Any teachers in this forum

Hi. I'm Rania.

Will be moving to Kuwait in August. I would like to get in contact with any teachers that are teaching in Kuwait.

Your replies and response will be highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.  :)

I will be leaving Kuwait soon as will the majority of British teachers. ( British school years run from September to June ). Feel free to ask anything and I will endeavour to answer. I return to Kuwait for another academic year in September

Thank you for your response. May I ask at which school you teach?

Hi Rania

I'm Alyssa. I've also accepted a job offer at Oxford Academy.

Looks like we'll be meeting soon 😀😀😀

Hi Alyssa

Please to meet you. This is awesome. I think you surely right that we will meet soon.
Where in South Africa are you from?

It's so good to know that someone from South Africa will be at the same school as me😁😁😁
I'm from Durban and you?

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I feel the same. Lol. I'm from Kimberley in the Northern Cape.

Tell me something .... did they start the visa process for you??

Hi mate

Do you know anything about Cambridge English school?
I have been offered a position there.
Thanks for your response.


Cambridge English School Mangaf or Cambridge English School, Hawali?

Hawali, please

hi there. I am an expat teacher from California USA who taught high school English in Jahra last year.  Please let me know if you have specific questions.  Dan

I believe so. And iv done my part that I'm supposed to. Just waiting on them to Courier my things.
How far are your things?

From Kenya to Kuwait

From south africa to kuwait going to teach at kuwait national english school in august