Settling in Beziers
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Greetings all.
We arrived in Beziers a couple of months ago and are busy looking at property to buy.
I'm English and my wife is Kenyan. We like the city, though it's a shame the pet owners
here don't discourage their pets from using the city as a toilet. I'm sure the local mayor will
sort that out soon.
Other than that, I think it's a fabulous city and I can't wait to settle here. We're wading through
mountains of bureaucracy at the moment and I will need someone local to guide me through
the process of registering as a freelancer, since I am a musician and theatre director, and keen
to get involved in the performing arts scene as soon as possible.
If any of you have any ideas - do let me know.
I'm a jazz musician and looking to join a band, or even form one if I have to.
And a jazz choir too...
Hi, good luck with your relocation. Personally I wouldn't have chosen Beziers while Robert Menard is Maire.He is a far right politician who supports bullfighting where bulls are tortured to death in front of the yelling public. The fact that the "arene" is filled tells you a lot about the locals who live in Beziers and the region.
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Apologies! I run Ladies in Languedoc and we have a policy of no advertising too, but we go with 'if someone asks, it's ok to reply' so I thought that would be the case here! Sorry again!
I am playing around with the idea of moving to Southern France (Languedoc area) when i retire in 10 years or so. I like the idea of being close to the Med, close to Spain, and close to an airport with cheap flights. I've not been to Beziers, but somewhere in that area would be nice. Any suggestions? I would love a place with a thriving ex pat community. Any suggestions, information, etc helpful. I am in the dreaming mode of it right now, but thinking about possibilities!
Thank you for this info. Any places in this area that you recommend? (definitely want to get away from that mindset if possible. I live in Georgia, USA and my dream of moving to Europe is to get away from narrow mindedness and people who don't care about the environment. Thanks!
Hi Rachael, I bought an old townhouse in the Pyrenees Orientales region many years ago in the hope of starting an arts & travel hostel. Unfortunately I never managed to raise the funds to refurbish or do any cosmetic work to it. I did have the house replumbed & rewired but will not be able to move there until I retire in about 18 months, by which time I may not be fit to carry on a hostel business. I have reassessed this now and hope to create a semi retirement home for 3 healthy
, arty type women (including myself), who will have retired within the next few years. I'm still in the planning process. The property is situated in a reasonably sized commune (town), half an hour from the Med and half an hour from the Spanish border. My dream keeps me happy in that I know I can fulfill it soon. Good luck with your search.
Whilst that may be true, that is a very one-dimensional view of Béziers. I heartily disagree with bull-fighting but there is so much more to Béziers than that! Ménard has changed the town immeasurably since taking office. The historic centre has been wonderfully restored; the Hausmannian buildings' façades mostly all renovated, the Place Jean Jaurès is now beautifully landscaped, including a wonderful fountain area which has music and light shows in the summer and Christmas time. It's a joy to behold! The streets and pavements emanating from the central boulevard of Allée Paul Riquet are all being replaced. I love Béziers! There's a new, palpable sense of pride in the town in recent times and I think everyone should visit and make their own minds up, rather than reading 'old' news and views!
Hi there, I am looking to relocate to somewhere between Collioure and Montpellier with my partner and two secondary school age children. We would like to live close to good schools and activities for the children but also around 30mins drive to a beach. As we are a mixed heritage family (English and African) and we are a bit worried about racism. Can anyone advise on suitable towns or places to avoid please? Thanks in advance!
I would say that the whole coast is pretty tolerant of different nationalities and skin colours, due to the fact that there is so much migration from North Africa along the Med coast. Of course, unfortunately, like anywhere, there may be the odd idiot out there. But what you read about French far right popularity is actually due to a deeply ingrained sense of patriotic pride, rather than being 'against' anything, such as immigration.
I've recently now moved into Béziers itself, from one of the outlying villages, and I am bloody LOVING it here! I live near the beautiful Parc des Poètes, and walk the dog there every lunchtime. I love feeling connected to the life in the town, ever more important now we don't have bars and restaurants. The markets are still taking place on the Allées Paul Riquet, the Christmas display in the town centre brought a lump to my throat! (soppy, I know!), and the days are mostly sunny, so a walk through town, amongst 'other people' (but not too close!) really clears the cobwebs away! Please feel free to contact me directly if you want to hear more about Béziers, Montpellier, Narbonne - all three of which I know really well.
And best of luck in your research and eventual move here!
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply - that's really helpful!
Hi all, new to this Forum so do excuse if not following protocol. I’m my looking for commentary on living in the heart of Beziers so replying to Adminangel’s post as I’m hoping that her experience over the last year (albeit somewhat atypical cos of covid) might give me a flavour of the reality rather than the romanticised idyll that we, or at least I tend to hope may exist. I’m a Londoner and love city life, have a maison de vac in the heart of rural France 32 which I love as a retreat, but am now looking for a city centre property in a city with life (and fibre broadband) from which I can set up and run a European subsidiary of an e-comm company that I run in the UK (exports to Europe screwed post Brexit fiasco). So cutting to the chase ... want honest opinion on far right, in both the local political arena and local populace (potential neighbours) only asking as I have no experience of SE France and must say that have never experienced ANY racism in the SW having spent 20 odd years holidaying with wife and children in the Gers & Pyrenees where 20 years I vividly remember us being the only Asians on the Ski Slopes. Would also appreciate any commentary on living a metropolitan life (cafe culture existence) in the heart of Beziers.... Should say that am totally unconstrained by “family” issues .. schools etc as the dependants are now adults. Look forward to your comments!
Hi Mousquetaire
I can highly recommend Béziers! The café culture is vibrant, and its heart is just about manageable in size to easily walk around without a) getting lost or b) getting exhausted! There are fun spots, like the rum barge on the canal, plus more and more squares being created, and 'amenaged' so you're in beautiful settings. There are also (usually) several summer pop-up bar-restaurants, with DJs, by the river, and slightly more out of town. I'm trying to show how wonderful our city is in an Emily_in_Paris styley right now!
You'll see many, many different skin tones in Béziers, and everyone seems to happily bob along with each other. There are thriving communities of North Africans, Africans, Vietnamese, Northern Europeans, North Americans, etc. I've always found a good degree of inter-community acceptance.
Happy to chat if you like!
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for your insights. The cosmopolitan mix is what I love about London and was hoping for in Beziers. I’m interested in doing as much research as possible before visiting which will be as soon as France lift Covid restrictions on travel from the UK. I have a romanticised idea of taking a Bourgeois apartment in a Haussmannian style building. Are these the buildings in the central areas of the city that are being redeveloped? If I’ve got that wrong could you let me know which Streets/Areas I should be looking at? I’d also love to get your take on the Metro and whether there are any similar “quaint” outlying residential areas that are worth looking at (within 10 minutes ride on the metro) of the cafe life centre.....oh just one other thing for the mo ... You live close to le Parc des Poetes right? How long does it take to walk into the centre to Gal Lafayette for example? It’s fantastic to get some “real” insights on the place from someone actually living there ... So thank you so much!

Hi Nicole
My husband and I have just moved here and are in and Airbnb for a month. Our French is very basic and I was wondering if there are any English speaking expat groups in Beziers?
Hi Nicole,
Like Dana above, my wife and I are in the process of moving to Béziers. While my wife speaks pretty good French, mine needs a lot of work before I’ll be able to hold a conversation.
I’d be interested to know if there are any English speaking expats groups in the area who might be able to help with the multitude of questions we’re going to need answers to.
You know, practical stuff like applying for a Carte de Sejour. I know we’re supposed to do that by visiting a prefecture but will any one do or do we need to go to a specific building for that? And do we just roll up anytime and ask for our card or do we need to make an appointment in advance and if the latter, how?
That’s just an example, just the tip of the mountain we need to climb in the coming weeks and months so any help we can get will be much appreciated.
my wife and i are moving to Beziers in April. we know we'll be over our heads for a while and accept that. would love to meet anyone there who has been there and done that so we don't have to reinvent every wheel. and to share some wine.
Hi Dana,
hope you're getting settled in. we're following your footsteps this April. would love to hear any advice, hard earned lessons, etc.
Welcome, I live near Beziers (5km)
For any questions I m ok
WHAT are the first most important things to do when we arrive? do we need a French driver's license? what is the best local bank for handling international transfers?
i don't even know the next important q's to ask but open to any answers.
Hello, I don't know the answers to your first two questions, but I looked on the Internet for your license if you are American, so the driver's license will be valid for 1 year, so you will have to pass the French license before 1 year and for the Banks, I don't really know. I am with a French online bank on the Internet they have an agency in Beziers but as we are 100% online it helps us but moderately you could see with them
I am French and therefore live in France I speak a little English when you are there I could help you
My Loveman & I are planning to move to France this year from California. The driver’s license is more complicated if you are coming from the United States. If you have a driver's license from one of these 13 states: Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, New Hampshire, Michigan, Kansas, South Carolina, Kentucky, Delaware, Ohio and Virginia, apply for the French driver's license (permis de conduire) in your city of residence at least three months before the expiration of the one-year recognition period, to allow sufficient time for the required formalities (Beyond this time, the exchange will not be possible). Go to the Prefecture de Police. Sadly, if you are coming from a state that does not have this exchange, you will have to pay quite a bit of money to go to driving school and get a license…sometimes up to $1,500.
thanks for the reply. whew, we're FL drivers now so don't have to clear that hurdle. almost makes it worthwhile to move to CO for a couple of days and get their license before going to France.
good luck with everything. we've got everything done we can before moving. then i'm sure the fun will start.
earld wrote:almost makes it worthwhile to move to CO for a couple of days and get their license before going to France..
Oh yeah…we definitely keep talking about that as a possible option.
You didn't say where in the US you're from. There are 13 states, I believe, that have reciprocal driving privileges with France. If you have a license from one of them, you're good indefinitely; otherwise, your US DL is good for a year and after that you'll need to apply for a French license after that. Unlike the US, a French DL is good for the entire country. The downside, as I can personally attest to, is that passing the written test it is difficult, at least it was for me because of the vocabulary.
As for banking, the French banks have the bad habit of making the depositor pay a fee for giving the bank the privilege of using their money! That's why I use TransferWise, now called Wise. For international money transfers they're the cheapest. When you open an account with them, they'll give you a debit card (credit cards don't seem to exist in France). You'll transfer money from your US bank accounts into your Wise account every so often, depending on how much you spend. You can use the Wise card at all ATMs in France without paying a fee and otherwise use it as you would any other debit card. But be warned: if you intend to apply for a carte vitale (social security card for health care), you'll be asked for a French bank account number; although it has accounts throughout Europe for your use, France is not one of them and Wise is based in the UK. What I ended up doing is setting up the cheapest account at the Credit Cooperatif, one where they do not issue a card and where I can only do elctronic fund transfers (I transfer money from my Wise card to my CC account whenever the balance in the CC account drops to 0, which is very rarely). I think I'm paying 12 euros a year, compared to about 20 euros a month that the banks charge.
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@virginia7260 Hi! That sounds great! Why don't we try and organise a coffee meet-up for everyone interested who is in this thread? Maybe 11am next Wednesday 6 July at Le Cristal on Les Allées Paul Riquet? Let's see if we have any takers! Hope to meet you, and maybe others, soon! Nicole
@virginia7260 good afternoon, this is so interesting to read. My wife and I are nearing our retirement and have loved France for so many years. We on a little search from September 9th to 13th in the Carcasonne area and have looked at houses in Bezier it looks very interesting. It’s so nice to hear what those who have taken the huge step have to say, it’s quite uplifting👍👍
@AdminAngel34 Sounds great. We will plan on meeting you there. We have French lessons that day. If we can't change them, we may be a little late. Our lesson ends at 11 but we will try to start a little earlier.
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