Driving in Brazil with an Irish license

Hi all,
i would like to ask if it is possible to drive in brazil with an irish license.
thanks a million

For 180 days. Then must have BR Dl

As Texanbrazil said.
You'll need to take the vision test, the psychotechnical test, and either a written test on the rules of the road, or a course at DETRAN.  And pay the fees, this being Brazil.  You'll be excused from the road test, though.

Thanks for the reply, can the test be done in english?

No. The first time I applied, paid and went to clinic. Eye exam fine a lady asked me to sit for test and I asked if she spoke English. She said I could not take the test unless I spoke Portuguese. I went back to Detrans and spoke with PF agent, he said it was not true and called the clinic. Needless to say the lady did not "care" for me when I went back. Passed.
All questions are in Portuguese.
There are samples of the test on line

I assume that you're asking for your husband.  Remember, he'll have a six month grace period to drive on his Irish license.  That's enough time to acquire enough conversational Portuguese to handle the DETRAN tests.  They're pretty basic.

I am finding it varies State to State...Brasil got to Love it...here's my story...

I go to Detran with my handler (kkk)..we pay the fee)

I go to the eye test with my handler, I pass the test.

I go to Psyche test with my handler..I draw the lines..I pass the test..( my handler was allowed to interpet the test.....

I present my Alaska Drivers License...

I am issued a Brasilian license...end of story. ..all in Belem Para...

I think it's the water in SP....lol

Alascana wrote:

I am finding it varies State to State...Brasil got to Love it...here's my story...

I go to Detran with my handler (kkk)..we pay the fee)

I go to the eye test with my handler, I pass the test.

I go to Psyche test with my handler..I draw the lines..I pass the test..( my handler was allowed to interpet the test.....

I present my Alaska Drivers License...

I am issued a Brasilian license...end of story. ..all in Belem Para...

I think it's the water in SP....lol

That's basically how it was for me, too, in Manaus, Amazonas, except -

1. They required that I be able to communicate in Portuguese - no "handler" (here, it's right on the form)
2. In addition to the tests Griz took, I had a choice between either taking a written test on the rules of the road, or taking a five day course on the subject at DETRAN, no test, and getting my license on Day 5.  I opted for Door No. 2.
So yes, some state differences.

AB3, I only did the eye and psychological test..and fees...no rules of the road, nothing was required in Portugese. ..I am "Special" to me...lol...the handler was the former wife , I think I played the "Gringo Card" and "Age Card" 2 Aces and the Former as the Queen...lmbo.lthat made "Trump"....

"Special"?  That doesn't even begin to cover it, amigo!  :lol::lol::lol:

Alascana wrote:

AB3, I only did the eye and psychological test..and fees...no rules of the road, nothing was required in Portugese. ..I am "Special" to me...lol...the handler was the former wife , I think I played the "Gringo Card" and "Age Card" 2 Aces and the Former as the Queen...lmbo.lthat made "Trump"....

Special eh? How about this? No test whatsoever, not even a translation of my California driver´s license; received my Brasil Driver License within a week in Floripa and I got to date a very young and beautiful Lieutenant of the Policia Militar who took care of my papers...  :D

No kidding!

Like Griz says -- "So yes, some state differences."  ROFMAO!

robal wrote:
Alascana wrote:

AB3, I only did the eye and psychological test..and fees...no rules of the road, nothing was required in Portugese. ..I am "Special" to me...lol...the handler was the former wife , I think I played the "Gringo Card" and "Age Card" 2 Aces and the Former as the Queen...lmbo.lthat made "Trump"....

Special eh? How about this? No test whatsoever, not even a translation of my California driver´s license; received my Brasil Driver License within a week in Floripa and I got to date a very young and beautiful Lieutenant of the Policia Militar who took care of my papers...  :D

No kidding!

Ah, the Wisdom of age and the stamina of Youth..nice combination , I bet she even gave you a Moto License and let you drive...lol...nice, dud you get a physical ...lmbo...conducted by the Lt.....curios and deviant minds want to not know...II can imagine you signing " Come get it Bae" by Pharell.......lol..

abthree wrote:

Like Griz says -- "So yes, some state differences."  ROFMAO!

Yup, I love the one law that's consistent "Makeup Koko as You Go" and I love the other law "Noa, without a Reason" and the "Trump Law" "Noa entendi "...those are 3 laws of fate...lol...