
Considering a move from California

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A perfect storm has occurred.  Work has slowed down significantly, my landlord wants to buy me out of my lease, I currently single, and I have been considering both a career change and a city change for some time now.  Now is the time to move to Europe.  Of course when you start to consider a move of this magnitude.....reality comes into focus and it starts to become a bit daunting.  Doesn't help that I'm now 40 years old.....

But, the point is...I want to move to Europe.

I've traveled quite extensively and so I'm not new to foreign cities.  I feel I can adapt relatively quickly to new situations and have enough savings to survive a few months before securing work. 

Just looking for general advice on what to do??? I know....sounds dumb but at this point I'm just trying to visualize this actually happening. 
I speak very week spanish but strong enough that I'll be able to converse socially within a month or so.  Would probably take me a year to speak well enough to consider myself fluent. 

What's rent like for a decent one bedroom in or near Barcelona?  Any other cities you lie better? 
Any advice on some of the first moves I should make before moving? 
First things I need to do once I arrive?  SO excited but just not yet prepared.  (I have dual citizenship so I have an EU passport via Germany) 
Also considering other countries but a Spain is at the top of the list as it's the only language I know (besides english)

Thank You

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Just some answers, so a 1 bedroom in Barcelona between 700 and 1000€ a month if you go out of the city I guess there are some around 500 (no so many one bedrooms to rent in the area)

The first thing to do would be to have a look at the visas to come here on a long-term visit … spain.html


Although you have a German passport you will still need health care cover. If you have not paid any German SS then you cannot obtain any health care via that system. Anyone from Europe move from one country to another as part of the freedom of movement. However, at the same time you cannot be a burden your host state. You will need to find some work.
Have you thought about theUK? With good language skills and if you get there quick enough then staying there using a German passport should not present so much of a problem.
It is believed that the new system for post Brexit means that you will have to pay and prove you have already settled in the Uk.
I think a member here is more knowledgeable on theses facts will be along soon to explain more.


Sorry... I missed the German passport

For healthcare, you will probably need a private insurance first and once you have a job you will have access to the public one as RibeiraSacra said


Thanks for all the friendly advise. Keep it coming please. Yes the U.K. is definitely on the list. My only concern with the U.K. is the cost of living. One of the reasons I'm leaving California is because it's too expensive!!!
Intersting....hadn't considered health care yet. Sounds like I'd have access ince I have taxed income.
Any good websites for searching apartment rentals?
Also for all the expats, curious what type of temporary job I might obtain? I work in production here and don't have contacts out there so I'd need an odd job. I assume it'd be pretty low paying at first. Which is fine for up to a year. Just curious what types of jobs might be available


I have taxed income.

What do you mean?
I ask that because you are also looking for work.
Those that choose to emigrate to Spain do what ever they can, if have no transferable skills. Your case it may be worse seeing you  have said you do not have Spanish language skills.
Use google to find apartments for long term rents.
"Alquiler de Apartamentos Barcelona" or which ever location you want. The problem for you could be that BCN is very expensive. Do not choose the city centre.


By taxed income I just meant I can maybe get health care once i have a job. But health care isn't a prime concern for me. Given how expensive it is here I don't expect to be disappointed. Definitely one of the many things I'll have to research though. I guess I'm just asking for general advise from anyone that has moved to Europe. Anyone who moved there from the states would be especially helpful.


But if you have no health care you cannot move. If you have  EU passport you are still required to prove that you will not be a burned to the host state. Without health care you can be. You need to contact an embassy to get the Spanish governments view on this. … al-home_en


Ok. That makes sense.


To have a look at the apartments to rent you have keeping  in mind that renting on your own is a 1 year minimum contract and it is really not easy to get something without a permanent contract and when you are new in the country maybe it would be easier to share an apartment at the beginning, it is really common here you also have room to share on this website.

For a job may be a call centre... but they ask normally at least an extra language which is neither English neither Spanish, it is around 1000 euros a month, with Spanish and English it should be also possible to have a look at everything tourism-related (hotel, bar, restaurant, shops ...)

You can have a look here

Income is in general pretty low except in some international companies


Great information.  Thank you! 
And yes..... I think you're right.  Initially moving in with a current tenant would be a very good idea for several reasons.  @Marnie22.....any sweet spots in or around Barcelona that you'd recommend?  Or anywhere in Spain or Europe for that matter?  I plan to travel a few months before I settle somewhere.  Some of my favorite spots in Europe are San Sebastian, Budapest, Amsterdam, Parts of Germany and Croatia.....the list goes on and on.  I enjoy the outdoors (mountains, rivers) but also would like to be within a days drive to the ocean if possible.  I'm 40 and don't mind a quiet village but would like to be near a city with nice restaurants and a decent nightlife.......


Hi, we moved from the States 10 plus years ago - and have lived all over Europe. We are now settled in Barcelona area now. We use Sanitas (private insurance) for medical and we use for finding properties. Castelldefels, Vildecans, Gava, and other areas are all very quick train trips to Barcelona and might be a bit cheaper in rent.

Good luck!!! We love living in Spain!

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