
Keeping fit in Saudi Arabia

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Hello everyone,

Keeping fit during your time in Saudi Arabia is of utmost importance. How about sharing with us and your fellow expats how you keep healthy in your host country?

What are your daily health hacks in Saudi Arabia?

Do you exercise regularly? What is your go-to sport?

Do you manage to keep your diet healthy and balanced? How easy is it to maintain a balanced diet in Saudi Arabia? Are you able to find organic products easily?

Are there national or local incentives to foster a healthy lifestyle: sensitisation campaigns, sports infrastructure etc. ?

How much of your monthly budget is dedicated to keeping fit?

Please share your experience,


See also

Living in Saudi Arabia: the expat guideTamam financeF.A Graphic DesignStatus of your request QVP changed to On-holdProfession change in iqama

Wake up and take a swig of olive oil, flaxseed oil, mustard oil, coconut oil or sesame oil and a spoon of honey and powdered blackseed. Artal in Rashid Mall sells real honey. Artal also sells the white honey of Kyrgyzstan, which may be the finest honey on earth. Piatto sells real olive oil.

Work 7am to 7pm. Chew a piece of Frankincense at work. Might eat a green pepper.

Take a big high-calorie, low-carb linner (lunch+dinner). Relax. Exercise with a few hours of metal guitar headbanging. Exercise the mind with a few hours of reading. Learn something new on youtube everyday,

On the weekend run a few kilometers.

Eat what grows of the earth at its time. Note the nutritional value of sprouts. We're in pea season now. Eat raw, fresh and organic. Eat everything.



I enjoy yoga, snorkeling and have recently started taking ballet classes. I'm trying to get my old healthy lifestyle back on track again.

One thing that I'd like to take up is cycling... As embarrassed as I am to admit, but yes, I can't ride a bicycle (hands over eyes emoji).


Hi Priscilla

a good topic to discuss here, i thing taking care of personal wellness is one if not the most important asset a human can have cus without a good health there is no energy, motivation or inspiration to peruse goals and dreams.

there are three elements for keeping fit: eating healthy, exercise and personal awareness

for me i do exercise 5-6 times a home!
exercising is the first thing i do when i wake up, i cant describe the amount of positiveness and good feeling that morning sweat provides and make me ready to rock my day!

**a good tip here is fixing a specific exercise time during the day is the key for keeping up doing it for prolonged period. just be consistent!

the other thing is eating healthy (NOT dieting) but to have a healthy eating habits by just making simple adjustment of the type of food and they way its cocked, for me i am currently on a KETO lifestyle which helped me a lot losing weight and increase mental focus and energy..... i am enjoying the food i eat very much!

the last but not least is to have personal awareness and be mindful of the bad habits that keeps you away from being fit such as not paying attention to what you eat (i.e not watching for those hidden sugar in the food you buy), exercise routines that does not lead you to what you want, or smoking or being stressed out most of the time which will lower your drive to be fit and lean toward bad habits that makes you unfit!

this is my simple thoughts about this subject, i hope that you get value out of it.



Staying healthy should be a way of life for everyone, having that feeling  when you wake up every morning , knowing that you still breathing and that you feel healthy and strong ready to conquer the world Is an absolutely great feeling.  I love to run and I do it 3 to 4 days a week, workout at the gym 3 days a week and that keep me on my toes, watch what I eat (sometimes..:-))  I like to eat almost everything, but in moderation.  Don't believe in diet food, but mostly eat organic and have a sweet tooth for chocolate. I try to stay active as much as I can. Last but no least I love and I do all kind of sports. I'm a self motivator and I like to motivate and encourage others to stay healthy..



Good Topics about human health to discuss here.. I am doing yoga exercise, Jumping exercise and  daily 40 to 1 hr walking,, And I have a perfect body, no problem of body weigh. I am always trying to be active.


Hi everyone,

I spent my first year in Riyadh without any physical activity.
After that, i bought a bicycle, searched for cycling groups and started to enjoy my living with this great sport. Cycling and cycling communities are growing up in KSA, the only problem i had is to practice in summer days.

Overall, you should discover new neighborhoods with your bike, see the beautiful mountains and ancient rocks, you can do this while taking your ride and gain a healthy body.

If you need any information about cycling in KSA -Riyadh- feel free to send me a message.


Greetings Sr!
I'm interested in ciclying and would love to join the cicling community here in KSA
Can you please tell me more about it..
Mr king


Hi. I train myself since I find the gyms here are quite pricey. 

I have some pieces of small equipment in my room; yoga mat, foam roller, Swiss ball, Pilates ring, resistance bands etc. Stuff I can use any time while watching videos, after waking up or before going  to sleep.

I joined Riyadh road runners, I go sprinting in the DQ.  I read labels when I buy food.  Still getting used to the products here. It's not always easy to find what I'm used to in terms of healthier options.

I have a treadmill, since I walk less here in Saudi, I decided to read while I walk leisurely on the treadmill. This way I'm not spending so much time sitting. Adding movement as much as I can basically.


hi Presella,
yes, as for as i know...
most of the people in Saudi Arabia are involved in one or the other activities..(in weekends)
it could be any community/religious/organisational activity / sports activities...

most young people play football or cricket  on weekends (Friday/Saturday)

in-fact most of the school in Saudi conduct, cricket & Bat-mitten classes for kids 
and there are some private organisations who teach Dance and other martial arts like karate,drawing,swimming classes for kids

parents take keen interest in sending their kids in such activities.

(i too play cricket on Friday morning & football on Saturday morning) :)



Do they have indoor soccer or indoor cricket for females or even mixed  teams


I'm interested to know more about cricket, try it, or even more.
Anyone can help ?

Rafiq 1965

Alhamdulillah Allah(ST) keep me fit in SAUDI Arabia for completing my regular duties.


In my humble opinion, there's a lot of ways and sometimes free. Our company normally follows our client's requirements, and one of that is to have a recreational area. i play basketball a lot. With my age, i am still active, every Thursday night, and whenever they called me out to play.  Keeping fit doesn't mean you have to spend money just to be in that direction. Others do jog and walk. it still free of charge as i believe :) .  However, keeping physically fit, is within the determination and mind setting of the person.


I practice sport in gym 3 time per week and avoid unhealthy food


Hi Priscilla,

Oh yes, it is of mandatory importance to keep myself fit and healthy. I do exercise regularly, I go biking, jogging in the vicinity and lift weights in Nojoom gym here in Jubail or in the fitness center before leaving the premises of my job. In my work, I don't stay in office a lot, I mostly work in the field where the majority of the source of my report would come from. Here in Jubail, its been a long time since I ride a taxi, I always use my bike going around the city proper to shop or when going to Nojoom gym.

Keeping a healthy exercise program is not that easy most especially that I'm obliged to follow my work shifts that overwhelms my exercise schedule. I prefer to drink water than sodas or juices, if no vegetable, I'm eating real mixed fruits. I even eat dates as they call it ajwa and the other one is called sufri. Check the site, … di-arabia/

Well I don't compute my budget on my healthy lifestyle. I compute my calories burned and the energy used in the gym. I'm not in a diet because I'm not over-eating. Please read this, once you get that feeling that your hunger have disappeared after a meal, you can stop right there. Don't eat more, don't crave for more as the next stage of eating is not about to overcome hunger anymore. The next stage of eating is all about craving for more because of good taste, and once that cravings controls you, you're endangering your health.

Ezra Luneta


Cricket is very interesting game id you wanna play let me know

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