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Hello All,

To those of you who have so kindly been following the progress and updates on my case: FINALLY A VERDICT!

After 21+ months of waiting, being advised my case was being passed around like a hot potato (due to it being more 'difficult' than other cases) - it has been declared PROVEN! My citizenship is finally acknowledged. What a weight off my shoulders!!!

I am over the moon. I genuinely began to lose all hope to be honest.

I have been advised that my documentation will be sent to the London Consulate (where my application was lodged initially - all that time ago). And then it will be forwarded on to the Consulate in Canberra (Australia) - as this is where I am currently residing.

I'm advised it will take approx. around 12 weeks to reach the Canberra Embassy - praying it isn't lost in transit or something complicated. But then I can apply for my Hungarian passport.

I am wrapped that I can *officially* refer to myself as a dual-citizen. My grandparents would have been so happy! A shame they aren't here to witness it, however to everyone else who's currently left in anticipation - it's true, no news IS good news.

Just had to share with you all!!  :lol:

See also

Customs in HungaryTravel to HungaryObtaining a registration certificate as a freelancerVerification of Hungarian Citizenship (by descent)Looking for a good Estate attorney in Budapest


Thanks for the update. And congratulations! :)


Thank you kindly, SimCityAT and klsallee!!! Yippee! :top:


bande11 wrote:

Thank you kindly, SimCityAT and klsallee!!! Yippee! :top:

Now you can put your feet and a deep breath :D


SimCityAT wrote:

Now you can put your feet and a deep breath :D

Absolutely!  ;)

Marilyn Tassy

Great news! Congrats!!!!


Congratulations! I'm approaching 8 months, so hoping to hear back in the next 1 to 4 months. No pressing rush but looking forward to getting news!


marklivesinla wrote:

Congratulations! I'm approaching 8 months, so hoping to hear back in the next 1 to 4 months. No pressing rush but looking forward to getting news!

Here's hoping you hear back soon!

My papers have to go from Budapest > London > Canberra (Australia). So I probably will not expect to receive them until May/June time. They advised me it would take 6 weeks from Budapest > London (and it hits 6 weeks this Friday).

I will have to book a flight from Brisbane (where I reside) down to Canberra to apply for my Passport and have my biometrics taken - and THEN it will be approximately another 6 weeks until I actually have my passport...

So, all in all I am expecting to have my passport by June this year. Just over 24 months since my initial application!


bande11 wrote:

I will have to book a flight from Brisbane (where I reside) down to Canberra to apply for my Passport and have my bio metrics taken - and THEN it will be approximately another 6 weeks until I actually have my passport...

Hey, I have been following your posts and I have learned a lot so thank you very much! You should not have to travel to Canberra for this. The embassy travels around the country to larger cities on a periodic basis to allow people to utilize their facilities without needing to fly to Canberra.

I am not sure where you are located but for instance, I am having my bio metrics taken in the suburbs in Brisbane next week as the Embassy will be traveling to the Honorary Consul's house. Saved me a day trip to Canberra and flights and taxi etc... its just a 30 min drive from home.


Congratulations!! Great news! I’ve been following your story and am in a similar position! Was living in London for 2 years but can’t get a sponsorship visa due to immigration quotas being continually reached so have been in limbo for 6 months. I went to Budapest 3 weeks ago and applied for citizenship by descent about and have received a letter but it’s in Hungarian and Google translate hasn’t helped much. My relatives don’t speak English well enough to translate it back to me and the translation services take up to a week. Do you speak Hungarian well enough to perhaps give me the general gist? Any help would be most appreciated!

Thank you!


Melzie84 wrote:

Congratulations!! Great news! I’ve been following your story and am in a similar position! Was living in London for 2 years but can’t get a sponsorship visa due to immigration quotas being continually reached so have been in limbo for 6 months. I went to Budapest 3 weeks ago and applied for citizenship by descent about and have received a letter but it’s in Hungarian and Google translate hasn’t helped much. My relatives don’t speak English well enough to translate it back to me and the translation services take up to a week. Do you speak Hungarian well enough to perhaps give me the general gist? Any help would be most appreciated!

Thank you!

Hi there Melzie84,

My sincere apologies for the tardy response! I have my fingers crossed for you. I have heard when applying directly you will save time (weeks to potentially a month). So hopefully you will not be left in a limbo for much longer. I know it's an incredibly tedious process!

My Hungarian is very basic I am afraid, although I am happy to help where I can. If it's any consolation - there's a wonderful Facebook page called 'Hungry for Hungarian'. Everyone on there is really helpful! I would definitely recommend joining, as there are a group of us all going through the same procedure.

Good luck!


I finally got my verification letter! I too am Hungarian after proving my father was a Hungarian citizen.

It took 11 months to get official word back from Budapest to my local Consulate.

I am scheduled to go in for my HU passport in September. So excited!

Marilyn Tassy

marklivesinla wrote:

I finally got my verification letter! I too am Hungarian after proving my father was a Hungarian citizen.

It took 11 months to get official word back from Budapest to my local Consulate.

I am scheduled to go in for my HU passport in September. So excited!



Well done marklivesinla, the wait is over :)

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