Work in security

Morning everyone! Im currently self employed in SA. Been doing security all my life. Cctv , access control ext. what are the work oppotunities over there? Regards thys

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

At the top of the page is a link to our Handy Tools section; if you select that, you'll get access to our expat guides; these contain Information that may help you plan your journey.  Further, at the top of this page is a link to our jobs section, you could always check that out.

To answer your specific question, security work is not "regulated" in Holland, so if the work is available, there is nothing stopping you doing it.

Once you've read our Expat guides, if you have any further specific questions, please come back to us.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Thanx or the reply👌🏻

Hi guys! Ive got this question. In SA we do everything from the installation to the laying of powercable to completion. Apparently in holland u can not do that, so therefor they use specific people for specific jobs? Is it true?

Cynic does it mean its not regulated so i can install any where anyhow? No certificates needed. No laws that abide to that?

Hi and welcome back.

Are you now talking about 2 different work areas - security and electrical?

Electrical work is very much regulated, you must be qualified and hold recognised qualifications to do it.  Not all people who work on the power grid (tower rigs etc) are electricians.

Apart from background checks, security work is not regulated, pretty much anyone can do it.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Cynic, I am reading it now as installing Security Systems? I.e. Alarm systems, which would mean laying electrical cables etc....

Ah - not sure, to be honest; they tend to call those people engineers.  I don't think they need to be fully qualified electricians.  A quick Google search (link) has revealed some possibilities.

Hope this helps.

Yes they are called engineers. I see theres actually alot of work in that line. Amsterdam,rotterdam ext. for about 3500 euro. Which doesnt seem alot. But work is there def. just have to get there😁

Matthys1983 wrote:

Cynic does it mean its not regulated so i can install any where anyhow? No certificates needed. No laws that abide to that?

LOL - now I understand the question; no, the work you describe is not regulated.  There must be some sort of standards etc, but that must be industry driven, whoever takes you on based on your experience will be able to sort that out.

If I'm talking HS and it turns out you need a degree in brain surgery to do the work, please come back and let us know, so we can better inform the next SA guy that asks the question.

Expat Team