
I can't move to Netherlands coz of my father's cancer !?

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Hello Friends,

I am in a really really big trouble and dilemma. Before 4 months my residence permit application has been granted than I come together with my wife in Netherlands in the same month. Everything was wonderful for my life until my father get sick of lung and bone cancer. The disase was spread all of my father's body. This is why I can't leave my parents to be with them and to help them as a son. I came back from Netherlands to Turkey before 3 months. It seems that I have to stay with them more than 3 months more (It makes 6 months which I limited to stay legally outside of Netherlands).

My question is : Is there any way to explain to IND (Immigration & Naturalisation Service) why I have to stay in Turkey more than 6 months ? Because this is a serious family event and do I have rights to explain this situation ? Or does IND says "This is not my business" ?

I will be really glad to see any answer or any tips from you ?

Dank u wel.

See also

Travelling to the NetherlandsRegistration with the GemeenteHow RNI - BSN worksBiometrics dataMake an appointment to get the BSN in a different Gemeente

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

I'm sorry for your situation.  There is nothing I can see on the IND website that caters for your problem and I haven't come across it before.  That said, it must have happened to others previously, so I can only suggest that you contact the IND yourself and explain your circumstances and see what they say.  From Turkey, their contact number is +31 88 043 04 30.

Hope this helps.


Cynic wrote:

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

I'm sorry for your situation.  There is nothing I can see on the IND website that caters for your problem and I haven't come across it before.  That said, it must have happened to others previously, so I can only suggest that you contact the IND yourself and explain your circumstances and see what they say.  From Turkey, their contact number is +31 88 043 04 30.

Hope this helps.

Hi, Cynic

1st thank you for your care.

Sure. I am going to call to IND. I am aiming to collect information from friends like you in order to not to make any wrong move before I call to IND. Because I am so far from Dutch Formalities. It is more complicated than Turkish Formality when I compare.

Thank you.


So sad news.
Yes, I think they'll make an exception for you if you can provide medical prove, letters etc to document your request.

Take care.

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