How much can I save with the salary of 7000/- Aed

I live in India and will be located in Mirdiff.
My salary will be approx 7000/- dihram, accommodation will be provided by the company. How much would it be possible to save with the expense of a single person?

1. What would be the monthly expense for veg diet?
2. Internet, Water and Electricity approx monthly expense?

I will be cooking.

There is no limit of expenses, it all depends upon the lifestyle you opt for , generally if you do rationing on your costs You can save between 4K to 5k

Thank you.

Its all about the lifestyle some people find even 20,000 salary less and some survive and save even in 5000 salary

Thank you.

Since your accommodation is paid for and you are a self-cooking vegetarian, your biggest outgoings will be utilities and transportation. The transportation costs will depend on the distance between your accommodation and place of work. The public transport is good but taxis are very expensive. If you can curb your spending, you should easily save around AED 5000/- or more a month. Word of advice; check what sort of accommodation they are providing and if utilities are included. Also check your medical cover which employers are required to provide.

Thank you.

It depends on your lifestyle.
If you are not a spendthrift, with your accommodation being covered, food, bills and transport per month would not go beyond 1000 AED.