Can some one Please help me with information about possible job scam .

I got a job offer from a company in Turkey but they say I must pay for Flight and all Visa costs but I must send them the money to Start the Visa application because I am needed there right now is there a possibility that it can be true. Please help me with information. They say that the reason for this is that there is a short itch of my skill in the country Commercial Diving and that the Company has all ready met there 50% Turkey in employment mark set by the government. The name used for the attorney was Arshad Mahmoob  is address is Morbasan SK no 41 3434 Besiktas. Can some one please let me know if it really is a attorney office. I am from South Africa.


We've had similar questions on forum before.  A legitimate company never asks for money for visa process. Especially if there's a shortage of the skill in country,  they would be happy to pay expenses for you if the company is real.  This would definitely fall under a scam.

Thanks I appreciate the feed back . :sosad:

No problem

It's a scam, happened many times before. They target foreigners and ask for money like that.

Thanks did not give the money but still out of work search the web again but thanks just need to expose them  :mad:

The name of the attorney is not Turkish. The business is not real. Nobody asks for visa money in Turkey. This is a scam for sure.

Above all even the name of the attorney isn't a Turkish name.. Possibly he is an Arab; most likely a Syrian..