Today's Weather

LOL - no, we are contemplating getting another Patterdale, but like his namesake, our dog takes a lot of attention, not sure we could handle 2 of them.  We've had 2 dogs here before, just the other was a Retriever.  Today is dustbin day and Boris does not like anybody touching his dustbins, so I take him to my home office and he lays there with a deep growl and glaring at me.

They were talking about changing the UK school holidays to something like what you described for Hungary and I think they did a trial over in Hull.  It was an unmitigated disaster because not all kids go to the same school, so it had the opposite effect of what was intended; the idiots spent the next year apologising.

We only got one Cadbury Cream egg; my grandson won it at the pub last weekend, so it has pride of place in this year's egg collection on the sideboard.  Talking of which, we went to the Aldi to get this year's eggs; they have loads, £2.99 each.  We got to the checkout and I realised I didn't have one for myself, back to the eggs and saw a Cadbury Fruit and Nut easter egg which I thought would be nice, till I saw the price of £9.99 - robbing gits.
LOL - no, we are contemplating getting another Patterdale, but like his namesake, our dog takes a lot of attention, not sure we could handle 2 of them.  We've had 2 dogs here before, just the other was a Retriever.  Today is dustbin day and Boris does not like anybody touching his dustbins, so I take him to my home office and he lays there with a deep growl and glaring at me.

They were talking about changing the UK school holidays to something like what you described for Hungary and I think they did a trial over in Hull.  It was an unmitigated disaster because not all kids go to the same school, so it had the opposite effect of what was intended; the idiots spent the next year apologising.

We only got one Cadbury Cream egg; my grandson won it at the pub last weekend, so it has pride of place in this year's egg collection on the sideboard.  Talking of which, we went to the Aldi to get this year's eggs; they have loads, £2.99 each.  We got to the checkout and I realised I didn't have one for myself, back to the eggs and saw a Cadbury Fruit and Nut easter egg which I thought would be nice, till I saw the price of £9.99 - robbing gits.
- @Cynic

I got 5 Creme Eggs in Sainsbury's for £2.99.  I bought them maybe 6 weeks ago.  Obvious Easter came early in Sainsbury's-land.    I'm a bit 50-50 on the egg hunt as the kids are a bit old for that and I'm to lazy.  £9.99 is a total rip off. Imagine the cost of materials?   Egg moulds are easy to buy and cooking chocolate is cheap enough.  One can just stick smarties on the shells using some icing sugar.   Due to my medical conditions I can only admire eggs and those that consume them. Mrs F is working on low carb and zero sugar Hot X Buns.   In moderation, it's possible to enjoy such wonderful seasonal things.

Our doggy looks forward to the bin collectors.  We are lucky here - one collection a week for ordinary rubbish, every 2 weeks for recycling and during the summer, maybe once a month for "green" material.    When I say lucky, I mean the dog is lucky as she can really get into the barking with so many opportunities.  She's not angry, it's just new friends and she's saying "here I am, it's me, please love me. And where's the biscuits?".    Typical Golden Retriever.   Food and attention driven.  Our GR has very selective hearing.  At 2am, she'll be barking but when we're walking, she won't come back without a bribe.  She's the ultimate example of corruption or Pavlov dog conditioning.  She'd do anything for food.

School holidays here are very short during the main school periods.  And often unannounced until it's too late to organise. Summer it's longer but it's like that everywhere here.  It's only the UK differential that helps lower cost.   

If Boris barks too much, tell him he'll be in quarantine and will be fined. And he'll have to do a grovelling apology, Scooby-Doo style.
For April, the weather is depressingly rubbish. We're nearly in May and it should be getting into mid-20s.   It's only 4 C right now (at 22h) and Mrs F says she heard it could be -1C some nights.  It was quite warm today in the forest where the sun could reach. But I could see showers all around from the hills.  This is very unusual. I hope it's not the shape of things to come for the "hot months". 
We have put the heating back on at night, but you are right its not so good. We did have one day of 25°C. Now we have cloudy days and rain.
We have put the heating back on at night, but you are right its not so good. We did have one day of 25°C. Now we have cloudy days and rain.
- @SimCityAT

We haven't put the heating on as the sun usually heats up the house a lot during the day due to large windows. We also have mega insulation and glazing.   All that energy being zapped on us from the sky.  If only we had something to capture it with - solar panels etc.

Overall it looks like a nothing kind of a weather day today.  Only 9 C with a slight breeze.   Barometer shows low pressure and little rain clouds.  UV is surprisingly high at 2.7.   

I've got outside work planned - car repairs/tidying up, some welding on a wood burner I'm planning to restore, tidy up the compost heap and fiddle with some actual plants. Cold and rain will not help.

By the time we get to May, it'll better have warmed up or I shall be having words with the weather gods.


Looks like rain tomorrow.  Another thing to stop outside work.   

Funny system here.  UK bank holiday Monday and today here, being the 1st May and a Sunday, you just lose the holiday.  Bit of a pain.

And HU Mother's Day here too.

Looks like rain tomorrow.  Another thing to stop outside work.   

Funny system here.  UK bank holiday Monday and today here, being the 1st May and a Sunday, you just lose the holiday.  Bit of a pain.

And HU Mother's Day here too.
- @fluffy2560

My 1st job here they counted any holiday that fell on a Sunday like any other day if you normally worked on a Sunday. I worked in a hotel so worked any day of the week. 18 public holidays plus my 25 days of holidays.

Looks like rain tomorrow.  Another thing to stop outside work.   

Funny system here.  UK bank holiday Monday and today here, being the 1st May and a Sunday, you just lose the holiday.  Bit of a pain.

And HU Mother's Day here too.
- @fluffy2560

My 1st job here they counted any holiday that fell on a Sunday like any other day if you normally worked on a Sunday. I worked in a hotel so worked any day of the week. 18 public holidays plus my 25 days of holidays.
- @SimCityAT

Huge holidays compared to the USA and Canada - one of the things that put me off about it.   

I liked working in Germany.  I was living in a "mixed" Lander and so we got both the Catholic and Protestant holidays.  May was a good month - essentially a month of 4 day weeks.  Plus all the federal holidays and normal 25 or so days. Pretty good all round.

(p.s. justification all wrong here - it's not only "quoted" my reply, it's justified it to the right hand side)
Quite warm, but raining currently.   Cloudy.

15 C, breeze about 2 m/s humidity 68%, tad under 1mm rain. Negligible UV.

Sunrise 0523h, Sunset 19.58.
Low 20°Cs for the next 5 days but the rain will not go away and the odd thunderstorm as well.

I had Physio yesterday and afterwards, I felt brave and was going to cut the lawn. On the way home in the Ambulance, the heavens opened and turned into a mini thunderstorm, was quite scary as it shook the house.

The grass does need cutting, after rain and sunshine the grass has shot up. My mower is out of action and the way I am unable to repair it, so borrowed Papa's 4 wheel drive mower, like ours it drives itself so not much effort for me to operate. Well, we will have it for a while as he can't use it with a broken ankle.
Low 20°Cs for the next 5 days but the rain will not go away and the odd thunderstorm as well.

I had Physio yesterday and afterwards, I felt brave and was going to cut the lawn. On the way home in the Ambulance, the heavens opened and turned into a mini thunderstorm, was quite scary as it shook the house.

The grass does need cutting, after rain and sunshine the grass has shot up. My mower is out of action and the way I am unable to repair it, so borrowed Papa's 4 wheel drive mower, like ours it drives itself so not much effort for me to operate. Well, we will have it for a while as he can't use it with a broken ankle.
- @SimCityAT

Forecasts are predicting 23 C here on Thursday and super sunny.   It's sunny now but looks like we had a shower overnight.   I also see thunderstorms predicted for today.

Grass seems to be aggressive once a bit of rain and sun gets on it.   If we had a lot more land, we could have pet sheep to keep it down.  I have thought about goats in the past but they smell and they eat anything they can see and cut vegetation right down.  Very useful for cleaning scrub but sheep are better at selective grazing.  But we could have plenty of goats cheese as an upside.  Not sure about sheep's cheese.  Neighbours would complain I am sure.

Our mower is injured at the moment. It was a  cheap one from somewhere like Bauhaus about 15+ years ago.  The wheels have come off (literally, threads stripped, wheels split). We're thinking of investing in a proper brand like Bosch or Makita. 

I was considering a petrol 4WD mower but decided I was more interested in the 4WD technology than have a direct need. Case of mower bling. We don't really have enough grass to justify it.  I am a bit surprised that Bosch mowers weigh like 16kg in the 1400W electric version. Heavier with petrol drive - price of fuel is off putting.    The weight is a lot to push around on rough/sloping ground.   Not cheap items to go "profi" but at least we'd get a guarantee that's worth something and spares would be available.
5 litres lasts me the season, so I don't mind. Its better than getting wires caught up.
5 litres lasts me the season, so I don't mind. Its better than getting wires caught up.
- @SimCityAT

I hear you. I have a petrol chainsaw/strimmer/hedgetrimmer I got in Aldi.   It's pretty handy though.   We use more than 5L as now we have some gardening responsibilities at my late FIL's place.  He had lots and lots of fruit and nut trees and shrubbery etc, some of it in poor condition.   We're going to have to get the tree surgeons in because two huge trees have become crazy big and are now threatening the house.

For those electric tools, I use a RCD (Residual Current Device)  for protection and put the cable over my shoulder so it's always trailing behind.

I have problems getting Mrs Fluffy to wear more protective shoes when mowing the grass.  I use work boots with steel toecaps ("rigger  boots")  when doing heavy stuff in the garden.  But she's often doing it in Crocs.


- @SimCityAT

Looking good towards the end of the week - reportedly 30 C next Thursday!   

I get my weather here:  Norwegian Weather Service  (no adverts or FB spying)
Finally, it's 30°C again, done little jobs in the garden but now it's just too hot. Thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow, sorry change that. Tuesday is now when that will happen. The weather needs to make up its mind.
Finally, it's 30°C again, done little jobs in the garden but now it's just too hot. Thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow, sorry change that. Tuesday is now when that will happen. The weather needs to make up its mind.
- @SimCityAT

I was planning to cut the grass but it's a bit too brutal out there.   I also want to dig up some old metal  fence posts buried in the garden.  My back might not be up to that.  Maybe wait until Monday.  I see no signs of thunderstorms but brutally hot out there. 26 C on the FWS (Fluffy Weather Station), must be past 30C in the sun,  8 on the UV (very high),  low humidity (36%) but steady pressure.   We will take the dog walkies instead. It will be cooler in the shade of the trees.  Sunset at 20.20h.
Very windy today and not quite as warm as yesterday. Only 20C showing but seems very warm in the sun.    Barometer is showing rain. I think Tuesday will include a downpour.  Be good for the garden. 
What is going on? It's only 10 C now.  It was blazing hot last week.  And it's raining! 
What is going on? It's only 10 C now.  It was blazing hot last week.  And it's raining! 
- @fluffy2560

Apparently, somebody has gone and changed the weather controls; I wonder how long till someone blames Brexit or Boris. 1f605.svg
What is going on? It's only 10 C now.  It was blazing hot last week.  And it's raining! 
- @fluffy2560

Apparently, somebody has gone and changed the weather controls; I wonder how long till someone blames Brexit or Boris. 1f605.svg
- @Cynic

We need a report on it which we can sweep, errr..file, under the carpet.

Mrs F says this is an common end of May dip in temperatures.   

I've never noticed it before and I've been here for like, forever.
Nice breeze, but over 30 C expected, high of 32 C this afternoon. UV is higher at 6, rain showing on the barometer, humidity is quite low at 50%.  If it continues like this we will have a torrential thunderstorm.

Maybe a good time to take the dog walking as it's cooler right now.   Yesterday, working in the garden and on the car was brutal.  Felt like one was being roasted.  Will need to put the sunshades/blinds down and the fans on today.
Too hot outside unless one is poolside.
Had wished to have a spa day but wouldn't you know it, my husband caught himself a summer cold.
Still another 9 weeks left of summer so plenty of time to enjoy it.

Stay cool, the humidity is the worst.
Too hot outside unless one is poolside.
Had wished to have a spa day but wouldn't you know it, my husband caught himself a summer cold.
Still another 9 weeks left of summer so plenty of time to enjoy it.

Stay cool, the humidity is the worst.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Humidity is plummeting. It's down 20% since this morning!   

When it gets that dry, it's going to build up static.   

I expect we'll have some thunder, lightning, maybe frightening. Knock on wood.

But that sun is like being under the grill.
Too hot outside unless one is poolside.
Had wished to have a spa day but wouldn't you know it, my husband caught himself a summer cold.
Still another 9 weeks left of summer so plenty of time to enjoy it.

Stay cool, the humidity is the worst.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Humidity is plummeting. It's down 20% since this morning!   

When it gets that dry, it's going to build up static.   

I expect we'll have some thunder, lightning, maybe frightening. Knock on wood.

But that sun is like being under the grill.
- @fluffy2560

I didn't thinbk yesterday was as hot as I expected. Took a walk and didn't really feel hot at all.
Guess I'm cold blooded!
Too windy today to even think about laying out in a wet swimsuit.
As long as it isn't too humid the heat isn't all that bad.
Lived in Vegas for over 14 years and rarely drove a car with A/C.

Too hot outside unless one is poolside.
Had wished to have a spa day but wouldn't you know it, my husband caught himself a summer cold.
Still another 9 weeks left of summer so plenty of time to enjoy it.

Stay cool, the humidity is the worst.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Humidity is plummeting. It's down 20% since this morning!   

When it gets that dry, it's going to build up static.   

I expect we'll have some thunder, lightning, maybe frightening. Knock on wood.

But that sun is like being under the grill.
- @fluffy2560

I didn't thinbk yesterday was as hot as I expected. Took a walk and didn't really feel hot at all.
Guess I'm cold blooded!
Too windy today to even think about laying out in a wet swimsuit.
As long as it isn't too humid the heat isn't all that bad.
Lived in Vegas for over 14 years and rarely drove a car with A/C.

- @Marilyn Tassy

This morning it's all change. It's about 21C outside and very windy.  What happened?!   

Next week, the forecast is showing 36C (!!) with heavy rain at least one day early on.

I took the dog walkies yesterday in the forest.  I thought the shade of the trees would help but the dog was suffering a lot and really panting.  I wondered if it was sensible for me to do that.

Car airco on full blast, plenty of water and we're keeping her out of the sun in the shade. 

We could survive without airco as we can put the windows down.  But she's up the back in a mini-greenhouse and wearing a furry coat. 
The weather up here in North Yorkshire is absolutely beautiful, warm, sunny periods and no wind.  Of course, being North Yorkshire, that can all change by lunchtime.
The weather up here in North Yorkshire is absolutely beautiful, warm, sunny periods and no wind.  Of course, being North Yorkshire, that can all change by lunchtime.
- @Cynic

Eee-by-gum, I know that kind of weather.   

I was in Ulaanbataar and it was lovely warm and sunny at the bottom of a hill. I walked up the hill to look at some monument to WW2 and it was snowing up there.   Went back down and it was warm and sunny again.  Difference in elevation couldn't have been more than 300ft. 

More variable than a day on Blackpool beach.
Too hot outside unless one is poolside.
Had wished to have a spa day but wouldn't you know it, my husband caught himself a summer cold.
Still another 9 weeks left of summer so plenty of time to enjoy it.

Stay cool, the humidity is the worst.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Humidity is plummeting. It's down 20% since this morning!   

When it gets that dry, it's going to build up static.   

I expect we'll have some thunder, lightning, maybe frightening. Knock on wood.

On super hot days the dog walks were early morning and late night. He was a bit older when we moved to Vegas so I took it easy on him, even moved to a townhouse style apt. so he wouldn't have to do the stairs after having back surgery.

Stange how we change our live style to fit our pets.

Maybe get a kiddie pool and let the dog chill  out on it's own?

My friend in AZ does that with her older dog, has a pool just for him.

We had a built in ground pool when my dog was young but he freaked out everytime we made him go in.

Tried to put him  n a raft to push him around, not much fun with a hugh Doberman kicking their legs and making a fuss.

Had to settle for a spray down with a hose and a bath indoors with warm  water, what a prince, couldn't handle the cold pool water.

No it's our fault, when he was a small pup it was winter time and we had a pool cover on the pool.

We were getting ready to take him to the park and we left him out back by the pool while he waited for us t leave.

I heard a squeeking sounds and looked out the window.

He had fallen into the pool and was trying to pull himself out in the deep end.

Silly boy probably had just walked on top of the cover thinking it was solid ground.

After that he was noot interested in swimming and would bark his head off whenever anyone went in to swim.

Such a good guard dog, he was wrried about us in the pool.

Had to place him indoors whenever anone used the pool because he would just go insane barking and running back and forth in a panic.

The city parks in the states have dog days on the last day before their outdoor pools close for the season.They let dogs have a swim party before they drain the pools.

But that sun is like being under the grill.
- @fluffy2560

I didn't thinbk yesterday was as hot as I expected. Took a walk and didn't really feel hot at all.
Guess I'm cold blooded!
Too windy today to even think about laying out in a wet swimsuit.
As long as it isn't too humid the heat isn't all that bad.
Lived in Vegas for over 14 years and rarely drove a car with A/C.

- @Marilyn Tassy

This morning it's all change. It's about 21C outside and very windy.  What happened?!   

Next week, the forecast is showing 36C (!!) with heavy rain at least one day early on.

I took the dog walkies yesterday in the forest.  I thought the shade of the trees would help but the dog was suffering a lot and really panting.  I wondered if it was sensible for me to do that.

Car airco on full blast, plenty of water and we're keeping her out of the sun in the shade. 

We could survive without airco as we can put the windows down.  But she's up the back in a mini-greenhouse and wearing a furry coat. 
- @fluffy2560
I used to work for Forces Radio in Belize and did the morning breakfast show Mon > Fri; this entailed a 4 a.m. start and it was common to get rain in the early morning.  When I say rain, it was like someone had got a bucket the size of Wales and tipped it over Belize.  The showers were in a central ablution block about 100 yds from our hut; if I was lucky I could dodge the rain to and from the showers by navigating from tree to tree, but the walk to the studio was along the main road with no cover and it was just like getting another shower; then there were the frogs, the torrential rain would bring them out of wherever they lived and they would be scattered across the roads and paths, some were as big as rabbits!  The radio station was one of the few air-conditioned huts at Airport Camp, so I'd stand in front of the blower for 10 minutes to dry myself off.
Belize, now that bring me back a few years.
We visited for only a week back around 1995.
Think the UK had recently pulled out of there but they still had a country club restuarant/hotel in the middle of the city center.
Belize was super funky back then.
Nice people but a bit on the Pirates  of the Caribbean too.
Still remember sitting in a strange restaurant and 2 men coming in and having a fight over soda bottles.
The big refund on retuning bottles was a hot thing then.
I'll never foget eating there, went to one of the few palces we could find for dinner.
Asked for a menu.
They gave us a strange look and said no menu, it's riceand bean with beef or rice and beans with chicken.
I ordered the chicken, at least I think it was chicken.There was a bone that loked like the dg had already chewed on  it,don't remembr any pieces of chicken though...My husband opted fr the beef... it was more of a mystery meat then beef steak.
We stayed in a hotel for 3 nights in the city, the travel site said it was at least 4 stars...
The bed pillows where falling apart, the bedding didn't match, their was n screens on the windows so we had to shut the lights off befre dark so we wouldn't be eaten alive by mousiqutoes. The shower was super low flow but they did have a decent swimming pool outdors in the hotel.
We should of stayed on the cayes like the travel agent told us to do...
My husband wanted to see the real Belize, we saw it...
Lived in Hilo, know what rain is,sometimes one couldn't see 10 feet ahead of themselves because it came down so hard. I do love the sound of pouring rain hitting the tin roof.
We spend another few nights in Belize in San Ignacio at an old British style lodge.
The food,drinks and pool were top class and worth every penny.
We rented a haevy metal paddle boat frm 2 local guys to go around the McCal river.
All good going down stream where you're fresh and full of energy.
Jumping int the river to cool off only to have those tiny sucker fish suck on your skin...
Horses and a pig swimming in the river as well.
We stpped alng the river fr lunch, saw a local lady waving to us and she gave us lunch fr a fee.
Not fancy fd but tasted so good because we were really hungry by then.
A slice of bread with butter , slice of cheese and some coleslaw salad and a coke.
People lived along the river and children were jumping in swimming, the sucker fish didn't seem to bother them.
When we turned around t get back to the ldge we realized the wind was against us, we were already burnt out and that metal boat was allot heavier then it was in the morning...
My husband had to chant to me, row, row, row otherwise I might of just given up , getting dark, sucker fish out there and no more energy.
Word to the wise never paddle upstream against the wind.
There is still some Brit military in Belize; mainly training guys in operating in a jungle.  Airport Camp is now a Belizean Defence Force site (renamed Price Barracks); not surprising really as it occupies a fair chunk of the land on the North side of the International Airport, which I see now has a posh name "Philip SW Goldson International Airport" (Google tells me he was a journalist turned politician).
It's been absolutely crazy here, so thankful for a cool breeze today after temperatures of 36°C. We are not even in Summer yet so Gawd knows what July and August will be like?
Heat can one make crazy, perhaps I am ignorant but Belize (actually I considered for my move) is consistent in tempreratures. Turkey is still quite fine, we did not switch on airconditioner so far (admittedky in winter yes in the reverse for heating).
Difficult to find a balance between temperature (airco) or a fresh breeze. Just over 30C which is just fine (not very comfortable but acceptable (we had the same considerations in Hungary by the way).

Good luck to all, something to deal with

If over 40 we will definitely switch the thing for airco even if I do not like it (but we did in winter as well)
Heat can one make crazy, perhaps I am ignorant but Belize (actually I considered for my move) is consistent in tempreratures. Turkey is still quite fine, we did not switch on airconditioner so far (admittedky in winter yes in the reverse for heating).
Difficult to find a balance between temperature (airco) or a fresh breeze. Just over 30C which is just fine (not very comfortable but acceptable (we had the same considerations in Hungary by the way).

Good luck to all, something to deal with

If over 40 we will definitely switch the thing for airco even if I do not like it (but we did in winter as well)
- @cdw057

The significant issue in Belize is the humidity; I had a leather jacket which I stupidly wore on the flight out there that had deteriorated into a pile of mouldy tatters in the 6 months it was hung on the back of my locker.
Maybe get a kiddie pool and let the dog chill  out on it's own?

My friend in AZ does that with her older dog, has a pool just for him.

- @Marilyn Tassy

That's a good idea.   

The doggy would like it with water in it and REALLY like it if it was filled with mud and wet leaves and possibly horse dung.
Jumping int the river to cool off only to have those tiny sucker fish suck on your skin...
Horses and a pig swimming in the river as well.
My husband had to chant to me, row, row, row otherwise I might of just given up , getting dark, sucker fish out there and no more energy.
Word to the wise never paddle upstream against the wind.
- @Marilyn Tassy
Not paddling upstream against the wind sounds like something Confucius would say.

People pay good money for their feet to be nibbled by little fish although I've heard that it's now considered cruel to the fish.

I've always thought of rivers in South America being full of piranha fish.
Heat can one make crazy, perhaps I am ignorant but Belize (actually I considered for my move) is consistent in tempreratures. Turkey is still quite fine, we did not switch on airconditioner so far (admittedky in winter yes in the reverse for heating).
Difficult to find a balance between temperature (airco) or a fresh breeze. Just over 30C which is just fine (not very comfortable but acceptable (we had the same considerations in Hungary by the way).

Good luck to all, something to deal with

If over 40 we will definitely switch the thing for airco even if I do not like it (but we did in winter as well)
- @cdw057

The significant issue in Belize is the humidity; I had a leather jacket which I stupidly wore on the flight out there that had deteriorated into a pile of mouldy tatters in the 6 months it was hung on the back of my locker.
- @Cynic

Amazing really how little bugs/mould needs to survive on!   

Airco would be good as it would dehumidify any air and that would be good for keeping the bugs/mould from thriving. 

We've installed some ceiling fans here.  They are quite good at moving the air around. 
Heat can one make crazy, perhaps I am ignorant but Belize (actually I considered for my move) is consistent in tempreratures. Turkey is still quite fine, we did not switch on airconditioner so far (admittedky in winter yes in the reverse for heating).
Difficult to find a balance between temperature (airco) or a fresh breeze. Just over 30C which is just fine (not very comfortable but acceptable (we had the same considerations in Hungary by the way).

Good luck to all, something to deal with

If over 40 we will definitely switch the thing for airco even if I do not like it (but we did in winter as well)
- @cdw057

The significant issue in Belize is the humidity; I had a leather jacket which I stupidly wore on the flight out there that had deteriorated into a pile of mouldy tatters in the 6 months it was hung on the back of my locker.
- @Cynic

Amazing really how little bugs/mould needs to survive on!   

Airco would be good as it would dehumidify any air and that would be good for keeping the bugs/mould from thriving. 

We've installed some ceiling fans here.  They are quite good at moving the air around. 
- @fluffy2560
The only place in Belize that was damp-free was out on the Cayes; the Brit military had St Georges Caye to themselves, it was used as a diver training site, but looking now on Google maps, I see lots of little jetties which normally mean expensive bungalows.

I had an arrangement with White Knuckle Airways to use one of their places on San Pedro at weekends; I used to supply them with music, they had the best nightclub in the Caribbean.