FAAP school in Sao Paulo
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Hi all,
I'm strongly thinking about attending FAAP school in Sao Paulo for the whole year in 2019 for portuguese for foreigners classes. it's more expensive than other portuguese schools, but other portuguese schools will only teach you for 4 hours a week. the classes at FAAP are pretty intensive:
http://www.faap.br/internacionalizacao/ … cricao.asp
i also like how i think i can sign up for the full year and get a one year student visa.
additionally, i like how the school doesn't have ridiculous acceptance requirements. (some of these schools require you to hire someone to physically hand in documents to the school in Brazil directly).
i have a few questions:
1. the first link seems to have good reviews.
https://foursquare.com/v/faap--funda%C3 … 205b8d23e3
in the second link below, although the school has an overall rating of 4.4/5, all the latest reviews are really bad:
is the school any good?
2. in the second link above, one guy (on a post on Aug. 12, 2016) claims that the school tried to rip him off. he said,
"Cobrança indevida e abuso de valores!
Há quatro anos atrás fiz um curso na FAAP, cujo o pagamento foi realizado em conjunto pela antiga empresa que eu trabalhei. A primeira parcela de R$ 640,00 eu paguei e a segunda entreguei a cobrança a eles. Totalizando R$ 1.280
Há algumas semanas atrás tentaram me ligar, informando que era do escritório de advocacia da FAAP e gostariam de um contato referente a um débito. Não retornei imaginando ser algum [editado pelo Reclame Aqui] pois nem recordava deste curso pelo tempo. Dias depois, recebi no meu antigo endereço, duas cartas do tribunal de justiça, sendo uma me notificando do processo e outra me notificando para comparecimento da audiência em 26/04/2016.
A questão é, verificando a postagem das cartas, estas foram realizadas em 03/05 sendo que a audiência de conciliação aconteceu em 26/04/2016 as 14:30h.
Por último a mais uma carta foi postada em 09/05 com as mesmas informações, recebi na segunda 16/05.
Todas as cartas, envio em um próximo e-mail.
- Já verifiquei com minha antiga empresa e eles não possuem mais histórico de pagamento ou não deste valor.
- Em todo este tempo, nunca recebi nenhuma notificação da FAAP.
- A carta para comparecimento ou notificação de processo nunca chegou as minhas mãos em tempo de qualquer defesa.
- Há cerca de cinco semanas recebi a terceira carta, que informa o prazo de 15 dias para contestação.
- Solicitei ao escritório que atende minha empresa um contato com a FAAP e nos foi informado que a dívida já está em R$ 1.689,14, ou seja devo pagar o valor integral de uma dívida que nem sei da origem.
Um absurdo o despreparo de uma instituição desse porte, cobrança indevida, absurda e quatro anos depois sem qualquer notificação."
do you think i need to worry about getting robbed/ripped off by this school?
Peer Reviews: Got to Reclameaqui.com.br Forget Facebook. Plug in the name of the school.
FAAP is a school with some patina of tradtion. If they are good or not, or a hassle, I would not know. But at least they do not sound like the many other diploma mills that flourish in São Paulo.
Nowithstanding, the jury is out. Do your homework
The business of going to a language school. For me it is a racket. No one of them will teach you the language. All these schools claiming some magical "Method", pure malarkey.
My learning curve was a mix of
Attending College
Work environment
Avoiding Brazilians as Expats
Being an Avid Reader
Keeping my ears opén
Being a Nosy Rose, asking questions, playing dumb
Being a game for new experiences.
I have been to the Country since 2013, and I never went to teach English to make a living, reason being is that there is no way you can teach one a language in a classroom setting. Period.
And quite bluntly, every time I see a Brazilian teaching English to locals, it's pathetic. They have limited language skills, virtually limited writing and editing skills. No eloquence whatsoever. Not once being articulate as to being able to actually debate over a thought or take a standing on an issue , or to present factual information.
Not even good BS, and I've met my share of BS Artists and Con Men.
Two. Langugage Schools underpay their help, and overcharge their pupils. They are rackets, not ifs or buts about.
As Lee Trevino used to say about Golf Instructors..... " I never met a teacher I could not beat at the golf course". So why would take lessons from anyone of them ?

A language tape to study for 1 week is good enough. Come to Brazil and throw yourself
at the midst of all the brasileiros. You´ll learn quickly because you´ll go hungry if you don´t and if you gain a friend, he will teach you.
Wizard (conversational Portuguese) is very famous.
to be honest, i don't think you can just learn portuguese by just coming to brazil and interacting with locals. i've been here for 3 weeks, and i don't feel like my portuguese has improved that much from everyday interaction. i think some gringos come here for years and don't know basic everyday expressions. i feel that studying the language is important.
also, you won't be able to make friends if you don't speak portuguese, so you won't be able to get the portuguese practice unless you already speak some portuguese.

You should gather the most important key words that are used everyday. A vocabulary of around 500 words.
Then you turn around and practice pronouncing being aware how a native speaker speaks those words. You see to learn a language fast, it´s supposed to be spoken and heard of.
I don´t mean to brag but I learned Portuguese in 2 weeks. People have different learning curves so keep at it. Practice, practice and practice... Just like learning the Argentinian tango.

Studying the language is important? You mean grammar? That´s very boring. I slept a lot on Reading and Writing in English lectures in college. Maybe it´s not just my thing.
I liked more Physics and Chemistry and many college friends hated me for that. A friend of mine once said "I wish there´s a chemistry for poets." LOL!
The method I told you about is like how a child learns a language at a very early age. They interact and learn how to apply those words in their routine. It just comes naturally. It works and no need for grammar there...

No. I also learned that later.
well, that's very impressive.
are you an auditory learner?
i know that benny the polyglot also likes this method. i heard that there are 3 types of learners - audio, visual, and kinesthetic. i wonder whether this method only works for audio learners.
did you ever study at wizard, by the way?
so you speak english, portuguese, and spanish?
"Studying the language is important? You mean grammar?"
i meant everything - grammar, vocabulary, listening, writing.
yeah, grammar's boring.
i know a few people who have been in brazil for longer than me - 3 months, 5 months, 6 months, and 2 years, and i speak more portuguese than all of them (and my portuguese is bad). i studied portuguese on my own for 6 months, though, and i speak conversational/intermediate spanish. some people don't seem to pick it up that quickly.

An owner of Wizard once talked to me about teaching English but I wasn´t interested. I´m very impatient repeating things with students.
Yes, I speak all those languages. And I use all those methods of learning. I use a lot of imagination and projection for analysis.
Hasta luego y buenas noches!
I made to the US in 1986 as a Green Card Holder. All my English School lessons did not amount to squat.
How I learnt to communicate in English....
1.Comics were a start. Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge.
3.Changing Jobs.
4.Avoiding Brazilians
5.In the second year I was attending College. On Groups I would ask quick questions. Americans can be an opiniated bunch so they would chime in .
6.I was a sponge.
7.Dealing with public. While attending the University, I took up driving a taxicab. Cabbies need to be engaged in conversation with the public.
8.Accepting the American Culture, Culinary, learning its History.
9.I`ve must listened to a thousand nut cases and Conspiracy Theorists in my life span there.
10.Elderly people love the attention.
11. Can`t say that I went drinking at the Elks Clubs, but I`ve met my fair share of local yokels from there.
12. Listening to Baseball Broadcast Games. John Sterling ( obnoxious I preferred Susyn Waldman color commentaries ), Joe Castiglione, Vin Scully.
13. Listening to Sales Pitches and Ideas. I used to attend the now Defunct Boston Computer Society.
14. Challenge yourself.
Short and sweet, be a social buterfly.
sprealestatebroker wrote:I made to the US in 1986 as a Green Card Holder. All my English School lessons did not amount to squat.
How I learnt to communicate in English....
1.Comics were a start. Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge.
3.Changing Jobs.
4.Avoiding Brazilians
5.In the second year I was attending College. On Groups I would ask quick questions. Americans can be an opiniated bunch so they would chime in .
6.I was a sponge.
7.Dealing with public. While attending the University, I took up driving a taxicab. Cabbies need to be engaged in conversation with the public.
8.Accepting the American Culture, Culinary, learning its History.
9.I`ve must listened to a thousand nut cases and Conspiracy Theorists in my life span there.
10.Elderly people love the attention.
11. Can`t say that I went drinking at the Elks Clubs, but I`ve met my fair share of local yokels from there.
12. Listening to Baseball Broadcast Games. John Sterling ( obnoxious I preferred Susyn Waldman color commentaries ), Joe Castiglione, Vin Scully.
13. Listening to Sales Pitches and Ideas. I used to attend the now Defunct Boston Computer Society.
14. Challenge yourself.
Short and sweet, be a social buterfly.
That pretty much sums up where most English training falls down - They teach text book English, something that doesn't offer any practical work at all.
People get their IELTS and think they can speak English - How wrong they are.
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