
The pet culture in Jordan

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Hey everyone,

Pets are an integral part of a lot of families. So much so that they would never consider moving abroad without them. Before doing so, it would be important to know the pet culture in Jordan just to make sure that their little “expets” feel welcomed in their new homes. Would you give our expats-to-be an insight of what it is like to have a pet in Jordan by answering the following questions?

What part do pets play in society in Jordan? Are they generally accepted in rentals and public spaces more generally?

Is it common for families to have pets?

What animal is the most often kept as pets? Are there some animals that cannot be kept as pets? Do some animals have specific significations when kept as pets?

How about the infrastructure needed to cater for pets? Can you find everything you need for your pet in terms of pet food, veterinary services, accessories, pet grooming etc...?

Do people generally spend a lot of money on their pets?

Please share your experience,


See also

Living in Jordan: the expat guidePets in JordanLooking for a nursing cat mom for an abandon kitten (1wk old)Pet Adoption Faire Nov. 9Moving cats...

Well I see many people with kiwawas the small baby like dogs. And they keep them in their houses.  Most apartment s here are ok with people living in with pets but of course there are a few I have seen that don't allow pets in.

Jennie Alkawari

The pet culture in Jordan is not good. Most people do not like cats or dogs and there are lots of homeless, starving cats on the streets who do not survive for long due to starvation or flu. I have seen a kitten with bulging eyes and blind trying to eat rubbish and I took her and she died shortly afterwards at the vets. They also do not like dogs on the whole and can keep them outside tied up as guard dogs. However there are exceptions and some Jordanians  are very kind to their pets. Birds are very popular and also fish in some circumstances. There is an excellent charity called the Humane Centre for Animal Welfare, started by the lady who is half Greek and half English and it is in the King of Bahrain forest, not far from Ikea. I cannot recommend it enough. There are also excellent vets, working hard against the odds to counter the culture that some ladies there believe that cats make you infertile if you touch them which is of course an old wives tale. I know someone with six cats and four children!


Jennie Alkawari wrote:

There are also excellent vets, working hard against the odds to counter the culture that some ladies there believe that cats make you infertile if you touch them which is of course an old wives tale. I know someone with six cats and four children!

What you've said reminds me of my last pet (cat), as a matter of fact she was more than just a pet and she used to kick guests out, so try to imsgine what they used to say.

Once while visiting a friend I've found a cute cameleon and only taking a look beside trying to move the cameleon away of the street,

My friend said
"Holding a cameleon cause a skin disease and its disgusting"

My reaction was to kiss the cameleon to show him how peaceful and cute creature this cameleon and all what he heard isnt true.

But good news that recently people started to be more open minded about pets.


i would say dogs are pretty much unfavorable in the society due to religious reasons and being pretty much scary for anyone who had never had one.

i have a dog myself and it's a struggle to walk him in the street without children screaming and old men trying to beat him with a stick.

cats on the other hand are favorable, everyone likes them except for old people, there is this notion that cats can cause infertility to females, but mostly they are very accepted and people are kind to them.

birds are the star of this country, every kind of bird is available, except for craws as they are seen as a bad luck and a menace in villages, i've even seen a man who raises eagles and falcons in a village so they would hunt down rodents and craws.

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