waiting 3-months for the Visa.

Anyone have a List of Approved Training Establishments for this 'study' visa?

I'm not against the idea of Thai Language Study Visa, although worried I may struggle with it (and be a total waste of time attending study).

Thanks in advance.

Very familiar with H2H.  I signed up with them last September BUT had to back out.  Let me explain the situation.

Firstly, H2H is a very reputable school and can be trusted 100% to act in your best interests.  Secondly, they have an excellent reputation with Thai authorities.  In other words, it is not a scam in any way.  They are completely above-board.  For those wishing to gain a long-term visa, it's a great option.

Let's face the facts; most people who apply to H2H are not really interested in hand to hand combat, but simply want an option to stay in Thailand logn-term.  There is nothing underhanded about this.  The school provide you with this option BUT you must attend classes, and if you don't you will lose your visa.  However, the requirements are not that rigorous at all.  Two classes per week is the requirement; it's as simple as that.  No testing requirements by Immigration as there are for language schools.  The classes are suitable for any age even including seniors.  So, out of all long-stay options for Expats, it is one of the best if your goal is to stay in Thailand long-term with the minimum of red tape and time commitments.

Also, they happen to be the ONLY "self-defence" or martial art program in all of Thailand that are approved for ED Visas.  Believe me, I really looked into this because I am a Black Belt in Shorin Ryu karate, and would have much rather participated in an appropriate karate Dojo.

However, there is a problem.  Last September, I applied for an ED Visa and the school went through the procedure of gaining a letter of approval from the Ministry of Education on my behalf.   The process takes several weeks and at the end of that period I received the approval letter.

Here is where the problem began.  I was already living inside the Kingdom.  In order to get the ED Visa, you must travel to a Thai Embassy outside of Thailand.  What quickly became apparent is that surrounding Thai Embassies, such as ones in Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc... have taken a new stance on granting ED Visas (as of Sep 2019), and were turning down requests even when the applicants had all the qualifications, and doing this with no clear-cut reason.

I looked into travelling to 5 different embassies from Thailand; Vietnam, Cambodia, SIngapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia and reports indicated that all of these embassies were turning down requests for ED Visas from qualified applicants, so I finally decided to look for other long-stay options, and H2H made a prompt refund of my tuition to me with no issue, and did so very quickly...very honorable people!

Though nobody is certain, the reasons for this change is apparently to discourage foreign nationals already in Thailand from trying to extend their stay in this manner.  The advice from many well-informed people is that the Embassies are trying to make applicants return to their home countries to apply for the ED VIsa, which usually is a far more successful approach to getting one.

So, basically if you want an ED visa from H2H, you will probably have to do so through the Thai Embassy in your home country.  You will most likely be successful if you do it in this manner.

I can tell you from personal experience, that the school will work very efficiently to help you get the visa.  They really handle the process very effectively, and even after they send you the approval letter, they are still there for you and respond to phone or email very quickly with any questions or concerns you may have.  In short, they are a really good bunch of people and very professional in how they handle this.

Thank you - great detailed reply.

The school already suggested I apply from home country, then come, so maybe they are onto the changes.
I'm very happy to attend all classes, I wasn't seeking a 'do nothing' option.

Again, Thanks.


Twodogs100 wrote:

Thank you - great detailed reply.

The school already suggested I apply from home country, then come, so maybe they are onto the changes.
I'm very happy to attend all classes, I wasn't seeking a 'do nothing' option.

Again, Thanks.


Yes, they are very aware of the situation and will work very closely with interested applicants to secure a positive outcome. 

BTW, the head of the school, Kung Jongjet is a former high-ranking police officer with extensive government connections, and held in very high esteem.  This probably accounts for their being the only certified martial arts school in Thailand for ED VIsas, and the high success rate they have at getting applicants approved.  He is also a very nice man who speaks English fairly well, and the same can be said for many on his staff.

And another BTW, though most people are in it only to get the visa, their self-defence instruction is actually first-rate!  Their system is loosely based on Israeli Krav Mega, which is a highly effective "street style" self defence system, and if you are really interested in developing these skills, they provide a great way to learn them effectively and pretty quickly.