Living in Brazil guide for expats

All the information you need to relocate and live in Brazil.

Our selection of articles for expatriation in Brazil

The Working Holiday Visa for Brazil

In this article, we will give you all the information you need to organize your Working Holiday Visa trip to Brazil. There are ...

The healthcare system in Brazil

If you are traveling to Brazil, then you should consider whether it makes sense to obtain traveler's insurance or not. This ...

Pregnancy in Brazil

If you're planning on having a child in Brazil, then you should be prepared for how the healthcare system works, as well as ...

Accidents and emergencies in Brazil

Public healthcare is free in Brazil, as this country has universal healthcare. This means that if you ever need to see a doctor ...

Dating in Brazil

If you're single and ready to mingle, then you might want to try your hand at dating after you've settled in your ...

Retirement in Brazil

Brazil is known for its beautiful weather, beaches, and rainforests. So it's no wonder why so many expats are flocking to ...

Expat death in Brazil

Death can be a difficult subject to deal with, but there comes a time when we have to confront the idea of either our own and/or ...

Leisure activities in Brazil

Have you always dreamed of dancing to the rhythm of a Brazilian carnival? Do you wish to enjoy the sand and the tropical sun, or ...

Sports in Brazil

Brazilians enjoy exercise and athletics. Perhaps this is no surprise, as the weather makes it ideal to spend time outdoors ...

Discovering Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro may conjure up images of golden beaches populated by unimaginably beautiful people or of streets filled with ...

Childcare in Brazil

As more and more women have joined the workforce in Brazil, childcare has become very important. There are a few options ...

Relocating to Brazil

If you're a legal resident of Brazil, then you're permitted to import your personal and household items duty-free ...

Moving with your pets to Brazil

If you're planning to travel or relocate to Brazil, the Brazilian government allows you to bring your dog or cat into the ...

Customs in Brazil

Visitors to Brazil and returning residents of Brazil are permitted to bring in personal possessions and items for personal use ...

Travelling around Brazil

Taxis in Brazil are relatively inexpensive in comparison to North America and much of Europe. In most cities, taxis use a meter ...

About Brazil


Brazil is the fifth-most populated country in the world with more than 207 million inhabitants in 2016. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. English, Spanish, German, and French are also spoken by many. Brazil is quite diverse racially and ethnically, and varies considerably by region, and Brazilians themselves are quite accepting of visitors and expats regardless of their ethnicity or country of origin. Since 2010, Brazil's constitution has prohibited discrimination for any reason, including sex, age, colour, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin. In fact, under Article 140 of the 2010 law, it is illegal to refer to someone's race, colour, sexual orientation, etc. in a derogatory fashion.


After experiencing a boom from 2009 to about 2014, Brazil's economy has stumbled more recently. However, the country still has the eighth-largest economy in the world with a projected Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US $ 2.1 trillion in 2017. There are signs of recovery, as the government is taking steps to control expenditures and reduce long-term obligations. Brazil's economy is mainly based on commercial agriculture, industry, mining, and oil resources. Brazil also exports naval and aviation products, electrical equipment, ethanol, and textiles. Real estate is a major economic component in some areas.


Brazil is a Federal Republic with a presidential system. The country is divided into 26 states and a federal district. The current constitution was inaugurated in 1988. The federal government structure in many ways mirrors that of the US. The Legislative Branch is composed of a lower house, the Camera dos Deputados (equivalent to the House of Representatives), with 513 seats, and an upper house, the Senado (Senate), with 81 members. The Executive Branch is led by a President and Vice-President who are elected for four-year terms. When Dilma Rousseff was removed from office in 2016, Vice-President Michel Temer succeeded her and is the current President, serving until the end of 2018.


Most of the country lies in the southern hemisphere. Hence its seasons are opposite to those in North America and Europe. While much of the country lies in tropical and subtropical latitudes, the climate varies considerably by latitude and altitude. North and northeastern regions are hot throughout the year but experience wet and dry seasons, while more southerly regions have four seasons, and occasionally see freezing temperatures in winter (June-August).

Quick Information

Capital : Brasilia
Official Languages : Portuguese , Spanish; Castilian , English , French
Currency : Real
Area : 8511965 Km2
Population : 201103330
Calling Code : +55