
Direct JOB or Through Consultant

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Dear all,

Thanks in advance for any input to satisfy my query, I am 9+ Years Teaching professional working in the Field of Education as an Associate Professor, Recently I got selected through one consultancy for the Teaching Position In Oman ministry colleges and they said that salary range will 900-1100 OMR which they will confirm shortly.
After going through the detailed survey I come to know that partial amount of my salary will be taken by consultancy then only they will pay me 900-1100 OMR, means on paper my salary will be higher but not on actual. cost of living in Oman is very high, hardly I ll be able to save something from the above-mentioned pay figure.

So, Can someone please guide me what I should do in this situation, 1) Is there any option for direct application for a teaching position in Oman colleges, whether they consider the candidates in this way or they always prefer the candidates through consultancy. please help

See also

Job offers in MuscatSetting up a business in OmanFinding a job in OmanWork conditions in OmanResignation - is the air fare ticket still on the company?

HI Pachori2006,

Any overseas position facilitated through an 'agency', or a 'consultancy', or any middle-man is fraught with multiple risks.

More often than not, the go-between would con the employer as well as the employee to make a quick buck at the expense of both. Not just with the employee's packages but also with their job profiles, working conditions and many others.

The best bet for you would be to connect with some expat employee who went through your same consultant or some others. Find out from them, first-hand, how it all went. You can then assess your case in comparison with theirs.


may i know your experience sir after compeletion of
are u completed Ph.D?
may i know which consultancy sir... ?

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