
Driving wife's Bahraini car to Saudi?

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so... due to needing some work on my Saudi reg car, I need an alternative way into work. My wife has a Bahraini reg car which she owns. If I wanted to take this to Saudi, I presume I need more than a post-it that says, "I'm happy for my hubbie to take my car out of the country."

What would I need (apart from the insurance when I head over) to show that I have permission to take the car into Saudi and is this any different to what I'd need to bring it back from Saudi?


See also

Driving in BahrainDriving license and cars in BahrainPossibility for using Bahrain registered car in Saudi ArabiaDriving License from Saudi Arabia.Saudi resident need to use a bahrain registered car to drive to saudi

You need a letter from the owner of the car authorizing you to take the vehicle in to KSA. This letter will have to be submitted/shown at Immigration/Customs on the Bahrain side of the causeway and is usually valid for a period of 1 month


thanks Capt... I'll attempt this on Sunday and will post back here detailing the exact procedure (providing it works!)


yep it works.

You need a letter signed by the car owner that basically states that they are happy for you to drive it to Saudi. The letter should contain details of the IDs of both parties (originals of yours and copies of theirs which you should have with you). At least one form of their ID should show the signature which is on the letter. The letter should also have the car details and you should have the original of the car registration card and your driving license.

You need to buy insurance in Bahrain at the booths on the right before the toll booths.

Line up for the car paper but, when you get to the booth, tell the guy you need to get your letter stamped. He'll let you pull forward to park up. You'll need to visit the booth that is on the far left against the customs building.

Give the guy in the booth the paperwork and docs, and he'll stamp your letter and enter your car details in the system. The details are valid for a month after which you have to repeat the process so if you need the car long-term, make sure the letter the owner writes actually says that the letter is valid for a year or whatever.

once you get the paperwork back, make sure you remember to go to the car paper booth to get the car paper!

That's it.


This is something I did about 4 months back.
1.    Go to the police station on the Bahraini side of the boarder.  This is the same side as McDonald’s and before the Bahrain insurance booths
2.    Tell them that you want to take your wife’s car to Saudi.
3.    They will give you a form to complete and bring back to them. Please remember to state when you want the permission to start and end: you can have up to a year.
4.    Your wife will need to sign this form and attach a copy of your wife’s Bahraini CPR, a copy of the car ownership document, Copy of your passport, CPR, Driving license.   
5.    Take this back to the police station. They will record, it stamp it and give it back to you to keep in the car.

All you then need to do is buy some insurance.

Don’t forget to give the car back to you wife with a full tank of Saudi fuel  :top:


well... you can go through the hassle of getting and filling in a form. Or you can just write a letter as described above, get your wife to sign it and go to the booth rather than the police station on your way out of Bahrain.

Definitely get that tank of fuel!

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